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Topics - arowaine

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Buy / Looking for gilded hourglass glove
« on: December 19, 2011, 07:33:33 am »
looking for thick gilded hourglass glove

paying 400k maybe more if you can convince me

send me pm or post in here if you interesed :D thanks

Buy / buying 1 loom point
« on: December 13, 2011, 05:22:26 pm »
i offer money for 1 loom point need 12 str.

Buy / wtb heirloom points
« on: December 09, 2011, 02:01:08 am »
need 1heirloom point 12 str minimum pst me with the amount of gold you want thanks

Sell/Trade / Arowaine heirlooms list
« on: December 06, 2011, 05:15:04 am »
masterpiece huscarl' round shield
(click to show/hide)

masterwork longsword
(click to show/hide)

well made crossbow
(click to show/hide)

leave any offer if interested.

Mercenary Recruitment / Attack on Dusturil
« on: November 30, 2011, 08:54:06 pm »
Occitan/hospitaller is attacking the Fallen plagues. we are nicely asking for merc who are willing to kill some fallen/hre/brd enjoy your stay.

Mercenary Recruitment / Attack on kedelke
« on: November 30, 2011, 08:52:33 pm »
Occitan is looking for eu merc against Hre we are clearing the holy eu lands so come all and enjoy your stay.

Strategus Issues / server crash no warning at all.
« on: November 30, 2011, 05:55:04 am »
We had a battle Reset after the battle on 29th at 9:47 eastern, after the end of the battle the server crashed. Several hours later the battle was Restarted and we had to short of a notice and were unable to get roster support. Please Restart the Battle again with a 24 hour timespawn and the ability to form the roster.

we are nicely asking the devs team to do something thanks a lot.

General Discussion / The Dark Force
« on: November 30, 2011, 02:51:21 am »
This is what happen when you try to exploit the game mechanix!

God wills it

Mercenary Recruitment / Defend of dusturil
« on: November 17, 2011, 05:56:40 pm »
Occitan is asking all the EU clan/players who dislike or like to figth against  Hre, Merc, Fallen, Fcc, tkov ,NH and  Gk to register our side and give them a hard time at dusturil and hopefuly bleed them as much as we can! thanks in advance.
ps: We give cookies
Ps: the battle will happen friday 7 eastern

Buy / buying heirloom points 475k each
« on: November 16, 2011, 05:22:28 pm »
buying heirloom point need 2 heirloom points

buying heirloom point 475k each pm me

need at least 14 strength thanks you

Buy / Buying those following items
« on: November 15, 2011, 03:13:49 pm »
looking for 3 loom point giving 1.2 million total
looking for lordly white tunic (1.1million)
looking for heraldic mail with sucoat(1.1 million)

thanks you if you have any of those and want gold pm me! thanks

Buy / buying 1 loom point 400k
« on: October 13, 2011, 08:58:25 pm »
buying 1 loom point or a +1 heraldic mail with surcoat for 400k

Sell/Trade / Looking for a +3 heraldic mail with surcoat
« on: October 13, 2011, 10:33:44 am »
selling a +3 longsword for heraldic mail with surcoat.

Sell/Trade / fews weapon for trade
« on: September 30, 2011, 01:43:17 pm »

1.masterwork bec de corbin
2.masterwork italian sword
3.masterwork elite scimitar

leave offer
i look especialy for +3 armor heraldic one (with surcoat or with tarbard)

General Discussion / Racism
« on: September 28, 2011, 11:42:12 pm »
Long story short, it was the warning call of a community tired to be bashed without having reparations, justice or aknowledgement. You have decided to close the post, I don't know why. But still, I shall say this: We've had enough. We are very likely to post again, if there is reoccurence, and seeing how this was handled, there will be.
We will, until then, be on our best behavior. But by avoiding the subject, and furthermore, imposing silence, you failed to realise that what came out was bottled up since a long time. This particular case: typical event, even a regular one; by far not the worst.  In the end, racism, is not covered by the first amendment. Slander IS And, as stated in the report: “The Role of Telecommunications in Hate Crimes.”, this can be considered as: Hate Speech that creates a climate of hate or prejudice, which may in turn foster the commission of hate crimes. As stated in the FCC report of 1993,(updated in 2009) by federal law, in all regards, as a public domain, you have the obligation to consider the slander, in accord with the first amendment.
Let the post die for now, but we've had enough, and will not tolerate that you disregard racist speech as "common behavior". Closing the post is not helping. From now on, we respectfully ask that Ad-hoc actions be taken against the offenders of the rules you have established as a public domain, following in that regard, the actual FCC regulation.
Thank you.  From decurtius

PS: muting the author of the post, was, by the way a violation of the first amendment.

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