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Topics - Vibe

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Every forum needs such thread!

Post screenshots of other games you are playing.

Playing Rust Alpha with Rhygar666:

Rhygar gathering rocks and minerals butt naked (slightly nsfw):
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Our humble house where we make hot love to each other every night:
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Rhygar's stone hard butt cheeks:
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... and all the other things floating around out there / Kingdom
« on: October 23, 2013, 12:17:06 pm »

... and all the other things floating around out there / Blade Symphony
« on: October 15, 2013, 10:25:42 am »

This game is in early access on Steam and currently 50% off. It's a skill based sword fighting duel (or 2v2 or FFA) game, supposed to be competitive. I thought it was interesting enough for cRPG community (or rather to post.
Anyone who already has this that can provide some more info? The game was a source mod originally.

Found this via bay12.

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Inspired by Uplink, Codelink(V2) is multiplayer hacking simulator. Upgrade hardware and software, hack into systems, banks, delete corporate files, perform missions for pay, discover secrets and generally run amuck.

What is CodelinkV2?
CodelinkV2 is the next generation of barrier breaking online hacking simulation. Drawing from it's spiritual predecessor Uplink: Hacker Elite, CodelinkV2 submerges you in a vast universe of addictive game-play and concepts as-of-yet unseen in any other hacking simulator. Innovating on the concepts it has drawn from Uplink, Codelink gives the unique opportunity of being able to interact with other players via in-game chat, hacking into other player's systems, exchanging information privately, attack rival player's networks, upgrading your Gateway's hardware capability, purchasing many kinds of software, hidden secrets and many captivating characteristics within the game. So just to be clear, YES, you can PVP without limits. (like 34 vs 5)

Codelink v2 is an Online MMORPG type game that takes place in a persistent universe. Everything in the game world is live 24/7. With players from all over the globe, the various time zones ensure that you are never alone when connected. The game is scheduled for completion at the end of 2012. Currently, that game does not have an active storyline and a dozen or so features that will be included in the final release.

Download a standalone client from their page:
Play via browser:

Starter tips:
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... and all the other things floating around out there / GunZ 2
« on: September 18, 2013, 10:01:05 am »
Anyone played the first game, GunZ: The Duel?

It was a pretty decent, skill based and very fast paced multiplayer game. If you wanted to be really good at it you nearly broke your fingers (K-Style anyone? :D).

Anyway, not sure how the second game is, but you can grab a beta key here (EU only, limited!):

General Off Topic / 10 years of Steam
« on: September 12, 2013, 11:27:52 am »
Proud to flash my 10 year Steam membership badge in yo face

I was also hoping they'd make a sale for 10 years but it doesn't seem like it. Either way I still adore Gaben and would suk his dik evrytim

Oh also, steam library sharing coming soon:

... and all the other things floating around out there / Q3 defrag
« on: September 11, 2013, 09:02:58 pm »
Ever did tricking/defrag in Quake 3? Then you'll know how extreme this is.

... and all the other things floating around out there / Open world games
« on: September 02, 2013, 11:03:22 am »
So, does anyone have any suggestions on good open world games? Age/graphics don't matter. Preferred types: RPG, survival, exploration.
Been browsing around the web for these types (again), there's isn't a lot of them. Just wondering if I missed some.

Magicka with PvP.

Sign up for the alpha here:
Gameplay video:

Considering Magicka's fun, hectic and skill based combat, this might be pretty awesome.

Steam coupons for:
-50% off Tropico 4
-50% off Triple Town
-33% off Titan Attacks

Post here if you want one of these or add me on Steam ( and nag me about it when I'm online.


Engelbrekt Kaumolainen vs Wild

Surviving Iron Age Finland

Part 1: The River

I used to fish with my uncle. From him I learned to respect the guardian spirits of the water and began to admire the power of water and dreamt of becoming a great fisherman one day.
On one of the fishing days we were caught in a sudden storm and our punt capsized... All the fish we had caught, along with me and my uncle, fell into the water. My uncle, being a great fisherman that he was, never learned to swim. The water was too cold and my limbs were starting to feel numb... so I had to leave my uncle to the water spirits, while I swam back to shore.
I knew my village wouldn't take this very well. I decided to grab all fishing equipment I could carry and left my lands for good.

I am Engelbrekt Kaumolainen, and I'm going to show you what it takes to survive in the Wild.

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First of June, year 916 AD, morning. After having ran away from my village, I find myself in what I believe to be the Driik lands. As a child I recall this land being called "Kimomäki", the Greyhill. I managed to grab enough equipment to help me survive.

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The food I have will suffice. What I need to find is water to drink... and possibly a good river I can fish in, because sooner or later, I am going to run out of food.
About a half days walk in the "Soujareitti" region, I stumble upon two villages.

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Those will come in handy later, when I need some tools or other stuff I can't find or craft myself in the Wild. I go to that lake to have a drink of fresh water, as I was getting thirsty. The lake could provide me with some fish, but a river is going to be much better in that regard.
I continue my search for a river.

As I travel the Driik lands I notice several villages. The area is really densely populated. I refrain from going too close to any of the villages and keep looking for a river. I stumble upon what I first thought was a river, but then turned out to be a big lake. It is late evening, and I am beginning to get tired, so this is where I sleep tonight, out in the open.

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I eat the smoked bear cut I had with me, and dive into a wild slumber.
I wake up in the early hours of June 2nd. My search for a river continues. This area has a lot of big lakes, but knowing fishing like my left hand, I know that what I need is a river with rapids, where catching fish with the 2 nets I brought with me will prove fruitful.
Just as the sun rises, I finally find a river.

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This is where I settle for now. The region of "Suurkosket", the Great Rapids. The area has enough trees to build a shelter and provide material for fire and the river for food. I still got a fresh pike in my backpack from my last fishing session, so I build a fire and roast it.
Next up - building a shelter, in case the rains come! Since I don't have an axe to fell a tree, I need to use my rough knife - takes me about an hour to cut down a small tree, but that should be enough to set up a basic shelter. I decide to craft a staff that I can later use as a javelin for hunting from one of the slender tree trunks that I got from felling that small tree. Takes me almost 5 hours to make a staff out of it with my rough knife, which leaves me exhausted and hungry.
The food reserves I had are starting to deplete, and catching fishes with the net takes time, if the water spirits are good to me. I decide that I will place those fishing nets before building a shelter, but am too exhausted to do it, so I lay on the ground and fall asleep.

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Perkele, Mother Nature punishes me. I wake up to rain. I should have built that shelter! Well, I managed to get enough rest to have the energy to place fishing nets into the rapids. If the water spirits will it, this should provide me with a good load of fish after a couple of days.
After placing the nets, I also do some active fishing. I need a few fishes to survive until those nets fill up.
Several hours later, no fish. It is early morning, and I'm beginning to get tired. I abandon my fishing task empty handed to build a shelter instead - Mother Nature will not surprise me again like that. I pick up one of the slender tree trunks I chopped up before and a few spruce twings. I cut down another young pine for more slender tree trunks and build my shelter.
As hours pass, and sun falls behing the trees, rain starts to fall again. Good thing I built this shelter. I drink some water from the river, eat the last of my deer meat and fall asleep.

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I have only one rye bread left. This is not going to last me even a day. Tomorrow I will pray to the Water Spirits and hope for a good catch, then go on a hunting trip. The fishing nets are not going to provide me fishes for at least a day, so I need to catch something edible or hunger will come.

Part 2: Hunger

... and all the other things floating around out there / Wayward
« on: May 24, 2013, 11:08:06 pm »

roguelike in HTML 5 so no downloads no nutine

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