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Topics - Christo

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Game Balance Discussion / One-handers became too fast => Overpowered.
« on: January 25, 2011, 11:03:42 pm »
We have a new "Swiss knife" build. Wanna' be effective? Just get a ridiculously fast one-hander, with light speed, a BIG round shield, to piss off anyone, and don't forget to bring a throwing weapon as well!

I have nothing against hybridization, but this is beginning to piss me off, when I try to charge, 3 shielders backpedal and start throwing shit at me, or they just lolturtle-facehug me.

While my pole weapons got a speed nerf, these guys got a speed buff. They became insanely fast, I can't even see their damned swings, let alone counterattacking.

One-handers can be lightning fast without a shield, I'm cool with that. But with a big ass steel shield.. it doesn't make sense.
They are effective, fast, powerful, can use a shield, can annoy everyone with easymode point-blank lolthrow kills.


General Off Topic / Post your artwork, ideas, poems, and songs here!
« on: January 17, 2011, 12:10:18 pm »
I think we need a topic like this one, I know we have fine artists and musicians around here, it would be nice to see what they are working on.
No, not me, I'm an idiot when it comes to art, and struggling with the easiest instrument, the guitar.  :lol:

It's quite meh that the OP can't post anything, but I have some riffs, and licks on my mind, maybe I'll fix my stupid microphone and record them, so you can say "Don't pick up an instrument ever again."  :mrgreen:

Suggestions Corner / Thoughts about auto balancing.
« on: January 17, 2011, 07:44:59 am »
Nowadays when I play, I get to play with unbalanced teams a lot. Which means team one gets most of the ranged/horsemen, and team two have to do death charges until the map is over, and then the same thing begins over, and over again.
I'm running into this a lot lately. So I've came up with a suggestion.

Is it possible to balance out players by their classes? So both team gets a chance to fight back, no more stupid death charges into 10 ranged with 5 melee fighters, etc.

Thanks for reading.

Game Balance Discussion / The Great Long Lance (LoC) has to go.
« on: January 07, 2011, 08:36:18 am »
Everything is in the title, it's a gamebreaking weapon, as a footman, you are lucky if you can avoid it, but countering it with a pike is impossible. And it's a new trend, everyone has one of these, it's pissing off a lot of players, not just me.
There are some EZ mode weapons, but this is the worst of all, I would be happy if this weapon sees a nerf, or leaves cRPG.

General Off Topic / Overclocking. (halp)
« on: January 06, 2011, 07:29:08 am »
Hey guys, my gameplay sucks hard when I enter the crowd, no matter what setting, it's an unplayable mess. So I thought I'll overclock my CPU a bit, dunno if it'll help though.

My specs:
C2duo E4500 (2,2GHZ), I would like to OC it to 2,5-6 GHZ Max.

I know there are some wizards who know how to do this, please halp me. I don't want to burn that thing.

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