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Topics - brockssn

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General Discussion / Does using a shield with a hvy lance while mounted
« on: January 08, 2013, 06:44:41 pm »
Does using a shield with a hvy lance while mounted reduce its damage?

seems pretty fucked up a clan can have a cute puppy banner??  crpg stoops to new low

Suggestions Corner / award 1st place 20k xp
« on: December 21, 2012, 10:05:05 pm »
award 1st place 20k xp! Give them something for their hardwork and lack of tw'ing!

WSE2 Beta / block animation troubles
« on: December 20, 2012, 09:18:57 pm »
If I load the new client and spam block in every direction it doesnt either: 1. work or 2. display animations correctly. Is there a setting I may have changed that is effecting my blocks or block animation?

If I load the old client and spam block it works 100% I can see a block in every direction I do.


WSE2 Beta / $600 Budget Laptop able to play WSE2?
« on: December 19, 2012, 10:19:34 pm »
Anyone know of a $600 Budget Laptop able to play WSE2? I assume it will be AMD everything to meet the price and performance.
Thanks in advance

Suggestions Corner / Blackbarred Horsebump Death
« on: December 19, 2012, 08:03:06 pm »
I got TK'd today by Shinnock from a horse bump. I guess it did such little damage to me I couldnt report him? Not sure why but I think I deserve the right to report him :D

Suggestions Corner / make polearms glance closerange
« on: December 12, 2012, 08:42:24 pm »
1h's glance closerange, but the elegant pole doesnt? wtf

WSE2 Beta / shield nerf or broken?
« on: December 10, 2012, 04:42:45 pm »
5 shield skill with a huscarl. Had a friend with a Great Long Axe stand in front of me and I stood in front of him and he swung at me while holding block. The axe went straight through the block several times. We then dueled several times and I believe the character was not spinning with my camera because it happened a LOT more frequently. It was almost like I was holding down the ~ key to spin the camera around but I wasnt, it was just the camera and the character being out of sync and he was swinging around my shield. Either way, seems to be not working as intended.

WSE2 Beta / Camera Lag, Peripheral vision glitching/fuzzyness
« on: December 09, 2012, 09:01:29 pm »
2 important things I see that needs addressed.

1. Camera Lag, the game runs a lot faster fps wise, but the camera doesnt keep up. I can stab and spin and stab or swing and spin (not jump spin, just spin) and I'm stabbing in a direction my camera isnt even facing. It happened in the old client too, but not near as bad.

2. Peripheral vision has a lot of distortion. Characters can be stretched to the point of looking like gumby. There's a tunnel vision effect going on and the animations/character images are effected, as well as weapon reach. I have to swing very early in order to hit someone in say the top right corner of my screen. I will swing and still hit them which doesnt happen on the old client, definately a bug with the new one. The weapon doesn't even get close to coming into contact with them, but the distortion is messing up a lot of the graphics it seems.

Averaging around 380-550 fps during gameplay.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Picking armor out for my build, need help
« on: November 30, 2012, 04:07:40 pm »
I wanted to pick out the most optimal armor/weight ratio so I move my fastest possible while still having good armor and it be profitable (repair costs not too high). Over time I have found out by trial and error that this seems like a good fit for me, but I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to calculate it so I can be precise? Any suggestions?

So this is what I wear:

Heraldic Mail with Tabard
Wisby Gauntlets
Mail Chausses

Long Espada Eslavona
Huscarl Shield

General Discussion / To all HA
« on: November 28, 2012, 04:34:29 pm »
Your Horse Bumps do more damage than your arrows, that is all.

Nice Build

Wasn't sure if the title should've been 'over compensation' or 'stop balancing the game'. No pvp game in history has been successfully balanced. Please stop trying it is just changing things that do not need to be changed. Allow the players who need to compensate for their small padinks to be cav and couch people from behind without them hearing the horse. The gold requirements should allow them to play the OP chars. The 2h guys are compensating a lot as we know, needing their epeen enlarged. Just let it go and let us realize who to respect based off what chars they play. It's not like someone is getting 50 to 1 kills or anything because things are so out of balance.

I recommend just fixing broken things like horse sounds not being directional and some horses are so fast you cant hear them before they strike you. Or 2h lolstabs hitting you but their animations dont impact your char, and broken 1h stabs glancing so often, broken hitboxes, etc. Fix it, don't 'balance' it. I believe if the things people say are OP are fixed then we wouldn't have to worry about balance issues.

General Discussion / Need help
« on: November 08, 2012, 03:44:16 pm »
I have 149 1h wpf and 7 PS. I glanced on Noodles 3 times in one fight today while trying to stab him with my MW long espada. Am I doing something wrong? I heard something about wiggling it but I dont know what that means lol.

It seems to be only stabs that its happening with

Suggestions Corner / New Mod: Random Weapon
« on: November 06, 2012, 08:31:15 pm »
I would like to see a mod that every round you are given a new weapon completely random

Suggestions Corner / Remove Glance
« on: November 06, 2012, 07:42:59 pm »
Glance is such a terrible 'bug'. The idea is cool, but the implementation sucks, i dont know how many times i stab someone and it glances?! what the fuck I use a 1h Long Espada and glance a ton with the stab

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