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Topics - Gmnotutoo

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Diplomacy / A Wild Ninjas Appears (2.0)
« on: October 08, 2012, 05:37:21 am »
*Posters with the symbol shown below are glued to many of the walls in New Unuzdaq and accompanied by a public service announcement beneath it.*

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Dear People of New Unuzdaq Castle,

I am the Legendary Gmnotutoo and if you have not heard of me I am the most feared Ninja in all of Calradia. My stealth is unmatched, my battle-dancer technique is artistically deadly, and the arrows I shoot bring destruction to all whom I aim for. I am from the Unicorns and we have the deadliest, but most beautiful archers in all the lands. My Family has been allies with the Free Companies for many years and I love them dearly, but I have left their lands and protection to venture off on my own for the time being. I have gone Rogue and for a good reason:

I traveled far through treacherous lands just to remain hidden so that I can fulfill a beautiful vision that I assume was bestowed upon me by the Benevolent Godking. The vision shown reveals me standing victoriously in-front of a field of dead weaboos that foolishly got in my way to assassinate my enemy, Empress Auphilia.

I hold no grudges against the Shogunate and will try my best to limit your causalities, but if anyone crosses me I will promise that many of your people's children will become orphans. I am here to end the Empress' life, if you desire your life over death then I suggest to cower in the farthest corner of your abodes. Although I know you are not harboring this war criminal, I need to take some of your treasury to continue my mission. I wish to show you all mercy by leaving control of your lands with you, because I have no desire to rule your land. I wish to stress this is not a declaration of war.

I will claim Auphilia's life and scatter the hacked off parts of her body throughout the EU lands thus liberating all of Calradia from her reign of terror. If anyone wishes to join my cause you are free to do so. In the event that I fail my mission I hope the Godking will ladderpault me to the heavens and call an even greater hero to aid you all.

with love,
~The Rogue Ninja Gmnotutoo
Leader of the Super Kawaii Desu Desu Japanese Schoolgirl Ninja Death Squad~

General Discussion / Awesome New Armor Texture
« on: September 26, 2012, 10:02:36 pm »
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Schoolgirl uniform armor needs to happen, I question anyone's sexuality who argues against this.

cRPG Technical problems / Strategus Breaks my Graphics Card
« on: September 22, 2012, 05:03:43 am »
I have a weird situation in that my FPS takes a huge dump during large Strategus Battles. The first instance occurred during the TKoV battle (The last battle of strat 3.0) in the middle of it and the second happened today at the start our battle over Vayejeg. I was running it to refresh 120 frames per second and at the suggestion of clan mate, its now set to 60. (from the month of Feb-August I had no problems with these settings). When this occurs the fps drops from 120 to 30 and causes my screen to skip dramatically, all games experience this at this time. After I reset the computer, it gets fixed and everything returns to normal.

This only happens because of Strategus battles that have a lot of people in them. I can play crpg battle and modern games (Me3, Shogun 2, Swtor, etc) with no problems at all and for long periods of time. My temps don't exceed over 60 cel at any point. My gpu drivers are properly updated as well. Only team speak runs in the background.

edit: Probably should have put this in the strat section, sorry.

Closed Requests / Lotos_Slayer: Delaying + Teamwounding
« on: August 12, 2012, 01:28:41 am »
I don't have pics, but the rest of the server at that time was complaining about him delaying.
He had to hit me because I'm an archer, no enemies were around at any point in time for it to be an accident.
I asked if any Admins were on after the round, I get hit again for my troubles.
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I'd like to request personally he doesn't get banned and that his punishment for the next week is you guys allowing me to team kill him for 7 straight days.
If my request is denied, don't bother banning him.

I can't join the FCC clan with my alt, but it lets me apply for other clans membership.

