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Topics - Rico

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Suggestions Corner / Rename your Skip the Fun anytime for free
« on: March 08, 2014, 09:51:01 pm »
Please implement; it's the Skip the Fun, after all.

Beginner's Help and Guides / I have a dream
« on: March 08, 2014, 06:39:46 pm »
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Please answer with the outmost devastating short speech you can think of to make me stop losing my sense of reality

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Hello all!

If you don't know me, I am a crossbower using builds with 12 or 15 STR, that is 4 or 5 PS, and a variety of 0 slot weapons on maps where I pack 2 bags of bolts. For all other maps, I either use the 0 slot weapons as well, or Espada Eslavona. Now I want more onehanded weapons with 1 slot, and I am not sure which ones to loom/buy.

What I tested so far:
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If you have any suggestions for me, please let me know! Please present me your favorite onehanders and what you particularly like about them; maybe I fall in love with some of these and get them :wink: Also, if anyone of you tested the Crusader Sword on +3, please describe your impressions.

Have fun and good games)

Suggestions Corner / Recoloring leather armor (WIP)
« on: March 03, 2014, 02:30:22 am »
Any opinions so far? Do you like the idea?

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Suggestions Corner / Fix the Worn Desert Robe OSP
« on: March 02, 2014, 09:59:43 pm »
The model looks very nice, but there is a major beauty error. Please take a look at the transition between the throat and the body. There is an ugly greyish square. Can you replace it with the beige cloth texture surrounding it?

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General Discussion / One handed stabs
« on: February 16, 2014, 09:14:40 pm »
Did you change them again? Glanced with my Espada quite often since the patch; is it me or is the animation changed?

Suggestions Corner / Hide items in the website shop - WE NEED THIS!
« on: February 15, 2014, 04:25:26 pm »
This is a suggestion to customize and cleanse the list of items in the website shop.

Add a "Hide" button under each item thumbnail. When you click on it, the item disappears from the list of available items in the shop.

Add a "Show hidden items" button on the left in the filter options to display these items alongside with the rest. The hidden items displayed this way should have a "Unhide" button to get them back in if you changed your opinion about them.

- Hide items you consider useless, for me this would be all body armors between Priest's Robe and Bride Dress, for example
- Hide items that are forbidden for your clan, for example HRE would hide all items that do not look middle european
- Hide items that do not match your character concept
- Hide dresses as male character unless you like crossdressing
- Hide items that look shit in your opinion
- Hide everything but the items you are gonna use for sure
- Hide items that will cause a wpf penalty when combined in armor set
- Hide peasant items when you don't want to use them
- Pokémon fanboys who play cRPG with the "Gotta catch 'em all" attitude could be redeemed from eternal torment.

--> Shop page will be less messy


Nah, it's easy to implement, actually.

Some HTML and SQL required, I did similar stuff in high school. Nothing too difficult indeed.

Suggestions Corner / Add Heraldic Donkey
« on: February 13, 2014, 01:14:40 am »

The Chamber of Tears / Panos
« on: February 12, 2014, 03:43:45 am »
Thanks for your banner prank...

... and all the stuff you have been banned for in the past.

Moderators, make this sticky please, the list of QQ will be long.

Suggestions Corner / Blank Characters for Names
« on: January 27, 2014, 06:18:57 pm »
Introduce blank characters for names! DTV bots have it already. To prevent people from faking their identity, disallow names that begin or end with a blank character.

Suggestions Corner / Make Kazakh Boots smaller
« on: January 25, 2014, 06:53:24 pm »
They'd be usable if they weren't THAT HUUUUGE. The color and texture looks awesome on Lamellar Vest for instance, and it's even historically acceptable to combine the two. But shit, these boots are so huge...

Make them smaller please.

Suggestions Corner / Item Balance: Wakizashi
« on: January 17, 2014, 11:09:10 am »
In my opinion, this weapon is too expensive to be usable with the current stats. Comparison to similar weapons:

Short Falchion:
Both weapons have the same speed. Wakizashi is longer and has a stab, but 1 cut damage less. Upkeep difference: 442

Italian Falchion:
Same stab damage and lenght. Wakizashi is faster, but has 5(!) cut damage less. Upkeep difference: 214

Nordic Short War Sword:
The Nordic Short War Sword is better in every category except for speed. Wakizashi has only 1 stab less, while all other stats are significantly better. Upkeep difference: 260

In conclusion, the Wakizashi is totally overpriced for its stats. Please buff its stats within reason or make it significantly cheaper.

Have fun and good games!

(edit: some layouting)

Suggestions Corner / Polloption for DTV
« on: January 11, 2014, 03:15:00 pm »

In DTV, players sometimes make a mock poll to decide to teamkill V up to four times to skip a map. I think all maps are playable, but sometimes one does not feel like to play a certain one right now.

Some players sometimes do not notice the polls in the chat and wonder why everyone is hitting V all of a sudden, and start banpolls and teamkills. Also, it's not clear if a vote like 8x yes 2x no 3x don't care can decide a for a mapchange when 30 players are online and the rest did not vote.

Therefore, I suggest we add a poll option. But, if the poll would allow players to pick a specific map and vote for it, it would probably lead to arguments between the fraction who want to have best exp and gold and the one who want good fights.

To avoid these difficulties, I suggest to add the option to Poll to Skip the Current Map only.

Regards and good games!

Suggestions Corner / Add Black Leather Gloves
« on: January 09, 2014, 05:16:41 pm »

I want the default Leather Gloves available in black, same stats and model and everything, just another color. Lots of armors would look much better with them, such as:

Light Leather
Skirmisher Armor
Blue Kaftan
Black Sarranid Dress
Nord Nobleman Outfit
Black Lamellar Vest

If anyone of you can recolor them, it would be awesome!

Hf and good games!

Suggestions Corner / DTV bot equipment
« on: December 08, 2013, 01:33:44 am »
Hello all!

Let the bots in DTV carry damaged and loomed equipment, too. Which bots gets what when spawning should simply be random.

This way, we have more diversified loot and a mixture of stronger and weaker opponents, which would make it more fun and more realistic.

Regards & good games

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