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Topics - Lt_Anders

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Mercenary Recruitment / The Defence of Udiniad!
« on: November 18, 2011, 04:52:58 pm »
Following the sneak attack by the vassals of UKC on Vezin, UKC has attacked the jewel of the North! We, Hate call upon our friends and allies to participate in this battle. If we win, We have gold lined up to pay our mercs (reasonable sums of course). We Have gear that will make even Odin quake in his boots.

Also, to the Occitan guys from last battle, Sorry bout Morr, but I got DCed from TS during the battle so wasn't able to keep everything inline.

(Please Specify your build when applying!)


Strategus / Crafting Shop
« on: November 17, 2011, 04:23:28 pm »
Crafting List! Put in an order and see what you get!

Updating Listing!
Lordly Black Lamellar Vest........................86-96
Light Strange Greaves.............................10
Mail Gauntlets .........................................86-96
Light Strange Helmet ..............................50
Deadly Long Hafted Blade.......................199

Spam / Popcorn commentary on bans
« on: November 17, 2011, 05:25:28 am »
How the hell in the second shot you got 3 people going after you? People don't do that unless you are tking hard, or something.

Also, please spoiler pictures!

Closed Requests / Ban: Knight errant, Pike on HB
« on: November 07, 2011, 06:32:57 pm »

He killed me with it and said he didn't know. That's Bullshit and he's played long enough to know. Not to mention it says so on the weapon so that lame excuse shouldn't cut it.

Strategus Issues / Unable to spawn with weapon beyond xbow
« on: November 07, 2011, 01:58:27 am »
On the recent LLJK battle, me and a bunch of others were NOT spawning with melee weapons even though they were selected and IN our inventory.

Battle was LLJK vs Sumbuja.

Closed Requests / Ban: Sendir of Choas
« on: November 04, 2011, 10:11:34 pm »
I killed this guy Once in a round and then he left and rejoined and played the rest the round.

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In Third log picture his second death is at the VERY bottom. Middle pic is just the transition showing all one log. First is the Death log pic.

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And for further clairification:,16331.msg234759.html#msg234759
This is CLEARLY against the rules as stated in that thread(same reason)

Closed Requests / Ban Request: Alty
« on: October 23, 2011, 06:50:59 pm »
While on Defense, she ran off into the middle of nowhere and camped there the whole match(Defense lost). The thing that makes this worse is that an admin WAS on: Qilidj and I said something. He didn't even bother informing the person, or take action. QML action couldn't be taken out. so that person leached the WHOLE round there in the middle of nowhere with no admin interference even though one was on.

Next round, she stayed on the opposing team dead the whole match.
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Get the admins to do there job properly on siege when they on.

Closed Requests / Ban: RumpleForeskin
« on: October 22, 2011, 04:42:01 am »
While walking on ladder he kept attacking it and eventually broke it and killed me.
Admittedly I COULD have made it to the other side but I tried to run back and keep him from hitting it.

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Strategus Issues / AI villages don't pay, Win or Lose
« on: October 21, 2011, 11:52:12 pm »
I played in the elberl siege(13 v 2500) and asked for 580. It hired me, village one, I didn't get paid.(2:1, stupid teamkill)

This was also a prevelant problem last strat as well. Villages wouldn't pay if you won.
(I'm sure they don't pay for loss as well, but they should pay like 25% of asking or something)

I've reported this once, and nothing was commented on. Reporting it AGAIN.

Strategus General Discussion / Implement/Improve the raid feature
« on: October 15, 2011, 02:46:09 am »
We have three options: Trade, Enter, Attack
To Raid, You have to Attack, go to Faction page, change to raid.
This works only on Villages.

I propose we add in a fourth option called RAID and remove it from under the ATTACK Subsection. By doing this, doing the "Attack" option makes the attack(battle or siege) a day time battle (with whatever weather effects). The Raid Option makes the attack a NIGHT attack(with No weather. Night + weather = suk). To make it worth while, make the Raid option apply to everything, much like attack does.(I.E. You can use it on all fiefs, and players)

Now To make raid different from just a night battle, give the raider 1 life per merc, defender has infinite. For example: A 30 man army attacks a 100 man army using raid. The 30 man army hires 25 people. Those 25 people each have 1 life and do not respawn. Thus, if it goes 1:1 then the after battle will be 5 vs 75.
Now To make raid even MORE interesting, the raider gets to SPAWN FIRST. The defender has No prep time and spawns getting attacked. This is to simulate the "Sudden nature" of the attack. Considering Equal gear, and the 1 life rule on raid, the raider SHOULD inflict just a few more casualties than 1:1.