FCC is "open" for applicants, so that is not the issue. I can't support the clan either.

edit: thought I hit the bug subtopic. Sorry its in the wrong place :(

Suggestions Corner / Impliment Ornithopters please
« on: June 21, 2012, 11:02:29 pm »
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I want to fly around like a boss, shooting arrows and bolts from the sky.
Making all the haters and qqers cry.

chadz approved, he told me so months ago. I promise.

bonus: They cost 0 mana.

edit: No poll, just do it. Community is 100 percent behind this and anyone who disagrees is just trolling, so ignore them.

Faction Halls / Team Rocket
« on: June 20, 2012, 10:36:52 am »

Mercenary Recruitment / A wild ninjas appeared!
« on: March 25, 2012, 08:11:51 pm »
The band of Shinobi come to a halt at the edge of the forests, just a bit outside of the city of Ayyike. Each member of the group changes out of their Droozena armor disguise to adorn themselves in fancy black pajamas, fashionable shoes made of a light material to help easily traverse the rough terrain of the region, and signature black masks to complete the ensemble. All of them prepare for battle, sharpening their Asian themed weapons and filling their quivers. A true warrior knows only the finest weapons come from the eastern lands, the metal is expertly folded infinitely over itself to create the best weapons ever made. Light, but strong and sharp enough to cut through such futuristic weapons of warfare like the tank.

They finish their preparations for the battle just as the bright yellow sun completely slips into the ocean and is replaced by the pale moon. Then, they take their positions high up in the tree's, minimizing their visibility to any wandering scout or watch guard that may accidentally stumble upon them and patiently wait for the upcoming battle. A Midnight Sortie, to liberate the peoples of the North American Calradia and at the same time cripple the Druzhina forces. Each one of the expertly trained assassins knew there reason for being here was to kill every living thing within their path in a swift, brutal fashion and thus there wasn't a need for any inspiring speeches or words of encouragement. Ninjas do not know what morale is, they only know the feeling of their magical Katana's blade slicing into the flesh of their enemies.

((OOC: I got a critical on my stealth roll, anyone who signs up against us in this battle is metagaming because they failed their spot roll and I will report them to the Devs.))

Buy / WTB +3 Snowflakes, or +2, or +1
« on: March 14, 2012, 10:12:43 pm »
I highly doubt anyone has actually loomed these, but if you did and want to sell them let me know.

Buy / WTB +3 Black Lamellar Armor
« on: February 19, 2012, 06:31:24 am »
I has gold

Sell/Trade / MW Longbow 4 Sale or Trade
« on: February 14, 2012, 08:58:07 pm »
Wants monehs or ninja items. Already have katana.

Need: +3 black lamellar, +3 black hood w/ mask, +3 Rus Boots, +3 leather gloves, 1.1 mil. Any of those will do.

Realism Discussion / Magic
« on: November 06, 2011, 02:29:24 am »
The term "magic" is etymologically derived from the Greek word magika, which means it is very old and has been around a very long time. It is one of the first weapons used within mankind and is still relevant today, with such objects like talismans, charms, and other paraphernalia.

The earliest known written magical incantations come from ancient Mesopotamia, where they have been found inscribed on various  clay-tablets which are dated to be between the 5th and 4th centuries BC. The ancient Egyptians also employed magical incantations, which have been found inscribed on various amulets and other items. The Egyptian magical system, known as heka, was greatly altered and enhanced after the Macedonians, led by Alexander the Great, invaded Egypt in 332 BC. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that books on magic were invented by the Persians, with the 1st century CE writer Pliny the Elder stating that magic had been first discovered by the ancient philosopher Zoroaster around the year 6347 BC, but that it was only written down in the 5th century BC by the magician Osthanes.

The ancient Jewish people were also often viewed as being knowledgeable in magic, which according to legend they had learned from Moses, who himself had learned it in Egypt. Indeed, amongst many ancient writers. Meanwhile there is definite evidence of grimoires being used by certain, particularly Gnostic sects of early Christianity; in the Book of Enoch found within the Dead Sea Scrolls for instance, there is various information on astrology and the angels.

