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Topics - Thomek

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Realism Discussion / Remove shield mode for Katana.
« on: June 23, 2012, 05:25:45 pm »
Totally unhistorical.

Samurais didn't use shields.

Katana should be 2h only, or perhaps have secondary 1h mode, but always without shield.

General Discussion / Strategus got Ninja'd.
« on: June 23, 2012, 04:57:50 pm »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login


around 3 mins theres a classic horse steal! :)

Suggestions Corner / cRPG integrated lo-fi mode/option
« on: June 06, 2012, 12:54:32 pm »
Now with the excellent new servers a lot of us are having some fps issues, even if we play dx7 with everything at minimum.

Perhaps the devs could make us an option in the crpg downloader to use a low-res textures, and/or other performance optimizations?

I guess just a script that auto-resizes all the textures, and clicking the option will install them in stead of the standard textures would do.. right? :)

Spam / Insult other nations here.
« on: May 24, 2012, 04:40:07 pm »
Come on boys, let off the steam safely here in the spam section!

No personal attacks, just nations.. :D

This idea is just taking further ideas that have been floating around, and to a certain degree been implemented in the battlegroups system.

The whole idea is to make it casual to set up and join competitive battles in stead of having the random mayhem we have now.

One could look at it as good, even strat battles being played continuously by players all the time.

Casual to set up
It should be easy to set up a battle. Everyone starts with their standard gear.

Easy and quick to join
If there is a battle upcoming, one should be able to join it just like a normal crpg battle and be autoassigned to a team.

Commanders, who can be anyone, are participating in a simple ladder system. Points, challenges etc, should be quite automatic.

In depth
We all love a good strat battle right? We all cry about more teamwork in the everyday battles.. This suggestion is about fixing that, making it possible to join a real commanded battle everyday, at any time, without all the hassle, planning and waiting of strat battles.

For the commander:
* Anyone should be able to sign up to be a commander and participate in the ladder system.
* One should be able to apply for flexible slots and if one doesn't show one automatically looses it, and the next person on the list gets his turn. Perhaps the server gets turned into normal battle in the meantime.
* One can use a system similar to the battlegroups system to set up battles.
* A commander can have a Wish List of players. If both commanders wishes the same player it is random or every second time who will get him.
* Every player has a COST which is the result of a formula based on (BetterBattles K:D ratio, Win:Loss ratio, and gear)
* Every commander has a limited number of points to buy players for in their wishlist.

In any case, autobalance will even the teams before the first round based on players previous performance in BetterBattles. The idea is to keep autobalance for actual player skills, and leave the result completely up to the commanders decisions, while at the same time having some degree of teamwork growing over time.

For example, everyone would WishList Phyrex or Chase, thus they would be randomly placed almost every round, (and priced according to their effectiveness) while it would be more clever to also WishList less known players that are still good, or have a good function i your plan.

Of course there is no guarantee any of those players would be on, but some degree of organizing could reward commanders in the long term.

* Since this game mode would require much more effort, the XP and Gold should be higher than normal battle.
* Perhaps even commanders should be given a special armor and riding skills if they so wish. Killing him making the battle a win.
* Perhaps the wishlist should have sliders deciding the composition of your army in cav, ranged and footsoldiers.
* Some reminder function if the time of your battle gets drastically changed. Send a PM or email if the battle is 2 battles away?
* Commanders should be able to setup welcome messages with i.ex TS info and basic strategies.
* 30 seconds prep time in front of every battle.

For the Player
* He would simply join the server, spectate until round end and be able to join.
* A loss would give less XP/gold than normal battle, but wins should give more. This would ensure that he is more likely to follow directions.
* The commander should be able to kick players if he thinks they are doing more damage than worth.
* In any case, if a player is a near useless peasant with a horrible performance history, his worth to the autobalance would also be near zero, thus it costs nothing to have him on your team either.
* There should be lists open to everyone, showing their effectiveness in BB. (perhaps optional on the player side. The autobalancer must know however)

A side idea to this:
3 more ladders going, where the gear is preselected by commanders.  One could have one price group of 100k gold, one of 500k, and one of 1mill gold to spend on equipment. Here commanders can experiment with different ranges of equipment, and we would all be able to participate in crazy battles with "real" armies, planned out beforehand, only limited in their prices.

What you think?
Bring in your ideas!

Minecraft / THIS looks interesting. Blockade Runner.
« on: April 26, 2012, 04:35:32 pm »

Minecraft in space. But not really minecraft, except it has blocks.

Some of the promised features:

* You design your spaceships in an editor, then get them built and repair them in a shipyard
* Multiplayer
* Physics, it matters where you place the engines
* Sensors, radar etc
* Prefabs; non-block placeable items. Everything from guns to doors to plants and displays. You can also make them yourself.
* Planets, asteroids
* Ships inside ships, and ships that can separate into more ships

You can also download an early invdev for free right now, build a ship and fly and shoot it offline.

Suggestions Corner / Dueling for gold on the duel server.
« on: April 25, 2012, 03:15:41 am »
Let's admit it. This would be fun and awesome.

Player A and B pools 20k gold each, total 40k.

Whoever wins gets it all!

Will crpg finally get real pool hustlers?

Imagine duels for 1 million gold! Would be epic.

It would be a good capitalist way of saying;

Well, danish greatswords come from denmark, and they have run out of supply! Of course they are more expensive!

This would be an automatic min-maxer killer in the long run. Since no weapon or item is atm extremely OP in itself, I think we could try such a change. For every greatsword used every tick, the price and upkeep of it would go up or down.

A rarely used weapon would be very cheap, and a popular one very expensive, making players have to compensate by wearing less armor.

