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Topics - njames89

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Sell/Trade / Trading Two Handed Warhammer +3 for Saracen Gear +3
« on: November 28, 2017, 06:46:21 pm »
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Looking for these items specifically but open to other Saracen items as well! Building some gear for my Saracen Camel Cav  :twisted:

Heirloom Exchange Sale 100k Each - Maximum 4 Per Person (Until December 5th)

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Due to high demand for Heirloom Exchanges to be sold again due to changes to builds/XP system we will be selling up to 4 heirloom exchanges per person for the next week. Cost per Exchange is 100k gold for Vets and Free for New Players. Please post in this thread if you are interested and how many you would like to buy up to 4.

Format for posting

Character Name:
Number of Exchanges Wanted:

Once you post I will edit a trade link into your post. After the trade is accepted I will send the Exchanges to your chosen character. Please allow some time for me to go through all the requests.

Do not try to get more than 4 exchanges or you will forfeit your right to participate in future Exchange/Respec/Loom sales.

Confirmed with Professor exchanges now have an expiry date of ~ 300 days.

« on: November 24, 2017, 05:45:14 pm »
This story just in.

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All I can say is WOW thrilling. I am on the edge of my chesterfield.

Announcements / Possible NA Server Downtime - Morning of November 27th.
« on: November 24, 2017, 02:40:42 pm »
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Due to maintenance occurring at our server hosts for NA the NA servers may be inaccessible for some period on November 27th between the hours of 1am-9am EST. Very unlikely the servers will be down for the entire period just wanted to give you guys a heads up!


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This weekend on Sunday (November 26th) there will be an XP field battle hosted by Elvis of Yoshi and myself.

☩ Two Armies of 1000 Soldiers
☩ Gear For All Classes
☩ Forward Spawns For Fast Respawns
☩ XP, Fun Fights, Nostalgic Feels
☩ Heirloom Point and Gold Rewards

When: 12:30pm for western NA(PST), 3:30pm for eastern NA(EST), 9:30pm for EU(German Time)

Where: NA 3 Duel/Strategus Server

Rewards: 1 Heirloom Point to 1st Kills on Both Teams, 1 Heirloom Point to a Random Player On Each Team and 200k Gold to MVP as chosen by each team commander.

Do your best not to end up like these guys!
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Don't forget to choose a strategus hero and sign up for the battle. Sign ups will open on the website on Saturday November 25th 24 hours before the battle is set to start.

Roster balancing and roll call will happen 30 minutes before the battle in teamspeak players that are not in teamspeak will not have a chance to win the random team heirloom reward.

Thanks again to Elvis for providing the other half of this battle! Will be more battles like this to come!



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This weekend on Sunday (November 19th) there will be a great XP battle hosted by Torben and myself.

☩ Two Armies of Greater Than 2000 Soldiers Each
☩ Excellent Gear For All Classes
☩ Forward Spawns For Fast Respawns
☩ Mules and European Lances For All!
☩ Great XP, Fun Fights, Nostalgic Feels!

Defender Gear :
(click to show/hide)

When: 12 noon for western NA(PST), 3pm for eastern NA(EST), 9pm for EU(German Time)

Where: NA 3 Duel/Strategus Server

Rewards: 1 Heirloom Point to 1st and 2nd Kills on Both Teams

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Don't forget to choose a strategus hero and sign up for the battle. Sign ups will open on the website on Saturday November 18th 24 hours before the battle is set to start.

Thanks again to Torben for providing the other half of this battle! Will be more battles like this to come!

General Discussion / ModDB - Patch of Undestiny Update
« on: November 14, 2017, 11:56:39 pm »
Here is the update to the ModDB for the recent patch! If you haven't done so already please take the time to drop by the page and give a review of the mod. Helps a lot to show the mod to new players. While you are there you can click through some of the images, they are a nice gallery of cRPG over the years!

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Mercenary Recruitment / XP Battle at New Durquba - Today
« on: November 12, 2017, 07:19:17 pm »
Today in 1.5 hours having a big XP battle hosted by Torben and myself if you are interested.

☩ Two Armies of Greater Than 2000 Soldiers Each
☩ Excellent Gear For All Classes
☩ Forward Spawns For Fast Respawns
☩ Mules and European Lances For All!
☩ Great XP, Fun Fights, Nostalgic Feels!

Sign up here for both sides please:!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=1818

Strategus General Discussion / Strategus Character Main Change Thread
« on: November 10, 2017, 09:42:47 pm »
If you need your strategus main changed before the battle post in this thread ASAP. Professor should be able to switch it for you guys.

Please post using the following format

Current Strategus Main: Character Name

Desired Strategus Main: Character Name



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This weekend on Sunday (November 12th) there will be a great XP battle hosted by Torben and myself.

☩ Two Armies of Greater Than 2000 Soldiers Each
☩ Excellent Gear For All Classes
☩ Forward Spawns For Fast Respawns
☩ Mules and European Lances For All!
☩ Great XP, Fun Fights, Nostalgic Feels!

Defender Gear :
(click to show/hide)

When: 12 noon for western NA(PST), 3pm for eastern NA(EST), 9pm for EU(German Time)

Where: NA 3 Duel/Strategus Server

Rewards: 1 Heirloom Point to 1st and 2nd Kills on Both Teams

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Don't forget to choose a strategus hero and sign up for the battle. Sign ups will open on the website on Saturday November 11th 24 hours before the battle is set to start.

Thanks again to Torben for providing the other half of this battle! Will be more battles like this to come!

