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Topics - Ozin

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Suggestions Corner / cRPG light
« on: May 11, 2011, 07:40:47 am »
Quite a few of us, including myself, have experienced a lot of freezes and crashes after the last patch came out, the cause being the new models/textures added. I get similar problems with other sp mods such as PoP and 1257 that add lots of new models. I have tried everything I can think of to solve this, including changing pagefile and the boot.ini fix, load textures on demand, lowering graphics, killing all tasks in background, etc.

I therefore propose that if possible, a light version of cRPG module be made, with no native texture/models replacements, no new face textures/models, possibly only one color version of each armor, and any other stuff that trim down the resources that need to be loaded. This would help a lot of players play cRPG without crashes and fps spikes.


edit: before I get hailed by requests of getting a better computer, these are my relevant specs: ati HD5870 1gb, 4gb ddr2 ram. The freezes come as a direct result of too many armors/textures being loaded at the same time, increasing the amount of memory warband uses, causing a crash for some players.

edit 2: I'm not suggesting removing any custom armors or weapons such as the transitional armors or the new weapons. Only a merge of some identical ones with different textures, and remove any other superficial textures/models.

Scene Editing / Siege map: Foothold (update: v2)
« on: April 13, 2011, 06:54:39 am »
Finally finished after many hours of polishing, I present to you my first map: Foothold.
Specifically designed for cRPG and ladders, it will be hard to take without manual ladders, but not impossible. There are two back-doors, one quite far away and another inside the outer wall area (only reachable by ladders), both are sally doors that open from the inside (by both teams).

New in v2:
  • Reworked the spawnpoints, especially for defenders. Defenders spawn at outer wall as well now.
  • Removed a couple of doors, made the "backdoor" on the side have less HP.
  • Added barriers around the inner walls to protect against siege ladders. Attackers can use ladders on outer walls, and on the inner walls when they are inside the castle.
  • Some more polishing, a bit more cover at flag area.

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Foothold v2 dl link:

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