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Topics - Zlisch_The_Butcher

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Can't even make a post in the fucking diplomacy section without some retard warning me...

You have received a warning for spamming in regards to the message:
Re: I bring you the word of peace.

The diplomacy forum has its own special rules which are to be followed. Please cease your current posting activities and abide by the forum rules otherwise we will take further action.

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The Melee Gaming Team.
for posting
birdclan best clan. Add flying to cRPG.
in GODKING_PARTYBOY_BIRDs birdclan thread... ...whoever is in charge of randomly harassing anyone who posts in the diplomacy section please resign.
Yes, we need another one of these threads.
Oh, and if you look at that thread, like 95% of the posters are warned due to some fascist trying to undermine our civil discussion of adding flying to cRPG in a diplomatic manner.

Spam / King Teeth
« on: October 14, 2012, 11:22:34 pm »
As you may have noticed Teeths renown is about to hit 1000, only 80ish renown left, let us imbrasse our new ruler 'cause fuck Tears and fuck Vibe and fuck the fallens for buying upvotes with oilmoney in general.
Please 1+ king teeth.

Closed Requests / Racist Person
« on: October 13, 2012, 03:15:45 pm »
(click to show/hide)
Extremely hurtful, please ban.

Suggestions Corner / Please Nerf Bodkins
« on: October 11, 2012, 04:58:20 pm »
Bodkins are pretty clearly superior to the other arrows, there is barely a base damage difference, only a slightly lower ammo count, and armor piercing arrows which are still about just as effective on unarmored guys as other kinds of arrows, I suggest to fix this glaring issue in arrow balance they should give all none-bodkin arrows 10+ damage, then nerf all bows damage by 8.

Suggestions Corner / Add flying to the mod
« on: October 07, 2012, 11:51:42 pm »
Bird clan, best clan, enough said.

Diplomacy / Werfrieds Peasant Battalions Official Diplomacy Thread
« on: October 04, 2012, 12:04:58 am »
As we marched into Amashke, with torches and pitchforks and cloth, we did not go in there in plate, we did not go in there expecting low casualties, we went in there fearless under the command of Teeth, and we did not fear death, for we knew that Mork would reward us as we were lying bleeding in the grass... ...there were survivors, but they didn't live that long, grapped their beat down bodies and nailed them on crosses, their plate did not protect them from our religion, Morks will could stop even a plated charger, and in fact, it did stop a plated charger, as we beat down its rider the faithful SoA_Polo climbed up upon the beast and rode it until it could be ridden no more... ...we crushed their weak, scared, pitiful shield walls... soon as the village was secured we beat in the doors to the houses and dragged out the peasants who had hidden in their houses, we  crucified half of them, made the other half start building a chapel in the center of the village, a goats chapel, for men of faith...

Amashke is but the first of many fiefs to be purified of sin, we'll come for you, it'll happen again...

Special thanks to:
(click to show/hide)

This is the official topic for praising king Werfried and Mork the goat god, any tributes can be brought to our goats chapel in Amashke.

Mercenary Recruitment / Third Liberation Attempt Upon Amashke!
« on: September 30, 2012, 02:15:43 pm »
King Werfried himself is offering you a chance to join him in crucifying Vagr occupants of his rightful fief as per claim!

If you help us liberate Amashke you shall be rewarded heavily, both in this world and the next, for Mork shall forgive thy sins.
Also, once we win this battle you're hereby invited to the Amashke afterparty.

Strategus General Discussion / Long Strategus Suggestion
« on: September 29, 2012, 03:08:46 pm »
Please remove free gold and troop gain, this'd be the one real way to majorly nerf huge 100+ player clans or map wide alliances, it'd also make sitting afk in a fief as useless as not even playing strategus, this'd require a new feature for recruiting troops though and for it all to actually work out well it'd require a decent amount of new features added in general.

