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Game Balance Discussion / Half-Swording
« on: April 02, 2013, 03:31:42 pm »
I've been trying out a MW German Greatsword:

Swing: 29 cut
Thrust: 37 Pierce
Speed: 87
Reach: 123

No overhead attack
Polearm left swing
2 hand right swing

Do you like the way half-swording is currently implemented? Would you change anything? Does it have a particular role that isn't filled by anything else?

A new trailer just got released for this here:

And tomorrow (Wednesday) they will show a live multiplayer playtest of the alpha build. It will be streamed via

Figured this should have its own thread, since its a total conversion and judging from the trailer its like a whole new game. It not actually developed by TWI too, they just are helping to get it out in various ways. Katana's, banzai charges, traps, flamethrowers, mortars. Looks like they actually have some beefy recoil as well which is very welcome

Strategus Issues / Nothing in "Participated", no stats change
« on: December 16, 2012, 03:49:59 pm »
Played my first strat match yesterday with Mercs (Apostates) but nothing shows in my Participated area on Battle, and my stats are still blank in Profile. It said at the end that I got 6k XP, not sure if I got more in char screen. I played the whole match

Any ideas why?

Game Balance Discussion / Crossbows with 1 WPF
« on: August 25, 2012, 03:29:12 am »
What are people's thoughts on this? I have started taking an unloomed Light Crossbow and Steel Bolts along with my polearm (its only 2 slots for xbow and ammo). It weighs about the same as a 1 skill shield and seems to dish out some good damage. Good for stopping horses and for medium range shooting.

I think it is a little too strong for what is essentially just some extra repair costs and minor weight. When you think about it too, I could put a bunch of wpf into crossbow without really sacrificing much in melee since melee wpf doesn't really add much to your melee capability past a certain point. I noticed looming the crossbow/bolts adds some great stats too

Suggestions Corner / Global Armoury (temporary item trades)
« on: August 16, 2012, 11:36:06 am »
Basically you could elect to put an item of yours into an armoury that is not just for your own clan, and put your own specific restrictions on it. You could say its only available for a specific weapon, time period, or player. Or you could rent it out for a weekly/daily cost, or just be mr nice guy and allow anyone to borrow it, or maybe only accounts that are flagged as "new" (less than a couple months old), so you help out the newbies.

General Discussion / "Grey Area" Map Exploits
« on: July 20, 2012, 03:43:14 pm »
Can we discuss this without it being a witchhunt? I think its a very valid talking point, and locking the thread like that implies its not really against the rules.

So is it or isn't it? I don't care about the guy the thread was originally about and agree there was a lynching/pitchfork feel to some of that thread


All old accounts are activated next monday/tuesday for free, then they are reducing sub price and removing initial client purchase cost. Skills gains are going to be much faster in the free time and then still faster than now afterwards.

Its a full loot pvp conquest/sandbox game. When you die you drop all your gear you currently carrying and anyone can take it (you can store things safely in banks though). You can attack anyone you like at any time. Plus no instances, all one seamless world (one for EU, one for NA). There is some system to determine if you're a pure murderer or not, but I don't think it makes much difference

You occupy and build cities with your clan, siege enemy cities, go pking for people's loot, go pvping, do shitty pve to level skills or get gold etc. Then you also have crafting skills like fishing, mining, blacksmithing etc. Most items in the game are made by players. You can build player owned ships and have naval combat and theres player owned housing etc.

The pvp is very fast paced, almost like quake style combat. It could have been so much better if the devs were a bit less naive, but was pretty epic for the first year or so when it first released.

Group pvp/siege:

Small/outnumbered pvp:

Lots of videos on youtube to see what its like. I don't know if I'll be playing, was mostly just waiting for their next version "2.0" but might give it another go since all accounts will be activated

Got 3 passes, first come first served (if you're a trouble maker don't bother tho pls, for RO2's sake). Only ask if you're going to use it pls, and they aren't tradable after you got it. Just allows you to play RO2 for free for 3 days. The price of the game has also come down

