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Topics - Auphilia

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General Discussion / Should Infamy Be Removed?
« on: July 29, 2012, 08:25:46 pm »
I'm not sure giving infamous people a number count is a good thing. A lot of them take great pride in being pricks and now they can set goals.

Also, I personally am very insecure about the fact that some people down-vote my posts.  :cry: lol

Faction Halls / [Krea] The Duchy of Krea
« on: July 27, 2012, 04:55:16 am »
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Buy / [Done]
« on: July 23, 2012, 03:06:19 am »

General Discussion / Will anyone host a forced first-person server?
« on: July 17, 2012, 06:13:40 am »
Would be a lot of fun I think. A lot of players enjoy the thrill of first person but their competitive nature reverts them back to third person. I think if we had a server with forced first person, a lot of us could play without feeling horrendously disadvantaged WHILE maintaining the excitement of first person mode.

It would definitely give us something new to do while we wait for conquest modes and other delicious goodies the devs might be cooking up.

I could be wrong but this definitely sounds like something a dev could make overnight. It seems like it would be a matter of changing a few lines in the code/scripts. Anyways, if this can be done, will it be done?

Preferably for both NA and EU. I would even be happy with 20-30 man servers. Hell, if this was done I would dedicate to making maps specifically for this game mode.

Oh and...
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Faction Halls / [x]
« on: July 11, 2012, 05:33:00 am »

Scene Editing / Scene Editor Crashes
« on: June 29, 2012, 03:41:42 am »
Was thinking about getting back into scene editing but I keep getting a "Warband.old no disk" or something similar error which crashes me to desktop. I can't get much work done before I get that error again x.X

Any ideas what is causing that? Maybe I got too many props?

Closed Requests / Ban Request Howling_Wolf
« on: June 10, 2012, 04:36:28 am »
He twed me 3 times intentionally at the start of the round ending in a tk on EU_5 (level 20 cap) around 9:00 PM U.S central time.

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You can also read the logs that I had not once twed him or tked him my entire time on that server.
In the logs you will also read his attempts at denying what he had done. He will say he didn't do it at the start of the round.
He will say he used his morningstar (which he did) then he will deny that and say he only used his fist. He will say that it wasn't intentional and we were in a cluster of troops (not possible at the start of a round) and it is evident that I would not be typing a full sentence while in a cluster of enemy troops, nor would I be in a cluster of enemy troops as I am an xbow sniper (unless they rushed me). Among other things.

Here is another screenshot of him changing his story around:
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I offered him the chance to simply apologize to me, and it would have ended there. If kids can swallow their pride and show even the faintest sign of maturity and responsibility, I have no problem letting them off with a warning. However, he chose to lie and deny any accusations against him.

Anyways I hope justice is served. Thank you for looking into this.

Sell/Trade / Link's Shop
« on: June 02, 2012, 03:20:56 am »
PM me or post offers
Looking for some rupees.
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Here's what I'm selling:

Lordly Green Tunic Over Mail
Masterpiece Knightly Heater Shield
Masterwork Arrows
Masterwork Horn Bow

Looking for:

Lordly Light Kuyak
Champion Steppe Horse
Masterwork Heavy Throwing Axes
Mighty Great Axe

Diplomacy / Hyrule Banner
« on: May 29, 2012, 05:35:11 am »
Update: Yay we got our banner for 220k! Thank you to everyone who contributed :3

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Sell/Trade / Sell MW Arbalest
« on: May 26, 2012, 09:29:45 am »
Selling Masterwork Arbalest very cheaply. Looking for 2 loompoints or 1.3m cash.

PM me or post on here please.

Suggestions Corner / Add More Auction Items
« on: May 25, 2012, 06:56:06 pm »
Mysterious Past that allows you to instantly go from level 1 to level 20? This knocks out about a day of potential leeching or suicide rounds and I'm sure players would pay a lot of money for it. Levels 1-20 isn't really too much experience compared to the long run to level 31.

A Gypsy Session that allows you to redistribute the previous level (that is 1 attribute and 2 skill points) to allow players a chance of correcting their builds if they made mistake. She hypnotizes you or something.


Buy / Link's Shopping List
« on: May 23, 2012, 03:02:54 am »
I happen to have some rupees to spend. 
Post or PM me any offers!
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Interested in:

Champion Steppe Horse

My goods:

Mighty Great Axe
Masterwork Heavy Throwing Axe
Lordly Light Kuyak
Lordly Green Tunic Over Mail

Faction Halls / [x]
« on: May 20, 2012, 05:20:11 pm »

Closed Requests / Ban Request: Skeith & Sir D0nkey
« on: May 18, 2012, 05:37:56 am »
Sir_Donk3y (See the correct spelling of his name in the screenshots) was previously banned from NA_1 earlier today for racism. I joined the community server because I enjoy smaller battles, unfortunately skeith and Sir_Donk3y were in there and decided to get even with me for being involved with Sir_Donk3y's ban. Here are the screenshots.

Sir_Donk3y telling Skeith to TK me and Skeith refusing to fight him (aka honor dueling) He was allowing Donk3y to chase me around the whole map instead of fighting him so I could reload.
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Skeith TKs me immediately after, in the same spot as I was aiming at Donk3y. You can see that he hit me twice in a row.
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Again, in the next map Skeith is attacking me.
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Tked by Skieth, as he taunts "Report that". While Sir_Donk3y is abusing the polls to have me kicked without reason.
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Last but not least, Sir_Donk3y teamwounding with his reasoning being that it doesn't matter as he is "leaving tomorrow anyways".
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Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, we have murder in the 1st degree, attempted murder on multiple accounts, conspiracy, manipulation of public's democratic justice, and armed robbery. This isn't the first time they have been held before our great court.  These two have been here before. They have looked you in the eyes and pleaded not guilty. It is our job here today, to make sure that they do not come before us again to commit such crimes. They have had their chance to rehabilitate, and they have given you their answer. No man is above the law. No matter where they run to, justice will find them.

I rest my case, your honor.

Closed Requests / Ban Sir_Donk3y for Racism
« on: May 18, 2012, 12:32:10 am »
Well here it is. Hopefully we can see some form of justice. I know on the internet a lot of people don't care about racism, but it doesn't matter where it happens, it is wrong. Also his name is Sir_Donk3y (with the "3" being replaced with an "e") I'm guessing chadz has something that changes donk3y to equus africanus asinus. lol
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