Israelite King Solomon was a Biblical figure also associated with magic and sorcery in the ancient world. The pseudigraphic Testament of Solomon is one of the oldest magical texts. It is a Greek manuscript attributed to Solomon and likely written in either Babylonia or Egypt sometime in the first five centuries A.D., over a thousand years after Solomon's death.

Not withstanding the accounts of Biblical figures like Moses, Enoch and Solomon being associated with magical practices, when Christianity became the dominant faith of the Roman Empire, the early Church frowned upon the propagation of books on magic, connecting it with paganism and burned books of magic. The New Testament records that St. Paul had called for the burning of magic and pagan books in the city of Ephesus; this advice was adopted on a large scale after the Christian ascent to power.

In the Medieval period, the production of grimoires continued in Christendom as well as amongst Jews and the followers of the newly founded Islamic faith.  In Christianized Europe, the Church divided books of magic into two kinds; those that dealt with "natural magic" and those that dealt in "demonic magic". The former was acceptable, because it was viewed as merely taking note of the powers in nature that were created by God, for instance the Anglo-Saxon leechbooks which contained simple spells designed for medicinal purposes were tolerated. However the latter, demonic magic was not acceptable, because it was believed that such magic did not come from God, but from the Devil and his demons - these grimoires dealt in such topics as necromancy, divination and demonology.

TL;DR Version: Magic is real and apart of our history. For to long us Wizards have been ignored and kept down by the Dev team, but I believe now is the time to rise up and cast fireball on our oppressors!

If you vote yes, post an idea on how to implement it. Here is my idea:

Attributes: Intelligence
WPF: Spell Craft
Skills: Concentration

Wizard Staff: (2 slot) Can throw an arcane Lance, which is is just a glorified shining rock that acts like a stone being thrown. Damage, missile speed, and shooting rate based on a balance and the characters abilities/skills. This damage bypasses shields and armor, but is low damage and a slow moving missile.

New items: Scrolls
There would be a small amount of scrolls to choose from that all require one slot and can only be used once per round. Some of the magic spells I've thought of include:

Magical Inspiration: Any player within a certain range(determined by Spell Craft) gains +6 attributes and +2 skills for a duration of ten seconds per point of intelligence. Casting time (Time it takes to complete) based off of concentration.

Gmno's Greater Missile Storm: Within a determined range (spellcraft skill) all enemies in the area take 2 damage for every point in Concentration, this damage is unblock able and bypasses armor. Casting time based off of Spell Craft. Intelligence determines the maximum amount of enemies hit.

Summon Ladder: A 0-slot magical ladder is summoned into your inventory, the health of the ladder is determined by Int, Spell Craft, Concentration. Instant spell casting time.

Run!: A group of characters around the wizard (Range determined by Spell Craft) gains a temporary movement speed increase (Based on Concentration) that lasts for 5 seconds for every attribute point put into Intelligence.

Rain of Fire: Any archer/xbow within a range (Determined by Spell Craft) shoots fire missiles that do extra damage (based on concentration, for a duration determined by Intelligence.

General Off Topic / BJ Penn love fest
« on: October 30, 2011, 08:38:07 pm »
One of the most entertaining and best fighters to watch in the history of the UFC. I sincerely hope I get to see one last BJ Penn fight at Lightweight, he deserves to go out with a win and still has the skills to achieve it. The fight last night with Nick Diaz was amazing, but very sad at the same time.

I got to meet him backstage at my old work when he was signing books, he is a wonderful person too.

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Also regular arrows have a different value too. +2 on the website, +3 in game.

Strategus Issues / I tried to attack someone and this happened
« on: September 06, 2011, 11:13:20 am »
I went to attack someone and this popped up. I'm not really sure why this happened, but it seems to be something unknown amongst my faction's leaders.

it says "You cannot do this action right now" and I was wondering why this happened?

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