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Topics - njames89

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General Discussion / Increase Lottery Winnings
« on: February 24, 2017, 02:56:59 pm »
Currently there isn't much reason to play the lottery. Could we increase the winnings maybe by a multiple of 10-20 times? Would give people a reason to play the lottery again! Could also be a way to help some of the new players with gold!

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General Off Topic / Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones...
« on: February 23, 2017, 02:41:59 pm »

What a legend.

General Discussion / Taleworlds C-RPG Forums?
« on: February 22, 2017, 04:35:08 pm »
Hey guys I was looking for the CRPG page on the taleworlds forums and couldn't find one? Is there no such page? If so we should set one up as I imagine it would be a good place to direct people to the mod.

General Discussion / CRPG In Top 100 Mods On MODDB
« on: February 16, 2017, 01:06:02 pm »
Crpg is back in the top 100 Mods on moddb! Currently ranked 22/100 and getting several hundred views a day.  Be sure to click this link and visit the page (bumps rank resulting in more exposure for the mod and more new player downloads)!

Looking through the screenshots is a good way to give page views and also a fun way to look at some of the history of the mod. If you haven't already consider making an account and leaving a review of the mod!

Additionally if you have good screenshots showcasing the mod at its best/funniest moments feel free to upload them or post them here and I can upload them for you!

Do your part and visit the moddb crpg page today!

General Discussion / my message to warlock gaming vultures
« on: February 03, 2017, 03:30:06 pm »
My message to the shitlords that removed our donkeys from OKAM development. Posted here aswell for those of you never returning to the other forum.

Devs from CRPG are a great group and I am sad to see that they won't work on OKAM any more.
   In truth we may have shitposted one or two too many times
      Everyone had a positive outlook in the beginning

         It's a sad statement about the state of Early Access the way this has gone
            No one expected that chadz and the DC could be treated so poorly by their sponsors

               Anyone that would remove chadz from his passion project OKAM clearly has cancer of the heart

                  For now it looks like we will return to CRPG
                     It is after all much more complete than OKAM and now our beloved Donkey God has gone
                        Regrets, I've had a few
                           Est quaedam flere voluptas

General Discussion / Spreading the word.
« on: January 23, 2017, 06:21:24 pm »
There is no doubt crpg has seen low population lately. One thing that can help with this is letting people know when you are getting online or when the server is populated.

Pass along word to your mates that the game is still active and let's keep NA going at least until OKAM is in a place to replace crpg with good mechanics and a multilayer campaign.

If anyone is interested in being an officer in the steam group to notify others when the servers are being populated please message me and I will add anyone firmly comitted to keeping NA active.

Can you think of a few old vets who might want to get back in on the action? Spread the word God wills it!

Diplomacy / Crusader King seeking Heretical Saracens
« on: June 20, 2016, 05:12:27 pm »
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Looking to have an NA Strategus battle at a good time for EU and NA on a coming weekend. Anyone have a saracen army handy? Maybe we can get a 10 v 10 roster together if we try.  :lol:

General Off Topic / The Hunter (Free Hunting Game)
« on: May 20, 2016, 05:31:07 pm »


Download and play the most realistic hunting game online for free. Go hunting with your friends in multiplayer with up to 8 players - or explore the ten diverse and immersive hunting reserves in the world of theHunter by yourself.


theHunter supports up to eight players in competitive or co-operative multiplayer. Invite your friends, organize an expedition and play together - Or challenge each other for bragging rights and see who can bag the biggest trophy!

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Within the large open world environment of the Evergreen Hunting Reserve are ten hunting reserves for you to explore. Immerse yourself in detailed hunting grounds based on Scandinavian, Central European, North American and Australian environments.

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Take part in competitions, community events and show everyone that you are a master hunter by moving up the leaderboards. Your Hunter Score and skill levels increase as you play - Do you have what it takes to become the number one hunter in the Evergreen Hunting Reserve?

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Every step you take, every animal you spot, every shot you fire and every trophy you bag is recorded on your profile for you to look at, analyze, and share with your fellow hunters.

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General Off Topic / The Band - The Last Waltz
« on: April 12, 2016, 01:24:47 am »
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The Band's Final Concert

Eric Clapton, Neil Diamond, Dr. John "Mac" Rebennack, Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell, Van Morrison, Muddy Waters, Ronnie Hawkins, and more!

