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Topics - JennaHaze

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Русскоязычный форум / привет
« on: February 03, 2015, 12:22:31 pm »
привет я узнавать русски как дела друг?

General Off Topic / So i found this on utube
« on: January 16, 2015, 12:19:12 pm »

General Off Topic / Why does cRPG community dont have gf/bf?
« on: December 25, 2014, 10:03:41 pm »
I saw threads like how to get a gf/bf lets find out why

General Off Topic / cRPG illuminati confirmed
« on: December 24, 2014, 09:47:36 am »
c is the 3rd letter of alphabet
triangle has 3 sides
cRPG has 1 tiny and 3 big letters
illuminati triangle has 3 sides and 1 eye
cRPG is illuminati confirmed

Türkçe Forum / Türkçe forumun n a z i adminleri nerede?
« on: December 19, 2014, 02:12:02 pm »
Nerdesiniz :oops:

General Off Topic / Does cRPG community lift? [NEW POLL MUPFUGGAZ]
« on: December 19, 2014, 02:09:04 pm »
This poll will show us

Türkçe Forum / var ya
« on: November 26, 2014, 08:38:22 pm »
4 yıl önce başladım şu oyuna amma şey değişti lan değişen şeyleri yazak bu topik altına nostalji olsun amısına mesela dtv değişti bok oldu iyice

Türkçe Forum / Leech rehberim
« on: November 12, 2014, 09:41:54 am »
Güncelledim bakın öğrenin leech yapın öps by

Türkçe Forum / bu batuhan_of kim lan?
« on: October 13, 2014, 11:12:36 am »
olum bak tehlikeli sularda yüzüyosun burda tehlikeli abilerin var dikkatli ol trollenirsin cicim

Türkçe Forum / selam yine ben
« on: August 05, 2014, 10:14:46 am »
back to crpg my old friendits

Türkçe Forum / bir ygsnin daha sonuna geldik
« on: March 23, 2014, 04:13:24 pm »
kazıktı amuna koyum

Türkçe Forum / Türk olarak görevimiz
« on: February 05, 2014, 01:17:46 pm »
Her yabancı 1 Türkçe küfür biliyorsa bizim de Türkler olarak her dilde en az 1 küfür bilmemiz görevimizdir beyler. Bu başlık altında küfür takası yapabiliriz bence. Siz yazın ben bu posta eklerim.

Rusça küfürler:
Blyat: amına kodum, siktiğim gibi bir anlamı var çoğu cümleyle kullanılabileceği gibi tek başına da kullanılabilir.
Suka: orospu demektir.
Pizda: amcık demekti galiba
Yob tvoy mat: ananı sikim
Yebanniy rot: yarrak ağızlı

Lehçe küfürler:
Kurwa: orospu

Fransızca küfürler:
Putain(Püten)= Sözlük anlamı ''Orospu'' Her yerde kullanırlar sevinince, şaşırınca, kızınca vs vs...
Fils de pute(fis dö püt)= Orospu çocuğu
Merde(merd)=Sözlük anlamı ''Bok'' Kullanılma şekli ''Shit''
Va te faire foutre(va tö fer futr)= SG

İtalyanca küfürler:
Vaffanculo(Vafankulo): SG
cazzo: hassiktir gibi bir kullanımı var

Hırvatça küfürler:
kurac: çük anlamına geliyor, ama hakaret olarak kullanılıyor

Sırpça küfürler:
odjebi: SG

Katkıda bulunan herkese teşekkürler. 8-)

Guides / DTV leeching guide from the biggest DTV leecher [FULL WAVE LIST]
« on: February 05, 2014, 01:06:52 pm »
Hi everyone. Im one of the biggest dtv leechers in game. I want to share my knowledge with you. First you need cheap armor. Because you wont charge and take a cheap weapon because you will pick better one from ground. Dont be afk do something and be useful for example pick a weapon from ground and slash from behind of shieldwall. So you wont get kicked. Try to survive because more players=more exp+ more money. Play safe attack bots from behind if you can. You can make 100k gold a day (12 hours).
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Here are some nice weapons which you can pick from bots:

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Here are item advices from item advisor
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My fuken gear mupfuggaz
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1)Dont be a dick and always help the team and be friendly so admins and people wont hate  you and wont  kick you.

2)You dont need much agi in dtv so high str builds will be better for leeching. You will hit hard and thats what you need. Also you will have more hp.

3)Grab an xbow from ground and shoot from far away. You have light armor and you have to survive so dont go melee when server is crowded. A bot can come from behind and one hit you or you can get shotted in a fight and die. When there are around 10 people living help them. Show your super duper leecher melee skills and save the day.

4)Now you start at level 25 bundle of stickss you can surely equip shit but if you dont want to fucken fight just use ballistas. Keep helping the team.

5)There is a new weapon called katzbalger its invisible and its perfect leeching weapon. Because its like you are pretending to hold a weapon its like magic its unbelieveable amazing shit. Use it for max leech.

6)If you are going to leech and stay your ground and will not get in fight then fucken get 13 shield skill and leave your weak ass char at a shielding point so you can help team.

7)Remember this is a team game you are part of a team dont be selfish always find a way to help your team be creative.

Realism Discussion / Crushthrough for all melee weapons
« on: February 05, 2014, 12:52:28 pm »
Give all melee weapons a crushthrough chance which increases with weight of weapon and your powerstrike or str. And chance to avoid it should increase with str. A strong man can block a strong man's hit but a weak man cant block it. It's more realistic.

Spam / Giving leeching tips for gold
« on: February 04, 2014, 07:24:36 pm »
I iz pro leechur me giff tips 2 u if u wants

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