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Topics - njames89

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« on: November 30, 2015, 02:12:49 am »
Hey guys just wanted to let you all know that the last two of our battles have gone through on Strategus. Looks like previously caused battles are not happening but newly created ones are. It has been too long since we had some strat battles!

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Also Dupre has said that Strategus will be reset with a coming patch. I suggest we have some battles with good even rosters and use up some of the troops and gear hoarded across the realm.

« on: August 31, 2015, 12:25:43 am »
No doubt he thought his clever pseudonym would keep him hidden.  8-)

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Diplomacy / The Abdication of The Great King James
« on: July 31, 2015, 01:59:03 am »
King James abdicates the throne of the Crusader Kingdom of Acre to King Louis

The day had been coming for a long time. Since the moment James had been made King he had known that one of his dynasty would inherit the throne. He had chosen to allow the Princes amongst themselves with the leaders to decide the next King through a vote. The time was here. The council had been deliberating for months. The Princes had made their cases to lead, debates were had, strategy discussed and plans made. "That is it then, the final vote is cast", spoke Grand Prince Nathan accepting the ballot from Viceroy Axeman. The mood was tense, everyone in the councilroom knew the weight that rested on the next words to be said.

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James stood and looking at each Prince before speaking said "It is Behemoth, henceforth known as Louis, once a bastard born, now legitimized King of the Crusaders of Acre, for now until the day where he is taken by chadz or abdicates through ancestral tradition".  With that James walked over to King Louis and withdrew from a case a shining pair of gilded hourglass gauntlets, "Your grandfather would be proud, no doubt he smiles on us this day, take his lordly gauntlets and with them you will crush the skulls of a thousand heretics, make him proud".

Next he walked to W0lf, henceforth known as Viceroy Benjamin, and to Marshal Joan "Your service to our faction has been exemplary, as a reward each of you will take a set of Masterwork Transitional Armour. Walking back to clap the new King on the back James said "May chadz guide your sword Louis. You have the task of shepherding this holy Kingdom through a new age.  May you be the light in the darkness, I have no doubt you will do great things." He then spoke to the group "The ceremony will be tonight and the halls will run red with wine. We all have a glorious road ahead, let us celebrate with the people". The new King exchanged some words with his brothers and then the group followed the Emeritus King and Viceroy out into the courtyard. As they neared the door the rumble from the crowd was extroardinary. For a people under siege the morale in durquba was certainly high. "LOUIS LOUIS LOUIS! Long Live the King! CHEAP WINE! DEUS VULT" were cries echoed across the desert that day. The city was alive with music and celebration as the royal procession mades its way to the throne. There King Louis was crowned to fanatic support alongside his proud brothers, knights, clansmen, and adoring plebians.

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Returning to his chambers James felt the rush of the years come to him, he thought of the crusaders resting in Austria, those whose journey ended before his own. He felt he had done them justice and fought for them well. As he stood by the window of the keep James made peace with his time as King and as he looked out on the oasis he felt a weight lift from him. His course now was once again to serve the King. This would definitely increase his ability to Jamesnado.


King James abdicates the throne to King Louis (Formerly Behemoth) and Viceroy Axeman abdicates to Viceroy Benjamin (Formerly W0lf), Axeman and James will still be playing but assume Emeritus positions and defer to the rule of Louis and Benjamin. It has been a god damn pleasure leading Acre. I could never have imagined how great the experience of leading this clan would be. I look forward to being a part of Acre under King Louis for years to come. LONG LIVE THE KING! LONG LIVE ACRE! DEUS VULT!

Legion War with Acre and The Holy chadzian Empire continues!

The stench was horrific even miles from the site of the battle, not since the slaughters of Dirigh Aban had the realm known such death. "chadz, I thought the squids smelled bad..." James spoke to Marcus. Marcus the Black gave a hearty laugh and responded "Yeah these bastards reek, I'll just as soon be inside with a pint in one hand and a wench in the other". Walking through the corpses at a late hour gave the area a grim and eerie aura.  James had nearly choked on his cup of black airag when his scouts had told him of the heroics of the garrison of Halmar. James gathered 50 of his finest knights and left immediately to see the spectacle for himself. The same green fighters that had been blooded in the first defeat of legion at Halmar, stopping a legion siege army with scythes and pickaxes, had once again turned the tides with all odds against them. James resolved he would see that the leading soldiers were rewarded. Already songs were being sung in the inns along the road of the Heroics of Halmar and the Miracle of June 13th.

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Having seen 500 of their brethren slain defending the HCE fortress city, those left alive were riled into a zealous rage. The remaining garrison inspired by a valiant charge by a Baby Owl of Kutt sallied forth from the gates. The sally charged forth in a holy bloodlust, and blessed by chadz, the charge suffered nearly no losses. They swept through the legion ranks like death itself, catching the Legion soldiers broken routing after their master.

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When the battle was over there remained 250 Defenders of the original 700, and though the devious dutchy had escaped, the birds would feast on the carrion of the 5000 legionaires that died to make it so. James made a mental note to have the thousands of legion graves dug that would be needed, even traitorous heretical kinslayers deserved a proper burial.

