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Topics - BaleOhay

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Diplomacy / come on Hosp part 2
« on: December 23, 2012, 05:51:34 am »
we attack peppo's fief at 10 PM est and it auto pushes to 6am. You are killing fun as we know it.

I know you said "peppo did not know his settings were that" but that is something you have to set to be that way. I do not believe 10pm est is the default setting. Any chance you can have a gander at the other fief owners and set thigns to a sane set of times...

Or send me a list of when the night settings for your fiefs so I can try and adhere to a better schedule?


Have a large fight at a terrible time (thanks Aderyn for those awesome night time settings)

FCC needs you for a fief capture attempt. Gear for all classes and if you are willing to give up your time to fight it with us we are willing to pay you for your time.

500 strat gold for each merc to hire on and show up for the fight.

1000 for everyone who does well in the fight.

Fight is at 6 am est. We will take NA/EU since the time slot is poor. More fights to follow this so join up today and likely secure yourself a spot in future fights since we will owe you one.


Diplomacy / night time settings. come on Hosp!!
« on: December 05, 2012, 05:09:28 am »
Why does Aderyn's night time settings have to include nearly all of primetime... No one wants to fight at 6am man.

Since this is diplo forumn.. Can I propose setting normal nightime so we can have some good fights in NA primetime please.

Mercenary Recruitment / The war has begun. Will you fight for the FCC
« on: December 04, 2012, 06:33:28 pm »
From that clan that brought you the Kutt War and all the fun fights that went with it now brings you another. Invasion of the Steppes... Let us introduce them to their God.

Where do you go when you want NA strat wars... fcc!

Who brings you city sieges and exp by the bucket full... Fcc!

Who will have the equipment you need... FCc!

Who should you merc for to do the deed... FCC!!!!!


When: Tue 03:12 PM eastern stnd time  Gear for all classes
1438 Fcc troops (the good guys)
1147 hosp rabble (the bad guys)

When: Tue 08:04 PM eastern std time 
109 hosp conscripts  (booo!)
206 FCC UN peace keepers (Woo hooo) lets get those boys home for Xmas!

More to come stay tuned.

On a side note some other good fights you should be signing up for

When: Tue 08:32 PM  Eastern Stnd time
262 Heathen party Troops
486 The Frisian Freedom Peaceful traders  (sign up and defend that freedom you know and love)

When: Wed 12:38 AM Eastern Stnd time
656 Dragoni of Valahia Orphans defending their homes (sign for them and an angel gets its wings)
792 Heretic Party

Strategus Issues / strat fights messed up (NA)
« on: November 26, 2012, 02:09:21 am »
7:40 Pm est strat fight between Hero party and FCC was fought on time. Fcc won without a single death.

Strat servers were reset directly after. The battle went off again. Fcc won a second time without a death.. The battle is still in the list and waiting to be fought.

Reported in IRC tho no one responded and now here.

Mercenary Recruitment / Will you fight for me?
« on: November 25, 2012, 11:08:00 pm »
Been attacked. Fight kicks off at 7:40 pm Eastern standard time.

Na side, could use all classes. Thanks for the help

Strategus Issues / fight a bit screwy
« on: October 30, 2012, 02:39:10 am »
FCC vrs kutt fight from 8:03 Pm eastern.

The fight happened an hour later than scheduled. None of the gear we had for the fight actually showed up. We only had -2 gear. All our mercs could not get in the fight due to the patch downloading. Any chance something will be done to roll this back? They were an unarmed people and ended up winning due the the problems tonight.

NA (Community) / 3 guys to keep an eye on Noods
« on: October 25, 2012, 03:34:07 am »
Was on tonight one some teammates started going at it.. A lot of he started it BS. Told everyone to stop and i would not take any more of it.

Next round three teammates started again Team hitting and TKing.


No action needed they all left after the kicks. But figure pass the word incase others see them acting like children.

Strategus Issues / strat fights today?
« on: October 20, 2012, 08:22:11 pm »
Anyone know what is going on with the server? Battles are paused. Not sure when to show up for alliance fight almost 2 hours ago.

Strategus Issues / crafting ticks question. how they work.
« on: August 31, 2012, 02:53:07 pm »
At 9 pm last night I logged out and had 24 ticks. Thinking I had enough to make it till tonight. Logged in at 7am and I have 1 left. So I did not even get 12 hours. How do they work?

Strategus General Discussion / anyone notice?
« on: August 23, 2012, 07:53:59 pm »
Anyone else notice, that the announcement for strat round ending, finally had people playing it for fun. The way it should have been the whole time?

I see less BS on forumns and in game. Most fights worked out ahead of time and having a good time is more important than winning.

If only this could carry over to the next one.


Strategus Issues / slowness as the fight goes on?
« on: August 22, 2012, 03:01:25 pm »
the last few strat fights I have been in start great. I can move and fight well. As the fight goes on things start slowing.

by the end I can hardly swing my weapon. I hit attack and nothing happens for three seconds. plus I asked around and I am not the only one this is happening to. Not sure why but it was not happening in strat 2. What would have changed to be causing to to fade from start of the fight to the end.

Sell/Trade / Mw simple sword?
« on: August 03, 2012, 09:26:10 pm »
Anyone interested?

Sell or trade.

Would be interested in
Lordly boots of some kind (not plate)
MW 1 hander like soldier/Military cleaver

would consider gold trade as well so I can buy a couple loom points instead.

Strategus General Discussion / Ohay!
« on: August 02, 2012, 05:11:12 pm »
looks like when the next strat comes out I will no longer be able to be a lone blacksmith wandering about.

Who wants Ohay in their strat faction!! (for enxt strat)

General Discussion / any help would be appreciated.
« on: July 26, 2012, 02:00:35 am »
prob not the right place for this but I know it will get the views here.

had a hard drive crash out on me. replaced and everything reloaded. Now to get crpg back in the mix.

So far I got steam back on and with it mount and blade warband.
I downloaded the auto installer and put it in the

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\mountblade warband\Modules\CRPG
then ran it. with repair box checked.

It made it thru successfully. I try and get into the game and no servers are showing up at all. It says contacting like 630ish for internet. But no servers ever appear in the list.

Any thoughts or suggestions. (I did not put the put the original warband on the PC. I did not think I had to for warband) no filters are on either.
I tested the multiplayer in native and the servers appears fine.



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