Same would work for armors and other items of course. It should be for weapons USED, not bought or in inventory though. Perhaps it should be connected to the kill or damage stats?

This would also shake up the marketplace... :D

Game Balance Discussion / 0 Weaponmaster should not be viable.
« on: April 13, 2012, 01:12:19 am »
But it is for any pure 2h/polearm build.

118 wpf is enough to work any weapon well enough. I know since I have 122 in 2h, and can manage OK with a katana on the duel servers..

WPM or not is a dilemma mostly for hybrids. For pure melee chars it's an almost worthless stat. IF is way better.. for most builds. Especially since STR+IF+Heavy armor are a powerful combo.
look at free wpf - so you cant have 0 wpm and 120 wpf, which is more than good enough. Perhaps reduce it by 50%.

Adjust the wpm curve - accordingly so taking wpm is more worth it at the end part of the scale.

Adjust the wpf eating function - so we won't get game breaking amounts of wpf in the top.

Of course, this is risking putting the whole game balance off. (as you are moving the foundations of all other balance decisions)

But if carefully done, shouldn't be too harmful. No one would die from a little shakeup :D

Before anyone rages, I'm talking a SMALL adjustment here.

Carefully done so taking WPM becomes slightly more valuable.

Suggestions Corner / Why don't we have a stickied screenshot thread?
« on: March 30, 2012, 01:19:19 pm »


All gameforums should have one!

Game Balance Discussion / 2 weapons dominate 2h/pole.
« on: March 05, 2012, 04:55:46 am »
Great Long Axe and Danish. They are just crowding the battlefield.

A 2h player? most likely danish.
Every polearmer or polecav pulls out a big ass axe and hiltslashes it..

Paul, Fasaderp. Do you really want this bias towards the longest ranged weapons?

I've said it a gazillion times, your formulas for 2h/pole doesn't reflect the battle power of weapons sufficiently. IMO it doesn't count in the range of weapons and weigh it in enough..

That's really the core problem. It's not some kind of superstition or romanticism with big swords that makes so many players use them. I think i.ex the Longsword is an excellent sword, perfectly usable in battle. The only problem is that there is another sword that is longer AND does more damage in cut and pierce. The experienced speed difference in game marginal, and not many wants to spend those saved $$$ on armor since it will slow them down too much. And with a shorter sword you need superior speed to not get backpedalspammed..

To be more precise. I think the reason the longest weapons are more powerful than they "should" be according to formula, is that the longest weapon will always outrange everything else (duh). And towards the end of the list of the longest wep, they outrange almost everything, and very little outrange them. So in a random selection of encounters, you get the "Backpedal and get free slash effect" much more often with a long wep.  So the metagame adapts to this, and you end up with everyone using a danish greatsword.

Now the question:
Should we nerf the longest 4 directional weapons a little bit and have a more varied battlefield?

The only melee infantry players NOT using a danish or a Great Long Axe are different variants of roleplayers.

This is not me having a problem with these weapons. It's just really boring to see so little of our amazing armory getting used.

Ait guys, took me a little while to start moving on this one.. Hopefully, full film will be out soon! :)

I've been a hybrid thrower more or less through most of my 10 generations, so I have a good feel for it and I find 115-120 is the sweet spot i prefer to have reasonable ability to hit different targets like horse heads charging at you with jarids, headshotting the occasional archer with snowflakes etc..

As I'm eventually hoping to reach lvl 34, perhaps this summer I'm going to distribute my last wpf points from weaponmaster 8.

cRPG calc tells me I can expect to go from 133 wpf in throwing to 148 if I invest everything in it. (6pt)

Still I'm unsure of wether to put it into 2h going from 122 to 138 or even split it for maximum wpf efficiency. (136/136)

This might seem like nitpicking, but I vaguely think I remember seeing there is a max accuracy achievable for throwing, no matter the wpf.

Is this correct or am I confused? Is there an engine accuracy limitation in throwing, regarless of wpf? Is this why I feel around 120 wpf in throwing is perfect and that more is wasted? If that's the case I'll rather put the points into 2h. (Although it is the most boring alternative)

Can anyone confirm if this is true or false? At what effective wpf does it hit the wall? (Limited by weapon accuracy stat?)

See I would love to throw those snowflakes with even a little bit more accuracy, as throwing in general becomes exponentially more effective the more hits you can land. (Compare to slight speed and damage increase in 2h)

Most of this is old ideas but something struck me while writing another post somewhere..

The evenings where we've had good teamplay have been mostly developed through single maps that goes 4-5. This is because repetition makes teamplay and leadership possible.

The teamplay always disappears when the teams change and a new map occurs.

With PIN balance, a leader or anyone could say "Hey guys, join with PIN "1234" if you want to play with me/us for the evening!" This would ensure we could really create and build teams and teamwork more consistently.

I actually believe this subtle change could, at least sometimes, create a dramatically different battle situation and game on EU1 and other big servers.

We already have banner balance, so when small and big clans play we already have little battlegroups..
Of course, if one teams start joining with a pin, the other team by consequence also gets a more consistent team. Teams would be stronger, but if one team is very strong, the other team will start to adapt by being forced. Leaders will emerge from the ranks out of pure desperation!

Also, if the enemy team DOESN'T get themselves together the autobalancer should start weighing the PIN of the winning team more and more. Eventually, a small group of hardcore teamplayers would face the huge disorganized mob of the enemy.

PIN's should also last for an hour or so when first chosen. Otherways a winning PIN team would just abooze it and agree to change PIN every map or round.

The idea is small, but I think it has potential for great results.


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