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Topics - Zlisch_The_Butcher

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Suggestions Corner / Knockdown improval suggestion
« on: July 23, 2012, 08:28:25 pm »
(click to show/hide)
Now, my suggestion is to make knockdown 100% on feet for 4+ weight weapons, 80% on feet for 3+ weight weapons, 65% on feet for 2,6+ weight weapons, 40% on feet for 2,1+ weight weapons, 30% for 1,6+ weight weapons, and 10% for anything lower than that, but 0% everywhere else, this'd make usage of knockdown more skillbased as you'd have to aim, and would slightly nerf great/long mauls as they could barely ever both overhead and knockdown.

cRPG Technical problems / Website gear loadout issue
« on: July 23, 2012, 03:07:36 am »
So, yesterday, I got these awesome epic 3+ throwing lances, but, I can't add 'em as my default gear on the website, I can max have 1 MW throwing lance in the gear, if I add more it'll say "invalid item" in a box, any assistance? (not really important for me, but, I guess it's a bug and would eventually need fixing)
Oh, and the issue is for all items, can't have more than one equipped on website.

Scene Editing / A question regarding map making for rageball
« on: July 19, 2012, 03:38:29 pm »
Would only stadiumish maps be accepted or would more dungeonish with gates, tunnels, and lots of interior be acceptable as well?

Spam / Bjord for admin!
« on: July 18, 2012, 11:58:02 pm »
@Bjord : Why are you commenting nearly every banthread these days ? Do you wanna be an admin? Don't do it dude, senseless :p and stop acting like an admin Fuck, I'd support you as an admin! Hell yeah! Bjord for admin! Have my babies!
I agree with Plavor.

Scene Editing / Scene editing issue
« on: July 12, 2012, 08:15:34 pm »
I have a rather big issue with a map I'm working on, when I select blank 177 (scene I used to make the map) in order to test ladders and gates then some generic shit just appears, with random trees, hills, plants, etc, and none of the things I added in the editor, anyone able to help/tell me how to avoid this for further maps if there is no solution?
NOTE: Can access map in editor, not in multiplayer.

Closed Requests / Wodzu_uk
« on: July 08, 2012, 04:08:49 am »
my old friend stands afk, I QML him, later he moves, doesn't click M, gets kicked, rejoins naked, I threaten him with a ban, leaves, rejoins next round, bans me by getting his gay ass friends to press 1. One of them who earlier instead of helping me, team-kicks me so his friend can get an easy kill.

General Discussion / Locking/Unlocking stats
« on: July 08, 2012, 03:07:59 am »
What the hell does it do?

Closed Requests / Slash, rageball
« on: July 07, 2012, 11:30:52 pm »
Guy TH'd me several times, jumps infront of my swings, kicks me, etc, he'd probably have gotten 20 Ms by the time I'd M'd him five times if he didn't suck so hard at hitting with his pike and glancing constantly. Aimed for me, was NOT an accident, I'd gotten 5 Ms already that map if you look at the log due to TKing a guy who TH'd me and the goalie, didn't bother screening that, that guy also polled me for not letting his friend be goalie.

Screen of Slash:

Can apply with my main, can't with my alts, fix this shit!

Other / EU_Nordmen, Mion of Darmor.
« on: July 05, 2012, 01:49:41 pm »
Kickpolls me for pressing M after he teamwounded me, then, he later claims he's a forum admin and that I can't ban him....

General Discussion / The fuck is this turk sayin'?
« on: June 14, 2012, 03:19:24 pm »
You started it, you're right it is inadvertently provoked me at first, you hit a second time he lost 5x People are dying because of you by mistake. But you put me through my vote. problem but would not do them. Die in Turkish penis. worthless ass bitch ...

i want fuck you bitch

Added links to the other threads.

Closed Requests / Banrequest on Crapikulu Grabber
« on: June 13, 2012, 11:32:57 pm »
Grabber joins a round, sucks so bad I end up M'ing him three times, GTXs and rejoins, insults me, plays a while, stands afk at spawn all round valourwhoring or something as he suddenly goes unafk when he's the last guy around, so I kickpoll him, poll passes, he rejoins, banpolls me for no reason, a guy banpolls him for banpolling, he TKs me intentionally and afterwards clearly says in chat it's intentional (well not exactly clearly, but I wonder why he's calling me bitch 'n' shit when he just TK'd me and talks about how much he hates me and shit).

Literally collided with an archer aiming at my chest, then he shot me, then he ran.

Hate the look of the female ones, anyone able to give me some detailed instructions/change this for me?

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