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Topics - Prpavi

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15]
Sell/Trade / Sell/Trade MW Long Spear
« on: May 28, 2011, 02:04:54 pm »
as it say in the title

this is a trade request for my friend Dado

PM me with offers.

for trade hed like MW long awlpike

General Discussion / Thx for buffing the archers
« on: May 10, 2011, 02:27:11 pm »
Just sayin....

Suggestions Corner / New server rules regarding ladders
« on: March 28, 2011, 02:21:16 pm »
So since this ladder rule has been exploited allot i think a new one should be implemented.

I propose the distruction of any ladders put by players to unreachable spots to be illegal except the ones blocking the entrances to houses/rooms.

Current rule is unfair and contradicts logic.

example: If there are 5 ppl on one side and 5 ppl on other side left in the match (talking about battle) and 3 of them from one side are camping unreacable roof 2 are fighting down. lets say only one of those 3 ppl pn the roof is ranged, he has an enormus effect on the final reslt of the fight if the other team has no ranged and therefore has no way of getting to him yet it is perfectly legeal for him to camp the roof until his 2 teammates on the ground die.

That is an illegal advantage and should be taken care of and there has been several exploits of that rule in last few days where the "exploiter" team won.

you suggestions are wellcome.


General Discussion / Remove map change polls from EU_1
« on: March 18, 2011, 03:03:24 pm »
this is getting rediculous, several votes during one round, chat spam 11111 or 22222.

pls admins do something about it, it mostly happens earlier during the day whan no admins present and has become really annoying.


Suggestions Corner / How to survive as pure melee?
« on: March 12, 2011, 10:25:44 pm »
im making a dedicated 2h build 24/15 and so far i find it hard to have a decent fight mabe every 5th map due to ranged.

im tempted to put the pointsn intended for IF in PT just so i can atleast scare some archers off the roof  :mrgreen:

i really dont want to do that i want only my claymore/maul to do the work, but at this point seems inevitable.

So my question for the pure 2h/polearm ppl (if there are any) what do you do to survive the barrage of things flying towards you.

thx for the input.

p.s. i dont wanna carry a shield if possible

Suggestions Corner / Different colors for Friendly arrows
« on: January 30, 2011, 12:37:54 pm »
I would so like to see how much arrows that land in my back side  :mrgreen: are actually friendly arrows

if it could be possible to make feathers of friendly arrows in different color so i can rage on melee spamming friendly archers with proof, that would be wonderful


Suggestions Corner / So im going to retire soon ... Suggest a build
« on: January 19, 2011, 02:20:31 pm »
im like a day or so away from my retirement and i would like you to help me on choosing my next built.

now im playing 2h/xbow 21agi/18str

should i go for a power 1h/throwing or pole build or an agi build i dunno anymore

suggestions welcome  :mrgreen:

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