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Topics - Umbra

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Spam / HL3 Confirmed
« on: October 03, 2014, 09:25:00 am »
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Hi, i like TES lore. Lets share some lore

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Sell/Trade / WTT Lordly Klappvisier
« on: September 13, 2014, 04:00:49 pm »
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Trading for lighter helms, offer in pm

Deutsches Forum / teilen Deutsch polandball Comics
« on: August 30, 2014, 09:32:05 am »
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cRPG Technical problems / Crash when starting crpg
« on: August 28, 2014, 07:25:59 pm »
Hi, what is this?

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Great deal, bought it for Vicky 2 + all dlc

If you liked Europa universalis or Hearts of Iron or Crusader Kings you are gonna love this one.

For noobs: This is a grand strategy game set in the Victorian age. A great game but one of the more complex paradox games. If you havent played any of their grand strategy be prepared for an extensive tutorial period.

Spam / Haram stuff
« on: August 24, 2014, 12:26:02 pm »

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Suggestions Corner / Option to hide voice chat green text spam
« on: August 22, 2014, 09:13:07 am »
Add an option in the options menu to disable a) voice command audio and/or b) voice command chat messages.

I don't mind the voices, but sometimes the massive wall of green gets annoying. Makes it hard to see all the afk peasants that I'm trying to lance at their spawn.

I always tell Umbra on ts to stop it after a while lol, it's not the voices that annoy me I'm always riding far from the main group so I hear it in the distance (makes me chuckle a bit hehe
) but what sometimes bothers me is the wall of green text, I can't see where I'm shooting because HA shoots only on the left side where the flood is. A few mutes solves it though.

From the voice chat spam drama thread. I thought this suggestion deserved its own seperate thread. So basically its a simple suggestion, make an option to hide the green text voice chat spam while still being able to hear the voices ingame. The spam of green text obscures the view.

Türkçe Forum / Onur
« on: August 21, 2014, 11:25:41 pm »
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Guides / A small tip
« on: August 15, 2014, 03:51:33 am »
I often see people dropping their weapons and picking them back again at the end of the round to get that extra hit/kill, but if you press X 2 times (or whatever your button for secondary mode is), quickly switching from secondary to primary mode (if your weapon has it), you can swing again much faster.

General Off Topic / Kurd discussion
« on: August 15, 2014, 02:21:28 am »
Kurdish Peshmerga seem to be putting the Iraqi Armed Forces to shame when it comes to fighting ISIS/ISIL. I read a few articles where they are now supposedly backed with US weaponry. Im not thrilled about arming another group in the ME but they seem to be the logical choice since we probably wont see any more NATO boots on the ground there.

Most comments online that i have encountered seem to be positive, even hinting that, with this war, they are building legitimay for their own state. I know Turkey will never give up an inch of their land but could this be beginning of an independent Kurish state in northern Iraq?

Perhaps Turks will view that as a threat but i dunno, it might just work. The Kurds themselves are not a homogeneous group, (their population estimates on wiki seem to be 30-38 million people with different fractions) so it could be possible that a Kurdish state formed from their lands in northern Iraq wouldnt cause a mayor upset with the Turkish Kurd population, which, i got the impression from a couple of native Kurds online,  is relatively content with their status. I dont know the details here, so if a Turk could share their view that would be great.

From the rescue, combat and relief footage i got the impression that the Kurds are a much lesser evil than ISIS/ISIL.

Should the west really be backing them, could they realistically carve a state for their nation? Currently i am leaning towards yes in both regards.

Deutsches Forum / Those Vaterland Feels
« on: June 21, 2014, 11:37:44 am »
Playing as Brandenburg in Europa universalis 4 and this starts playing as i go to Krieg.

I wanted to form Prussia, but after this song i think i will unite Germany.  :D

Beginner's Help and Guides / Quiet mode
« on: June 19, 2014, 04:57:21 pm »
Anyone know how to turn on chat after disabling it with ctl+alt+m?

General Off Topic / Brasil:Croatia
« on: June 09, 2014, 05:53:31 pm »
What are your predictions?

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