I'd suggest having random groups of AI wandering around on the map with random sizes and gear, won't try and attack people, you could approach these groups and either buy some of their troops (3 gold per troop, so 1000 troops would cost 3000 gold, but they shouldn't ever travel in groups near as large as 1000 so you'd have to search the map for more), you could of course also just attack them.
I'd also suggest allowing players to buy village/castle/town population, but requiring that the owner of the village/castle/town has manually agreed to do the deal, he could set whatever price he pleased, however, no matter what 2 of the gold he charges per troop will be removed from strat as "payment" to the villager so while whoever owns the village/castle/town technically could sell his population to his own faction for 0 gold they'd still pay 2/3rds of what they'd pay for hunting random AI troop sellers, and they'd lose village population.

The above would solve the issue that a 100 player clan will be able to get 100 troops per hour while 10 players would only get 10 troops, however, in order to still not make having more players an extreme advantage you'd still need to flatten the troop upkeep and do so that you'll pay upkeep from as low as 1 troop, 'else having 1000 troops spread out across 10 players would be a major benefit over having 1 player carry all the troops, maybe not 100% flatten the curve but it at the very least would need a serious flattening in order for huge clans and alliances not to be much better off.

Now, onto gold gain, since you still (at least I think you still do) earn like 1 strat gold per 5x tick or something insanely small like that you'd still fairly quickly be able to buy 5 strat goods in some village and then begin trading until you have a decent supply of gold if you spawn midstrat as a complete noname player, however, due to S&D protector clans this might still be near impossible lategame, therefore I'd suggest (this is not really a that important suggestion just a minor thing which might make a tiny difference) random AI bandit lairs popping up across the map where you can buy or sell at a fixed price of 10 gold at every one of them or perhaps ('cause fuck you S&D horders) allow for you to pay the bandit lair 1,5x of some villages price in exchange for after an amount of time dependent on how far away the fief is the village will lose the correct amount of S&D and the goods will be waiting for you in the bandit lair, however its distance bonus would be decayed to 50% and there'd be a chance (depending on the village/castle/towns army, not the amount of guys inside the village, not the population, the army) that you'd lose your gold, not gain anything, and the faction keeps its S&D.

EDIT: And please lower the roster sizes, lots of battles end retarded due to one army having more than 2x the other guys players, as for example chadz battle, outnumbered the enemy 2/3 or something like that, even though he had shitty gear he would've probably won if not for the enemy having like 4x his amount of mercs.

Answer please.

Suggestions Corner / Make Strategus give lower quality peasant gear
« on: September 22, 2012, 07:53:19 pm »
It should all be -2, or if possible even worse, makes no sense to get better gear by not buying any gear.

Diplomacy / Werfrieds Peasant Battalion Declares...
« on: September 20, 2012, 06:05:03 pm »
...War on Wataga, fuck 'em.
...War on Crapikulu, fuck 'em.

The GoatsPriests also have a declaration to make, for each Crapikulu/Wataga army you kill you'll be awarded with a series of items if you meet up in our chapel.
For each Crapikulu/Wataga army you kill AND crucify AND leave their corpses to be eaten by crows in a most brutal manor you'll receive a donation of coin along with the above mentioned gift of items.

Crapi/Wataga, surrender, commit suicide, if you all kill yourselves maybe the Goat will have mercy on your souls!

General Discussion / Cav is not the problem
« on: September 13, 2012, 09:46:36 pm »
Nerf ninjas, I was on today and there was 5+ ninjas most of them being bannerstacked onto the same team! plz! dis killing zhe mod!
I suggest we give them -50 speed and -15 damage and make their armor weigh 15+ weight, I mean comz on! They get eaaazy kills from behind!

Strategus General Discussion / Petition to add Fidsnar to the NA strat map!
« on: September 10, 2012, 11:27:59 pm »
Honestly, this is a bit fucked up, I don't care about the fact that it'd be miles away from anything else, please, add the fief, this is just rudeness vs peasantry for the sake of rudeness.
This is just wrong.

General Off Topic / Goats
« on: September 10, 2012, 01:51:25 am »
Every forum needs a goat topic, for fucks sake, my sig got a link to a forum consisting purely of goat topics, so, this thread is for posting pictures of goats, talking about goats, and worshiping Mork the Goat god.

 - You're not allowed to state anything negative towards goats.
 - You're not allowed to post pics of anything but goats.

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