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Topics - Christo

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General Off Topic / What does it feel like to have a broken nose?
« on: February 20, 2014, 08:36:50 am »

So yeah I injured my nose, and I'm looking for a bit of an information on this, did you have any nose related injury, especially breaking?

I just want to know if it's the same thing I have. It's somewhat swollen around the sides, slightly reddish but not purple or anything on the middle/top, and I got a bit of a mini-scar in the center that was bleeding, but it stopped pretty quickly. Also the tip of my nose was kind of numb the day it happened, but I feel my nose entirely now.

Nose seems straight and even, other than the scar I mentioned. if I move it to the side it hurts kinda. can't tell 100% because of the swelling though. I can breathe somewhat ok (I always have nasal issue because of allergy or in winter because of the weather),

move fine, sleep just fine unless I really press hard on it  :lol:

I don't think it is THAT serious but I know that injury can be super sneaky, so I'm not sure.

Also how to cure this shit?

General Off Topic / I hate supermarket workers.
« on: December 09, 2013, 08:31:18 pm »
Christo cRPG Blog :D

No seriously, they can be the biggest D-bags for absolutely no reason.

Take an example that just happened half hour ago, lol.

So I went on foot to closest market there is, my father's fiancé or whatever it's called works there.

Reached in the last 15 minutes, I bought stuff. I was like the only person in the shop at that point and was hurrying, this security douche followed me all through and while it's understandable, there's a little plot twist: I go there almost 2 times a week or at least weekly.

So when I was about to pay he went into douche mode and wanted to look at my everything, while I took my backpack off I said this:

"Well sir if I didn't start stealing yet, I'll definitely start it now!" - Hard to translate properly but it was meant to be slightly funny a bit.

Then they got completely offended that I dare say such a thing and not bow to any protocols of theirs lol.
I told them that it was meant to be a bit sarcastic but if they don't get it, it's not offensive. They were still butthurt and I was public enemy lol.

Shit like this happens to me very often, and others too. They treat you like a freaking criminal  :mrgreen:
Maybe it's because it's winter time and I wear hoodies when I go out. No idea.

Got similar stories? Tell!

General Off Topic / Afina, post here instead please.
« on: November 29, 2013, 10:44:47 am »
Seriously, It's getting boring to play PM tennis with you when nobody sees it. Show the public how smart you are!

Bring it here man! After the like 5 of those PMs of yours, I got bored of looking at inbox.

kom at me bor ) cyku fite me irl

Spam / level 21
« on: November 05, 2013, 05:18:49 am »
Just a 'bit' more until retirement

General Off Topic / Ride to hell retribution : GOTY 2013?
« on: October 04, 2013, 10:20:02 am »
Holy shit what I've been missing out on, this is teh shit

I decided not to make a topic about it in other games because it doesn't even deserve that.

Dear god. I'm thinking about pirating this and trying maybe with a friend while drinking and laughing our arses off at it.

General Off Topic / Hungarian politics in shellnut.
« on: September 30, 2013, 08:14:21 am »

So the opposition of the currently domineering Fidesz party
(which I find disgusting, their dictatorship is ruining this place even more, endangering the rules of a democracy)

Did this, they made a statue of Orban and played around with it.

This event was organized by the left side who are just as bad, if not worse.

It's like some bad comedy, I'm sure everybody laughs at Orban and hungarian politics outside  :)

I've just tuned in the Radio where they told about this "blasphemous event on the glorious leader" yesterday. Just lol

General Off Topic / The Gun That Aims Itself (Documentary)
« on: September 26, 2013, 02:28:40 pm »


Now this is a tough one. Especially after discovering M&B combat system, the whole genre was forgotten, but even before, I couldn't really find one that's worth playing.

Friend of mine would like to play something with me but usually the ones he finds are crap, it would be nice to just level up and party up and stuff, like in the old days even if only for a week or so.

"Generic swords and magic beaten to death" genre is the most welcome, but if you got a nice experience of something different, I wanna know it.

Got any ideas?

General Off Topic / Costume Party, ideas?
« on: September 24, 2013, 12:16:03 am »
So yeah, I got like a month, even though it's about "hell-o-weenie", anything goes in the party.

I wanted to dress up like an officer with an uniform, and a pistol replica or something, but I can't really find clothes like that.

Longish army trench coat, officer cap, that kinda stuff. Also as fun it would be to walk around streets in a chocolate chip cookie uniform, that's bloody expensive.

So, any alternatives, or ideas on how I could do the look? I accept other ideas too.

(click to show/hide)

General Off Topic / Golden Dawn, knights in shining armor.
« on: September 18, 2013, 06:50:10 pm »

I'm sure this will bait our friend here, drama bait engaged

General Off Topic / Tech gurus assemble, I need your opinion. [PC]
« on: September 16, 2013, 09:08:29 pm »
So, after my PC survived and got home, things were all fun and games, until..

My PC isn't powering on normally anymore. Now, I've been reading some articles and threads about this, but the weird thing is, it's completely random.

Last time it happened about a week ago, I used the PC the night before, woke up in the morning, fired it up.. nothing. Green led up, but no response. Came back home later in the evening, it turned on for the first try.

Today is the same thing, I did everything usual, played for some hours etc, no problems, then shut it off and went to sleep.
Turning PC on early morning to read some news, nothing. Nothing ever since.

The weird thing is that I know it can give power, I used it for weeks with this setup and gamed heavily for hours. So the hell is it's problem? This is what I could use some insight for, I only had the exact opposite with a dying PC years ago, it didn't want to turn OFF, and always turned on in the middle of the night, waking me from sleep. That was a bit creepy back then though lol.

The Chamber of Tears / LOL (ToD get in here!)
« on: September 09, 2013, 02:10:29 pm »
This section made me laugh so hard.

ToD, it seems like the crew made you a virtual home now.

General Off Topic / To our fellow muricans
« on: September 01, 2013, 12:11:06 am »
What do you think about this Syria thing, as an american?

I don't have that title for nothing, it had to be done.

So yeah, few days ago my PSU went apeshit and I'm not totally sure but there is a high chance that it fried some, if not all of my major components. I'll take it to the service tomorrow so more experienced people can see it too, but I think that's what happened.

I just wanted to take the power-plug out just like any other day, when the plastic cover like thingy snapped, broke off in some places, and I managed to pull out all those freaking cables and it was sparking and buzzing like crazy, I had a mini heart attack. :mrgreen:
At least it didn't shock me, but when I was unscrewing the little bastards some current left in it almost did, hehe

I replaced the PSU, but everytime I put my Video-card in there the fans go crazy fast and loud, nothing loads. Motherboard VGA port doesn't give a picture either.  :?

I'm using a very basic, non-gaming kind of laptop these days, just to browse youtube (even that lags sometimes), and chat with people, etc. So expect even more forum stalking from me nowadays :mrgreen:

So, I'm looking for something older, but not THAT old, Diablo clones or space sandboxes or an RTS, anything really.

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