That's cool for army vs army, or Army vs village, but waht about the other 2 fiefs?
It would act the same. But considering the fact that there is walls on towns/castles. Raiders would never be efficient.

Considering max merc limits, a raider will at max have 60 players on his side.

If the raider defeats the defender:
The raider gets 100% loot. Defender teleported.
If raider loses:
25-50% of gear used in raid is taken by defenders.

Thus, raids by full plate knights though deadly, might give the enemy more than just the loss of troops.

Raid's follow the same as battle limits. Only 1 per char per day.

What I Want: Make raid a new, intersting form of battle.

Improvements, clarifications?

General Discussion / Question: Are servers allowed....
« on: October 13, 2011, 04:37:29 am »
Are servers that aren't official allowed to lets tks/tw's happen on their server?

Closed Requests / Ban: LLJK Goretooth, Others if you wish
« on: October 06, 2011, 07:20:54 pm »
Huh, don't know what his problem was, or is, but was following goretooth into a tower and then kicked a little peasant dude near him(unintentionally) and then gore teamhit me. Don't care much about that, but, after that Gore decided he'd try and fight the peasant and the other guy. He ended up tking them both. (You can also see the health gore took off of me from his overhead bec). I think Gore hit one of the others or whatever and they started defending themselves. In one pick you see the guy blocking gore and then going back to hit him back.

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Pictures in reverse order.

Alll done Yesterday.

General Discussion / I don't know if this is a troll....
« on: September 28, 2011, 09:29:59 pm »
But Typing in my old friend+cher, nets you FRIENDLY ARCHER.


Also, anyone know of any others. ToD has shown some others.

Suggestions Corner / Change Lances
« on: September 28, 2011, 08:35:24 pm »
After having a talk about it, I was thinking of niching cavalry roles(for lancers).

So To start off this is only a viability discussion. Though I guess you can voice for or against.
Angle of attack of Lances: 40(I think that's the current)

Now Onto my changes, and reasoning.

Great Lance
Increase length to 250
Decrease Speed to 50
Decrease Damage to 15p
Remove Couch
Add Crush Through.
Angle of attack: 30

This weapon Should be an excellent  infantry killer. Trained Pike squads should be used on this horse master at all times. Though you gain killing power against nearly all infantry targets and unaware enemy cavalry, you will be beaten by professional pikeman, teams are ranged, Light cavalry, and Mounted Ranged. You can only attack targets directly in front of the horse with little deviation.
Intended Target(s): Enemy infantry, unaware or individual archers, short range pole users
Intended Enemy(s): Pike users, Clumped Archers, Nearly all other forms of cavalry

Heavy Lance
Length: Same
Remove Couch
Add Crushthrough
Angle of attack: 35
Decrease damage: 24p, 14b

Not as good against soft, 2 legged targets as the great lance, it makes up for it in the ability to fend off other cavalry. Professional Pikeman will never let you harm their squads, while light cavalry and most forms of ranged groups will make you hate life.
Intended Target(s): Enemy infantry, unaware or individual archers
Intended Enemy(s): Pike users, Clumped Archers, Nearly all other forms of cavalry

Length: Same
Damage: Same
Angle: Same
Keep Couch

Mainline Cavalry weapon, decent against all targets, but carries no major specialties. A jack of all trades weapon.
Intended Target(s): Any unaware non mounted unit
Intended Enemy(s): Any Aware Unit, Light Cavalry, Mounted Range

Light Lance
Length: 170
Damage: Same
Angle: 45
Keep Couch

A light cavalryman's weapon. Good against Other enemy cavalry, though lacking major pushing power against nearly all non mounted units.
Intended Target(s): All Cavalry, Engaged(unaware) Infantry
Intended Enemy(s): All Non mounted units, Mounted Range

Double Sided Lance
Length: same
Damage: Same
Angle: Old attack angles

Light cavalryman's premier weapon. Quick to strike, good damge and able to hit targets almost anywhere. Unfortunately lacking in the range department, and the heavy hitting capability of the other weapons.
Intended Target(s): All Cavalry, Archers, engaged infantry, Mounted Range
Intended Enemy(s): Pole, 2h.

So what do you think? DISCUSS!

Sell/Trade / [SELL/TRADE]: +1(Deadly) Light lance
« on: September 27, 2011, 08:33:24 pm »
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Give me offer and we can discuss it. (or just give me 300k and take it without any kinda of negotiation.

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