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Topics - Lt_Anders

Pages: 1 ... 15 16 [17]
General Discussion / Healing Tents, and Dharan Doctors
« on: May 04, 2011, 04:59:14 pm »
Well, yesterday, I started building healing tents on the Battle server. It was very fun, and it seemed to, on certain maps, enhance team survivability and coordination in fighting. I also noticed that the enemy tried to make my tents a primary target. It turned some maps almost into an objective game type, with one team defending the precious heals and the other team either capping it(and then using it) or destroying it to prevent it from being used.

In accordance with this, I also wore all white(DOCTOR ftw!)and carried my khyber knife(surgeons scalpel).

The thing I want to know is, for those who've played with the tents and me last night on the NA server, do you like them, Find them useless, or still don't know yet?

General Discussion / ATS Admins: Please Don't be Counter Dicks.
« on: January 23, 2011, 11:39:16 pm »
NA ATS: 80
Reason: One man was kicked for the Bro rule(Justified) but the other man who was legitimately fighting was kicked as well(losing his bonus).
Admin: Mortymur, (Nindur?)

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It's not the fact that they kicked the wrong man, it's that after they did and everyone was telling them: "Hey, you screwed up!" they decided to hide behind made up rules. This DL_Gunther Guy was trying to call them on it, and say, hey, what the hell, and as you can see, their response was "....your point?".

Please, if you make a mistake, don't be a douche and hide, admit your wrong doing, please. If you can't admit to being at fault, you should not be an admin.

cRPG Technical problems / Script Error.
« on: January 16, 2011, 03:25:50 am »
For some reason, I get these random script error messages about people dieing, and then I have a CTD.

Wish I could provide screens, but...well, i can't pull the log up again to screen cap it. I also don't know how to recreate it. It seems to happen when people die.

Server: TFO.
Map: Village on a lake with a tower in it.

General Discussion / Seige Mode: How is it better?
« on: January 06, 2011, 01:53:10 am »
What are the benefits of playing siege. From the looks of it, it looks like the attackers get massive gold, but defenders don't have equipment breaking.

Is this true, or is it something else?

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