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Topics - djavo

Pages: 1 ... 13 14 [15] 16
« on: January 15, 2012, 03:10:57 am »
Hmmmmm. David Icke said that war is coming. Ron Pearlman said that war never changes. System of a Down - WAR?

Spam / Any drug users?
« on: January 11, 2012, 09:32:27 pm »
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Spam / FREE Kenan Evren and Gen. Tahsin Şahinkaya!
« on: January 10, 2012, 03:43:45 pm »

Spam / Post here if Thomek banned you because he had period
« on: January 10, 2012, 12:13:20 am »
Third day of menstruation here

Sell/Trade / LOOMPOINT AUCTION ends 29.12. at 19:00 GMT
« on: December 27, 2011, 03:32:42 pm »
Selling loompoint auction (15str,24 agi) 5 Riding
Starting at 450k

*Djavo LTD. can cancel auction at any time without further notice

Zbog vrhunskih gena u jajima, molim odgovor.

« on: December 08, 2011, 12:56:35 pm »

Spam / I can post again does it make you hot and dizzy?
« on: December 08, 2011, 12:53:54 pm »
mmmy yeah mmmm yeah

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Spam / Volkan Demirel Fan Club
« on: November 12, 2011, 08:52:36 pm »
Post here if you like having x3 multiplier all the time!

« on: November 11, 2011, 10:28:52 pm »
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Buy / Buying +3 steel bolts for normal price!
« on: November 10, 2011, 11:53:45 am »
Whats normal? Anything at 1.1 mills.
Listening to offers...smelly breeze.

Unban Essays / Importance of respect in online communities
« on: November 07, 2011, 01:36:12 pm »
First lets start with a quote of my old fisherman coworker that once said to me: "No matter how hard you try that someone likes you, there will always be people that don't like you and you will always smell like fish.
Guess he was right, we cannot force anyone to like us, but we can try that someone likes us more atleast.
There will always be people that are divided by some less or more stupid reason, argument or case.
It happens a lot in online communities, where people are hidden behind their fake avatars, fake characters and fake stories.
Flame wars happen, bullying, cursing, trolling all under the veil of internet anonimity, people would behave a lot better if there was no veils.

You dont do same things in real life, at least with that bravery if you're not prepared to be mocked, cast out, or even beaten.
Guess this anonimity gets the worst of us, and we forget that we are human people with feelings talking to other human people.
This is most important in smaller communities. Where everybody should be atleast polite to each other. That doesnt happen of course because of the previous statements.

So why is it important that we all respect each other online? Without respect, there would be total anarchy. Nice word doesnt hurt, and there is a saying that nice word opens all doors.
Doors to better understanding and mutual respect. We need to respect each other more if we are to get something.
Its too easy to be rude and it doesnt lead us anywhere, the thing that takes effort is being nice and constructive. Everyone can be destructive.
It is much easier to destroy then to build.

There will always be individuals that cant stand each other, there is little we can do there but we can work on the general population and their mutual understanding and respect.

If we would respect each other more, we would become better human beings, we would do better things with our lives and feel more happy about it.
There will always be some differences among us, but that doesnt mean that we can't respect each other as equal.

Let's put aside our differences, let's put aside our hatred, let's be nice to each other.
We are the new golden generation, we can fix this world, but we first need to start by fixing our selves.

Regards Djavo

Balkan Forum / Vrlo važno!
« on: November 05, 2011, 09:12:39 pm »
Primjetio sam da je ovaj mod umro sukladno tome boli me kurac.

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