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Topics - Matey

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Mercenary Recruitment / Pillaging! (Saturday, Aug 11 - 10am EST)
« on: August 10, 2012, 09:39:48 pm »
Due to unfortunate night time settings, my battle at Ada Kulun is at 10am EST on saturday (instead of 2am est like I wanted!) anyways, sign up if interested.!?page=battledetail&id=4114

Sell/Trade / Mighty Great Long Axe for Archer stuffs
« on: August 10, 2012, 09:04:48 am »
I want archer stuff. gimme offers.

« on: August 05, 2012, 08:32:37 am »
Many months ago I took a great maul to the head and was in and out of consciousness. I would have brief moments of lucidity where I would find myself awaking in unfamiliar places, sometimes in snowy lands, or in the middle of the desert or other places. I had some dreams during my long periods of unconsciousness, the one I remember most vividly involved ninjas attacking a snowy village.

Finally I came to my senses for good and took stock of my situation; the glorious republic I had fought for was gone, the friendly peoples of the north were gone; my friends of Veluca were no longer a proud and mighty kingdom and were instead struggling to survive against the barbarian hordes who had invaded the north. The treacherous, honourless, cowardly barbarians of the steppes had spread their influence and brought death and poverty to the northern lands. Some folk talked about hordes of wacky speaking southern devils having pillaged their way through the north as well. Among this disaster there was also the familiar group of peace loving hippies who had taken to squatting around Reyvadin, even these peaceful folk had been forced into war as they sought to fight off the oncoming barbarians.

I was unsure what to do, there was no cause worth fighting for, so instead I chose to go back to my Pirate ways; first I decided to follow the vision I had seen and to gather up a squad of elite ninjas, I found some homeless people who wore black clothes that swore they were ninjas. They had no weapons that I could see but they assured me that they had mystical swords capable of slaying dragons; I was skeptical about these claims so I took my new comrades to the desert in the hopes of looting old battlefields for equipment. While in the desert I came across some drunk vikings who were forlornly trying to row their raiding boats across seas of sand. I quickly convinced these vikings that I could find them a good battle with good pillaging and a good death. And so, a band of unruly vikings and some homeless ninjas followed a Pirate to war against the vilest barbarians of Calradia.

tl;dr EAT PAIN

p.s. sign up for me.

Diplomacy / Vovka revealed!
« on: July 18, 2012, 03:41:12 am »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Diplomacy / Dear DRZ
« on: March 18, 2012, 05:19:48 am »
I am currently in your lands stealing your villages with my fierce army; if you wish to survive my rampage I suggest you provide me with 300,000 gold and 49 horses. If you meet my demands I will only burn one of your villages to the ground instead of the entirety of your kingdom.

With love,

Sell/Trade / Sold
« on: March 15, 2012, 06:29:05 am »
all gone.

Strategus Issues / Defenders all getting DC from strat fight
« on: December 20, 2011, 12:09:50 am »
Leiknir_Leifrsson vs Gristle_BRD - Hide Details
- Battle time: 20.12., 00:01
- Battle duration: 02m10s
- Army size: 400 vs 1044
- Battle result: 392 vs 943
- Winner: Attacker

90% of defenders would get DC every minute. Attackers walked up killed a few people and took spawns.

prolly wanna look into that.

p.s. im done with strat 3.0 and i havent played crpg in weeks, ill be back someday no doubt, but for now i am out of here.

Suggestions Corner / Forum Diversity
« on: December 06, 2011, 10:19:19 pm »
I see that I am labeled as a peasant after all this time.
First off, I am the Lord of a fief dammit!
Secondly, I suggest that my title of "Peasant" be changed to "Pirate"

That is all.