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Mercenary Recruitment / Holy chadzian Empire Need Mercs and Troops!
« on: June 13, 2015, 10:20:08 pm »
2 big strat battles today for HCE first at 5:21pm est and second at 9:28pm est

5:21pm est!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=4412

9:28pm est!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=4414

Lots of Prizes in both!

Suggestions Corner / New Maps, Old Maps, More Maps
« on: June 02, 2015, 08:04:11 pm »
I don`t think I am alone in saying that the map rotation is a bit dull right now. Everyone can immediately think of a few great maps not in the rotation.
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Why not spice up our game and add some of the old classics back in and maybe even some new maps?

My top 5 list:
3:Giant Bridge map (with bridge gap)
4:Giant Volcano with Lava pit
5:Donkey Hill (With Giant Donkey statue and ladder to climb inside)

Two big strat battles coming up tomorrow! One at 6:21pm est and 9:29pm est.

200k in Prizes for each battle!

Battle 1 - 6:21pm est - Champion Joan attacking Calamari!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=3926

50k for Prizes for

-Top Kills
-Second Kills
-MVP as Determined by the Champion of Acre
-One randomly selected merc

Battle 1 - 9:21pm est - Defending New Durquba from Dutchy!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=3928

50k for Prizes for

-Top Kills
-Second Kills
-MVP as Determined by the King James
-One randomly selected merc


The Kingdoms of the North have a field battle at 11:10pm EST tomorrow, glory and riches to be had!!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=3497

25k Crpg gold prizes for:
  • Top Score
  • Top Kills
  • Top KD
  • Randomly selected fighter
  • Randomly selected fighter

NA (Official) / Ban HoC_Mary
« on: December 13, 2014, 09:25:25 pm »
1. Name of your character involved: King James of Acre
2. Name of offending character(s): HoC Mary
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible: Around 3:10pm est on NA 1
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.: I shot at an enemy player. HoC_Mary then came and hit me twice even though I was clearly on his team. I asked him to not do it again and told him I  would make a ban thread. The next round he teamhit me again causing my death.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.:Hes mad or childish and doesn't understand the rules of the game.
6. Multiple Screenshots:

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7. Names of players that can witness what happened.: Champion Joan of Acre, Kiba Inuzuka, Crusader Wolf of Acre

General Discussion / Name/Clan Spoofing
« on: November 28, 2014, 04:15:11 pm »
Hi guys I had a question about name/clan spoofing and was directed to make a forum post. Recently a bunch of players not in my faction The Crusaders of Acre have started wearing our tags. I'm pretty sure that they are not allowed to wear our clans tags but I wanted to see if any admins/devs could comment.

My faction tags are of_Acre. So far I know of at least 4 different players using the tags without being part of the faction.

- Prince Bryggan of Acre
- Lord Marshal Dirk of Acre
- Pope Albus of Acre
- King 10k of Acre

Nothing personal but I'd rather not have my faction misrepresented especially by our enemies!

Mercenary Recruitment / Satanical Lizards attack Short Bus Hero
« on: November 16, 2014, 03:11:24 am »
Our resident short bus warrior is under attack by

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Sign up reinforcements are on the way!!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=2962

Suggestions Corner / More Strategus Maps in NA 1
« on: November 12, 2014, 09:35:22 pm »
Hey guys I was just thinking to myself that it would be fun to have battle versions of Strategus maps in NA 1. Would be cool to be able to see the Strat fiefs more. Imagine battling in the courtyard in Narra or Curaw, fights in the streets of Reyvadin and Dhirim. Obviously the maps would have to take place only in a small section of the complete map.

Crusaders of Acre Banner Contest
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Using the heraldry above for inspiration we are holding a contest for the creation of a new Crusaders of Acre banner.
Submissions are to be posted in this thread.

This banner is to be used as the main banner. For this reason humorous suggestions are unlikely to win first prize. That does not mean they can't win any prizes though, very funny banners could easily win 2nd or 3rd.

Colours: White, Black, Gold.

Symbols: Seen Above.

Faction words: "Deus vult, Dieu le veut, God wills it."

Extra Points For: chadzian (Christian/Catholic/Church) Symbols, Symmetrical Banners, Faction words incorporated, Banners that looks exceptionally good on heraldic armours/horses.

Prizing: 1st=100,000g , 2nd=50,000g , 3rd=25,000g. If there are a lot of submissions more prizing may be added.

Time Frame: Submissions must be in by Nov 20, at 7pm EST

Mercenary Recruitment / Squid Fishin' (Harpooners Required)
« on: October 02, 2014, 05:51:59 pm »
We caught ourselves a SQUID! Battle is at a decent time! The Kingdom needs you today!

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25k crpg gold for top KD (melee only)

Roll Call in ts 30 mins prior to battle ----->

General Discussion / XP for the XP Gods!
« on: July 03, 2014, 08:39:25 pm »
Thanks for the epic xp guys! Took a few screens of the bloodshed :P. Over 700k XP and a chance to fight in my beloved transitional <3

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A view from the battlefield.

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Aerial shot.

Please moar  :D

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