Announcements / New NA Servers - Downtime Today
« on: November 01, 2017, 12:46:42 pm »
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Will be setting up new NA servers today to run on Windows Server 2012. Should help us fix some of the current bugs. We are moving the server location back to Chicago as it turned out a central location in Kansas didn't actually improve anyone's ping noticeably while it gave a lot of people higher latency.

There will be some downtime as we get the new servers set up.

Interested to see what kind of support the idea of adding Native American / South American gear to the game has. Please answer the poll and feel free to discuss in the thread.

Personally I think it would be good to add some Mayan/Aztec gear and more nataive American gear to the game. I realize it clashes with the European focus of the mod, however, we already have samurais/ninjas/deli cap warriors and I think the added variety could benefit the mod.

Looking forward to hearing some opinions on this and seeing if the community is interested.

Examples of South American Armour/Weapons
(click to show/hide)

Examples of North American Armour/Weapons
(click to show/hide)

I wouldn't suggest adding in any mainly decorative or excessively intricate pieces. But that being said I believe some of the items could complement the game well.

General Discussion / New Items Suggestion Thread
« on: October 20, 2017, 03:17:22 pm »
Item Suggestion Thread

As we approach our next patch which will include a variety of new items I've decided to start a thread for suggestions of future items that we could have created to add to the mod. Weren and Zimke have kindly agreed to continue making more items for us so long as there are good ideas for what should be added next. If you have any ideas for weapons or armour that could be included in future patches please post them here.

With your post include:
  • Item Name
  • Picture of Item
  • Type of Item (2h, Polearm, Head Armour, etc...)
  • Item Cost Level (Low, Med, High, etc...)
  • Description of the Item
If an item is accepted and will be worked on and added to the mod in a future patch I will edit this original post to include it.

Items Currently In Production - To Be Added
Tiger Fork
(click to show/hide)

La Tene Spear
(click to show/hide)

Lough Henney Helm
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Items Currently Under Consideration
One Handed Chinese Swordbreaker

Items Turned Down - Not To Be Added
Mancatcher - Not Supported by Warband Mechanics
Handcannons - No Firearms
Magical Muskets
Metal Spiked Stones
Explosive Stones
Khopesh - Bronze Weapon Irrelevant Time Period
Chinese 2h Swordbreaker - No such weapon ever existed upon review

Completed Items - Added
(click to show/hide)

Announcements / cRPG Patreon - Donations For NA and EU Servers
« on: October 13, 2017, 07:34:03 pm »
Alright so just to keep you guys updated Professor now thinks that he is able to add items in. We will be updating the EU server and putting up the NA server in the coming week or so hopefully.

I will be accepting donations that will go 100% to funding the servers through Patreon.

Costs of our previous NA server were roughly 45$ per month. I'd like to get something a little more substantial to provide a less laggy server for players so we will be looking to raise 60-75$/month. Considering the people who have already stated their desire to contribute this should be no problem.

UPDATE: We now have a goal of 180$/month to help pay for EU Servers as well (REACHED)

UPDATE II: We now have a goal of 275$/month to help pay for buying new items for cRPG from Zimke! (REACHED)

UPDATE III: Zimke fundraiser complete now targetting a goal of 160$/month for NA and EU Server costs (REACHED)

Depending on how much you donate you may receive such rewards as:
  • Discord Donor Tag
  • Custom Title In Game
  • Exclusive Donkey Armour
  • Exclusive Donkey Helm
  • Ability to vote on what new items to acquire for the mod

List of Donors so far
  • Cajun
  • Pogosan
  • Gristle
  • Tristan
  • Blackpanda
  • Axeman
  • James
  • Freya
  • Elderly
  • Asheram
  • Finse
  • Albus
  • Yeldur
  • Painmace
  • Jarold
  • Elea
  • Sitvek
  • LL Pheonix
  • LL Sparrow
  • Thryn
  • Sparvico
  • Deserter Oldgeezer
  • Gurgumul
  • Amox_Jan
  • Bryggan
  • Smithy
  • Rest in Peace
  • Longsword
  • Ayanoob
  • Falcom
  • Latvian
  • Corsair
  • Tormatun Kirman
  • Tormatun Ravenar
  • Bariz
  • _Tamra_
  • Finnian Tiercel
  • Sultan_Tuna_bin_Salmon
  • Voncrow
  • Thalion
  • Scumlord_Ephemeral
  • PTX
  • Russian Socialist
  • San
  • Sharpe
  • Rorik
  • Arys
  • Knightmare
  • Penitent_Turtler
  • Lemon
  • Fergus
  • Huseby
  • Merrrica

Thanks to all donors!!!

General Discussion / Mod Is Maybe Not Dead (New NA Servers Coming)
« on: September 25, 2017, 03:07:30 pm »
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I have made contact with the donkey of all donkeys. I hope to have more information for everyone coming soon™ about upcoming work to be done on the mod.

Items on the list of things to be fixed:
  • Couching
  • DTV XP
  • Strategus

Further on down the road after these will be a possible revert to the old character level system and patches with new equipment. If you have any other items you feel need to be fixed or added into coming patches feel free to post them here and I will compile a list of things we can work towards/discuss.

Zimke and Weren have graciously agreed to create new items for us, Horns will be our lead programmer, Uther and Bronto will be our head admins/community managers.

Please post here or message me on the forums/discord if you are interested in joining the team in any of the following roles:
  • Programmer
  • Website Design
  • Map Making
  • Item Making
  • Community Organizer

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