In Strat 1.0 every battle had full rosters because the xp was so good that any diplomatic ramifications were ignored in favour of xp... so how about this.. when you are fighting for an AI fief you get the equivalent of a 6x or better multiplier as well as the bonus xp for people dying and equipment and so on. This will accomplish a few things...
 1. people will be a lot more eager to sign up for neutral fiefs.
 2. only those who really want the attacker to succeed are likely to sign for the attacker. and
 3. normally the defenders get bored an kamikaze due to lack of organization or caring... but with this system, the longer the battle lasts the more xp the defenders get... the attackers have no incentive to prolong the battle, but the defenders do, and the best defenses are usually the ones with the patience to stick together and hold the village rather than running around and getting killed. 

this means that there will be a lot more incentive to not only fight for the AI, but to fight well and coordinate your efforts.
as for villages paying gold... i really dont think it matters... strat gold only matters to the people who invest time in strat, but the xp matters to everyone who plays crpg, so youll get a ton more people who are interested in signing up for neutral faction which might get them into strat a bit more in general, even though xp for signing up with factions isnt great.

p.s. it is slightly abusable in the sense that a faction could "take one for the community" and launch a 1/3 attack against a fief and then just camp while everyone gets xp... but since there will be so many people wanting to participate, it seems there is about a 99.999999999999% chance that an admin or at least someone who is not friendly towards that clan will attend and perhaps a peasant counter attack will hit the offending clan as the peasants would become so cocky after defending their village so easily... or a dark force could take retribution.

cRPG Technical problems / What is this?! I DONT EVEN!
« on: November 27, 2011, 08:32:53 pm »
Masterwork Grosse Messer
weapon length: 85
weight: 1.2
difficulty: 11
speed rating: 100
weapon length: 85
thrust damage: 23 pierce
swing damage: 36 cut
slots: 1

WHY! why would you lower my grosse messer cut damage by 1?! why do you hate me so much?! WHY!!!!!!! ARGGGGG i hate you all.

Strategus General Discussion / The Siege of Bhulaban (FCC VS ATS)
« on: November 14, 2011, 09:36:18 am »
Since no one else has made a post...

Good fight guys, and fuck you Raina! you shot me so many damn times when i thought my shield would protect me  :evil:

Mercenary Recruitment / Dear RuConquista_Randomko
« on: November 11, 2011, 01:53:17 am »
I'm sorry I lost the battle for you ;{
The enemy had a full plate guy and a horse... I did kill the horse though.

Strategus Issues / Issue with Crates/weight
« on: November 08, 2011, 03:51:17 am »
Yar, I just transferred all my stuff away (some goods, some gear and some troops) and went from 128 crates to... 128 crates. my move speed went from 5 to 9 (i went from 49 troops 1 horse to 1 troop 1 horse) so it seems to register my horse bonus... but it seems to think i have tons of weight despite having nothing but a horse and 1 troops.

also, when i had quick march with all this, i had 20ish speed. the fellow i transferred it all to... has 56 speed after i gave him all my stuff... and he has exactly the same stuff i had and nothing additional.

Strategus Issues / Craft/Recruit Efficiency
« on: October 17, 2011, 08:15:05 pm »
Dunno if this is intentional... if it is maybe we can change it anyways?

The fief I am in right now has 6 people working and 3 people doing nothing, and is at 88% crafting. correct me if im wrong... but you can have 7 people crafting/recruiting in a fief with 100% and its additional people who then lower the %... so in the fief I am currently in, the 3 people who are doing nothing are being counted towards the penalty and are lowering the % despite not doing anything. Any chance of changing it so that craft % is only effected by the amount of people crafting? and recruiting only by the amount of people recruiting?

Strategus Issues / First impressions about Village defense
« on: October 16, 2011, 07:24:04 pm »
well. first village defense is over...

my observations...

50k gold for defenders resulted in awful gear. there seemed to be enough variety, but hell... look at the one handers... also, i think we ran out of ALL weps by the end. - to see defender weapons and best armour.

of course, the attacker also suffered from poor gear as gold is scarce and gear expensive.
props to attackers though, they were 22 players vs 68 and killed as many as they lost.

oh also, the awful gear means awful xp.
Before: 22,845,284
After: 22,850,874
30min for 5,500 xp.

lastly... i thought ranged was supposed to be worse now? but im pretty sure most of the top players were archers. if im wrong about that, then someone feel free to correct me.

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