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Topics - no_rules_just_play

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General Discussion / the penis epeen thread was only the beginning...
« on: November 19, 2013, 12:40:51 am »

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Get 'em tydeus! Show them who is boss!
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Dont forget dat dere anus inspection guys!

General Off Topic / Let's try again
« on: November 12, 2013, 08:28:15 pm »
deleted every game on my computer, let's see how long I last :/

have fun all!

Closed Requests / [BAN] scareboob
« on: November 12, 2013, 06:25:20 pm »

1. no_rules_just_play_HRE
2. scarboob
3. just now on EU2
4. I'm at the ballista, he comes up running towards me. Teamhits me and steals the ballista.
5. obvious
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7. we were kinda alone but I told fips on admin chat what happened

Closed Requests / unban
« on: November 11, 2013, 04:52:19 pm »
I was banned on eu2 for tking erziemy old friend, I'm banned for one minute. Unban!

Spam / my new avatar
« on: November 06, 2013, 08:21:06 pm »

samantha wright <3

General Discussion / What are your current goals?
« on: October 28, 2013, 03:11:38 pm »
As Zlisch's recent thread and my permanent battle against the addictiveness of this game started me thinking, I would like to know what you guys have set as your current goals (both in crpg and in live).
Keep them realistic and not too long term oriented ofcourse;)

Currently these are my live goals:

*pass my first year at univ this year (its my second try)
*get a regular training and diet rhytme so I can make good progress

Sadly the following goals are making that a pretty though road to travel:
*get to lvl 35 on my main so I can get dat dere 6 riding
*get to 1500 renown to find out if there still is an extra forumboard

Don't know if people will be interested. Ill post a few pics and see if you got some too!
(btw, I guess it's quite important you black out names as you might get banned for giving away real life information).

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Suggestions Corner / '[W]atch your aim' in global voice chat!
« on: October 24, 2013, 01:38:43 pm »
While playing a male character I have found it extremely frustrating that I am unable to mock the enemies that I just killed.
As a female however, I can shout "Pay attention!" while morbidly mutilating the corpse of the recently murdered and cut up enemy.

I know it's probably not possible to add a sound for the male version of this voice command (however using the female one would be pretty funny), but I hoped it was possible to add this command to the global voice commands (like 'hello', 'silence', 'thank you', 'yes' and 'no'). I think the '[W]atch your aim' command is important enough to put in global!

General Off Topic / god this was amazing
« on: October 20, 2013, 01:46:36 pm »

Suggestions Corner / sheathed hammers/picks/sickles
« on: October 20, 2013, 12:54:54 pm »
the way some sheathed onehanders look is a bit of a turn-off for me. It seems like all weapons with a 'hammer' shape look kinda odd because they are attached to your belt at their handle and the end sticks out pretty far from your waist (however, weapons like the winged mace aren't sheathed like that).

here are some screens:

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General Discussion / Happy 15th!
« on: October 16, 2013, 06:13:43 pm »
It's already the 16, but better late than never:

Happy namo appreciation day!

Suggestions Corner / can something be done?
« on: October 12, 2013, 10:15:51 pm »
I am talking about:

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Archers and infantry can hide in side and defenders keep falling down because the wall looks solid and there is nothing but a very thin line to see between the actual wall and the ghost wall.

i was thinking about transparent walls or another texture that goes all the way to the bottom? Or maybe remove the fact that they become ghost walls?

I am about to become lvl 33 on my main again (I respecced a few days ago), but I'm not sure if I should go for lvl 34 or if I should farm some looms with my current alt.

this is my mains build:
at lvl 33 I will  have 6 shieldskill and at lvl 34 that will become 8 (and probably one useless pure troll focussed point of riding)
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and this is my alt:
gen 2
24/15 shielder
(very low upkeep armor, so playing this char brings me some money too)

Currently, my main is still my strat character, but I might change that.
Do you guys think its worth it to go to lvl 34 or should I use my alt to get loompoints so my main gets a +3 short sword and a +3 shield?

I know 8 shieldskill might be considered useless, but I think its just very fun and some kind of minor trolling when people don't manage to break my shield :)

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