Here is in my opinion one of the greatest rock movies of all time. Directed by Martin Scorcese it shows the final concert of The Band. They play along with some of the greatest musicians of the time.

Some of my favorite music! Love these guys. A must watch for anyone interested in classic rock!

Suggestions Corner / Make 2H Hilt/Pommelsmash Do Damage
« on: March 30, 2016, 09:37:18 pm »
I propose adding a small and reasonable amount of damage to the 2H Hilt/Pommel Smash

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The game has a very interesting and functional animation for a 2H hiltsmash. (Hold an upswing and nudge). Along with nudges and polearm shoves the hilt/pommel smash is another great game mechanic that can help make combat more realistic, complex, and fun!

Pommel the plebians!
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Look at this guy having a great time!
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Strategus Issues / No Gear After Successful Defense
« on: March 30, 2016, 02:05:26 am »
Had a recent strategus battle and the gear after the battle has been glitched somehow.

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The gear in the castle that was ours was left untouched as if we didn't use any of it. No gear of the enemies was looted. Something is not working here.

Hope we can get a fix!

« on: March 01, 2016, 09:22:06 pm »
As he awoke James felt odd, like something was different. He used his hockey stick to clear the empties from his desk as he went and sat overlooking the courtyard of Kelredan castle.

The castle was mostly asleep, aside from the half of the faction slumming in the whorehouse as well as Axeman and Bauer yelling obscenities at each other about the Trump campaign. Only a few guards walked the walls with torch in hand. It was a cold night and James wondered why he had awoken.

As he turned to look towards his liquor cabinet a ghastly apparition appeared. "King Reinhardt!" he gasped as he witnessed the wispy figure of the long dead King. Kneeling to bow in front of his old King James spoke" My Lord what brings you to me?". What had awoken this ancient spirit James wondered?

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"There is one who can unite the land, a great warrior. He brings together the descendants of old and nobles houses. He was of Frisian bloodlines himself, now more beast than man he moves the war machines of old. I have foreseen the glories you will achieve under his banner. You must lead Acre to follow his warhorns, his memes, and bathe in the holy bloodlust for his is a holy crusade. His name is THE GOBBLIN KING" the Acre patriarch spoke.

Pondering the words of his King James noticed the ghost of the King was fading. "Deus vult" the ghost of the old King spoke before dissapearing. A clearer sign from the Gods James had not seen in years. He realized he could feel his blood turning, from what was once weak into something stronger, darker. He called for his Viceroy to be brought to him.

Upon Axemans arrival in the keep James spoke "I have seen the ghost of Reinini, he has foretold of a great crusade. We must leave the Despotate in search of the one known as THE GOBBLIN KING". Axeman replied "So it must be, let the great memery of our time begin."



« on: February 02, 2016, 01:55:16 am »

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« on: January 16, 2016, 12:13:25 am »

Running out of my own screenshots to promote the mod with. I need good ones from the community to keep posting and help keep the mod in the top 100. Feel free to post your images directly to the page @ . I suggest picking pictures that show strategus or other unique and enjoyable parts of crpg. I will use screenshots left in this thread to post continuously and keep our page more active.

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Here are some examples of ones I have posted on MODDB!

Strategus Siege of Durquba

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Blackguard Defends DerpCheetos Castle (Derchios)
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Fighters Line Up Before 2v2 Tournament (JayJs)
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Grey Order Assaults Sargoth (Against Kalmar Union)
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Strategus Siege of Ahmerrad (Legionnaires vs. House Stark)
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Please post any screenshots you have that you think would benefit the mod on its MODDB page.

General Discussion / NA C-RPG Steam Group
« on: December 29, 2015, 06:42:06 pm »
I have started a public steamgroup for NA C-RPG players.  Hoping to get as many players in who are active as possible. That way we will have an easy way to keep in touch about all things NA C-RPG. I will also be using it to let people know when we are firing up NA 1. Population has been a bit low lately and I think this will make it easier for people to alert their friends as to when they are getting on.

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As the group is public feel free to invite any of your mates and pass along word to join to whomever you can!

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