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Topics - owens

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Suggestions Corner / Fix to ranged balance for EU1
« on: May 27, 2013, 09:56:26 am »
Shields on back block arrows.

Not much but it might be enough to allow hybrid builds to not get shot in the back durring combat as easily and make "head on" archer a better choice than it is now.

Good idea, shield on back blocks arrows, 0 forcefield though. So headshot = headshot.

I think currently a shield on the back nerfs your speed with a certain % (apart from its weight)
So that'll prevent it from being a free boost.


Beginner's Help and Guides / Pingers Guide!
« on: May 25, 2013, 09:29:40 am »
If you have a porn addiction, bad net or live in a far away land read this guide applies to you.

I will list a few char types and give some advice.

General Melee:
Target claymores, flamburge, danish and axes. You can block them even with 250 ping!

Polearm and 2H:
Use high damage Weps. You wont land many hits before you drop, make them count!
Stick with the group, try to isolate your opponents.
Avoid longswords, especially as polearm.

Sword and board:
Strong broad shields are the ideal the width makes it easier to prevent opponents getting around you.
Long swords with decent damage again its hard to follow and judge distance with high ping.
Maces and picks should be used only with aggresive playing

Spin lots.
Use a big shield.

Horse x-bow if you can.
dont worry about team bumping (they probably arent where they look like they are anyway)

Make sure your opponent isn't looking
Try to avoid 1H cav and ranged cav especially those with the arab horse.
Target short polearms, 1H and stabless twohanders

A bit easier than lancer
target lancer cav, archers and

2H: see 1H guide

lead lots.
Aim for horses (wont get kills but will help the team)
Use maces in melee

Use faster bows, you need the fire rate.
get head shots
stick with team ranged or inf tanks

Its been a while I cant say much
use high damage xbows and make every shot count

Hope this helps anyone playing in EU or NA from china or any fellow Australians playing in NA strat.

Suggestions Corner / PW cRPG collaboration
« on: May 24, 2013, 03:48:59 am »
Wouldn't it be great if they combined their skills and made cRPG and strat into a proper RPG.

Suggestions Corner / Arming sword vs Italian sword vs side sword
« on: May 20, 2013, 07:06:57 am »
Arming sword is shorter with lower damage.

historically arming swords were excellent at penetrating mail as it was the most common armour of the time.

I suggest an increase in stab damage to 26p. (I would prefer 27 but that is out of line with its type of sword)

It will be worse than side sword in every way but it is cheaper and will make it a viable option for the frugal player. At the moment it is inferior to other mid tier swords and needs a solid buff.

Buy / Looking for a grosse messer!
« on: May 18, 2013, 09:37:41 am »
says it all

Suggestions Corner / reprice some items
« on: May 17, 2013, 09:15:17 am »
The upkeep cost of some weapons is not fair.

Spears should be much cheaper than swords, typically sidearms or used with a shield they should be price competitive with one handed sidearms like axes or maces. Some of the two handed swords are too cheap when effectiveness and realism is factored in.

Noticed recently that hoplite is one of the most expensive classes, good shield plus ashwood pike costs almost the same as a lance + rouncey.

My final statement is that because spears are used with a shield paying repairs for two items should equate approximately to the cost of one stand alone weapon of similar tier.
For example ashwood is supreme in hopliting so it equates to a 10K stand alone weapon (long war axe, glaive, bec de corbin) when combined with a mid tier shield. At the moment the total cost is ~13K so a price reduction to 7.5-8K should be appropriate.

The same goes for the other spears 1K reduction would not break balance would help support classes and better realism.

General Discussion / Thank you!
« on: May 16, 2013, 01:08:40 am »
Just as a was getting used to the ping cRPG AUS is back online. THANKS

NA players are welcome to join especially if we almost have enough for multi. Archery and cav work fairly well with big ping and we could use the numbers.

Dont be shy.

Sell/Trade / Moving from polearm to 1H
« on: May 15, 2013, 02:23:26 am »
Moving from polearm to 1H

+3 long bardiche

+3 ashwood pike

looking for +1, +2 or +3
-one handers 

also looking for gloves, boots and helmets

Suggestions Corner / Long sword and great sword same damage?????
« on: May 12, 2013, 01:14:50 pm »
haha really????

General Discussion / How fast is an attack sequence.
« on: May 12, 2013, 12:58:59 pm »
How long does it take from the start of an attack to the collision if an opponent is in front of you.

Just wondering can block some weps with 240 ping but not many i read somewhere human reaction is around .17

Im after a general formula attack direction weapon type and speed maybe at say 100wpf
maybe a table

General Discussion / Point system failing
« on: May 11, 2013, 12:48:55 pm »
Scoring to many points as a pinger upsetting balance and ruining a map

Spam / Sick of this shit
« on: May 04, 2013, 02:57:08 pm »
LCC killed cRPG aus with a bad server

Now it is doomed because it has no server!

Whats up?

Finally we have a reliable server with a nice guy host and it isn't connected to the database. If I could have a quick answer or even a time scale that would be great.

Someone is paying real cash to host this for a small community and it isn't getting any use.

Suggestions Corner / Short term WM fix
« on: April 21, 2013, 07:58:29 am »
Increase the potentcy of WM by around %10 until a new system comes in.

I find myself running 3WM just so I don't feel like i have ditched it. It isn't worth it for only 20wpf points in my opinion.

Suggestions Corner / Long iron mace from horseback
« on: April 17, 2013, 02:43:11 pm »
Its about time

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