Put your steam name so I can add you

General Discussion / Yell Spam
« on: June 06, 2012, 02:22:51 am »
When someone does Yell can we get it to show in the chat so we can screen shot it? Seems to be a favourite for spammers now, just do yell when they think admins aren't around. Some guy got vote kicked for it after like 3 maps of spam, then he's like "lol you can't prove it". So to make admins lives easier yell (and whistle) needs to show up in chat so we know who is spamming. This is a roundabout way of correcting the issue, but as long as there is no cooldown on chat we will get spammers, especially when you can't even make a ban thread (last resort..just knowing they could be screenshotted is enough)


Theres a free weekend starting at the end of this week, Thursday 24 May 2012 at 10AM Pacific Time. There will be a new update with "classic" mode to make the game more hardcore/more like RO1. Plus updates to realism mode and a new "action" mode to make it easier for cod/bf players. So 3 game modes depending on your preference

RO1 was a great realism game..ro2 launch was a bit too dumbed down and buggy. Classic mode makes the game play much better though and hopefully we can get a good playerbase with this GOTY edition

Beginner's Help and Guides / Polearm build 32+
« on: February 15, 2012, 09:33:50 pm »
This is where i'm at atm:
(click to show/hide)

Now i'm wondering how to go for 32,33,34 etc. I was thinking of just converting stat points to skills, but is that the best route? At 34 I could have 27 str and add +1 powerstrike, +2 IF . But converting stats would give a better build short term. I could convert 1 stat point at 32 and save 1 skill point I guess if I was going for lvl 34.


Suggestions Corner / Improving Website Functionality
« on: January 25, 2012, 07:21:19 pm »
I thought I might compile some changes/improvements I'd like to see for If anyone has any comments or stuff to add/change just post about it. Hopefully whoever updated the site recently can add some of these things at some point, unless someone else could do some of this


Give tabs in our inventory area for each item type rather than them all being in 1 area. This should be optional so you just tick the ones you want to display
Allow ordering by set criteria rather than everything ordered based on when it was bought. Alphabetical, cost, weight, upkeep etc
Add true WPF weight modifier for gloves / helmet in addition to base weight
Show upkeep cost

Paperdoll area:

Show total weight.
WPF penalty
True item cost rather than incorrect value (the loomed value is meaningless I believe)
Total combined upkeep cost. This might be unneeded with true value displayed
Order equipment in the drop down menu a bit more logically rather than by when it was bought (alphabetical at least)
In the drop down menu for weapons make it so you can decide which items are displayed for that slot
In the drop down menu for armour make it so you can decide which items are displayed for that slot based on weight/cost


Add "Offered gold" tab or something similar so you can request an item at a specific price
Add safer loom point trading tools.
Add some recent transaction info. So we can see what people have been buying and at what prices they went for. Doesn't need to show who was involved, just some stats and maybe graphs for the item for the past month (Eve Online stylee)
In the "You Demand" organise the stuff a bit better. Maybe have tabs for each item tab or order alphabetically
Allow decimal place / commas in gold area (so 120,000 comes out as 120000 rather than 120)


I think a lot of people will never use this tab, just because they don't really know how to get involved properly or what it is. I think there should be a specific Strategus tab that has this involved somehow, with info on what strategus is and how to get into it. Its very unuser friendly atm, and there isn't even a link to it on the site


Its quite easy to mess up your build if you put the wrong number in here, and theres no confirmation popup. Should popup showing what the change will do (17-18 strength etc). The first character I made I put in the number I wanted it to go to rather than the amount I wanted it to increase by. It was STF so didn't matter but I bet that happens a lot for new players

Closed Requests / Ban Dalbajobas
« on: December 24, 2011, 06:21:43 pm »
I'm not one to tell tales or stuff, but this guy only seems to type when its something racist. I see it every day and no admin seems to care. I think it gives a bad impression about the community, especially when you then get others copying him or saying similar things

Some screens from today. Got a bunch more from before:

(click to show/hide)

Beginner's Help and Guides / Equipment limit ingame
« on: December 21, 2011, 11:32:04 pm »
I seem to have a problem choosing my gear ingame since it only displays about 20 in a row. Is there a way to circumvent this? It even doesn't show things on rows with only a few things there, like Crossbows will only show 1 rather than the 3 I have.

Do I just have to sell stuff until I got 20 only? Or is there a mod or something else I can do?

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