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Topics - Lt_Anders

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Closed Requests / Warn: Wojtek_ats, Palatro, (talazar?)
« on: July 31, 2012, 12:38:21 am »
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End of Round, Palatro and wojtek were left. Wojtek just LET palatro kill him and says "You can't claim clan bundle of sticksry anymore."

Talazar seems to have TWed him on spawn after this for this. Warns should abound, bans if you believe so.

Strategus General Discussion / How many (strat) ticks do you have?!
« on: July 29, 2012, 10:55:09 pm »
Holy mother. I just saw that they have the feature for your ticks in strat....

I have over 1100 Hours worth of strat ghosting....Wonderful!

It's in the info tab underneath your gold, goods and troops numbers

Strategus / Selling Strat Gold: 35K
« on: July 22, 2012, 09:46:05 pm »
Location: Bazek. NA buyers only unless an EU person wants to meet at the border.

Strategus General Discussion / Strat to crpg gold
« on: July 22, 2012, 02:30:09 am »
Does it still work, or did they remove it?

If so, does anyone want 35k in strat gold?

E: also noticed it said Start not Strat.

General Discussion / WTF, why is the USSR flag in the banner system?
« on: June 29, 2012, 06:21:16 pm »
Shouldn't that be removed or something. Seems stoopid, can someone explain why it's in the banner system?

Closed Requests / Ban: NH_Diggles
« on: June 29, 2012, 05:36:00 am »
I am breaking the door down, enemies sally out and attack(2 of them). One steals my horse(armored warhorse) and rides around, the other (Kutt member) fights me and during this, NH comes up. We (well they do) kill them. Blackwhite kills the dude on the horse and then the horse without rider, and I kick him and say "Why?" I guess he never put 2 and 2 together, so i just let it go. Well, doors almost down so i go up behind black white and block just ONE attack. Just having fun, a little troll, nothing that can be serious. After this, i back up, and then this happens:

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Diggles feels that it's his given right to TK me for this while blackwhite teamhits me. I asked later why and the response was, cause i was blocking them breaking the door. Sure i blocked ONE of them, for exactly ONE strike and backed off after this. Diggles can post off on what he believes, but look at log and you'll see that I speak truth. As i said, i did troll blackwhite for a VERY small fraction of a second. I didn't even block the other 2. Diggles knows the rules, yet he felt like breaking them cause i did something against his clans I didn't even get TH for that block, but i DID when he turned around and smacked my ass with an overhead.

(If you wanna say that i stood behind him and that's the TH you see in the screen, you are wrong.  Blocking from behind, even with maul is a glance cause it doesn't  have any speed. You can see this happen normally ingame on any server.

EDIT: Made an edit since i had some small errors.

General Discussion / Getting old Bow/Bolt models back
« on: June 25, 2012, 08:50:56 pm »
How would i go about doing this?

Closed Requests / BAN: FBI_Agent & Cardboard Taco.
« on: June 22, 2012, 03:16:31 am »
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First FBI_Agent goes around and griefs his team. We put up(not me) 2 polls to get him kicked. first was with 47%, second was with 60% and he was booted. Well after he gets kicked I said he's a troll and griefing his team, and thus his buddy, Taco Poll kicks me with a x5 for "trolling" cause i was  one of the guys pushing to get his buddy kicked.

Check the logs please and you'll see. Time: 9:00 EST Siege Server.

Edit: Add intentional TWing onto it.  You can see we are inside the siege tower on the map and he shoots me with a xbow and says "Ur Mean" as the reason later.
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Closed Requests / Ban: Aresthor Poll Abuse
« on: June 19, 2012, 09:54:26 pm »
I'm putting this here as I'd like some punitive action taken concerning this behavior. Most of the griefing WAS NA, but he started the poll grief on EU cause I "Didn't know how to play". Read to spoiler for the story. If you believe this doesn't warrant some punishment, it is fine, but just getting his punishment on a server he doesn't play(often), for this offense doesn't seem right.

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Closed Requests / Ban: Aresthor Poll Abuse
« on: June 19, 2012, 09:21:12 pm »
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Ok to start this off, bacon and I were playing EU Rageball. I was sitting in front of goalie attempting to intercept the ball(which you can see i did succesfully). Well This guy didn't like that I killed him or was threating to score or something and he Poll bans me(attempts to atleast). After the ban fails he immediately gets off so that he can't  get banned or anything. Well my clanmate and I think this is it, so we continue to play until we lose our multi and then we go and populate NA rageball.

Well, within minutes of joining, this guy immediately poll kicks my clanmate and then he, and 2 of his buddies leave immediately. Apparently, he and his buddies were greifing before we joined as another person said. Logs would tell you better. Time of Incidnet 1:20(EST) -1:40(EST). I Request this for NA ban as he griefed us multiple times, even though the initial grief was on EU servers. He and his cronies also griefed the players who were on before us. I'd also like an EU admin to do something concerning this behavior.

General Discussion / The great cprg market crash!
« on: June 14, 2012, 06:13:12 pm »

It seems that the average price of everything BUT rank 1s has completly bottomed out.
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3 days of no heirloom being sold for gold.

General Discussion / Whistling is broke?
« on: June 01, 2012, 10:46:32 pm »
I can't seem to whistle and get horses to come to me. Anyone else?

Strategus / Anders's Weeabo armour and other Oddities
« on: June 01, 2012, 08:28:54 pm »
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Contact me if you want anything. I Can move to where you want but it'll cost a bit more.

General Discussion / Remove Ready For Battle?
« on: May 30, 2012, 04:12:31 am »
Can we remove this?

Ever since this i've had to recheck it and re-select my gear EVERY new map. It's annoying and needs to go. The current method of having done equipment screen enough?

Hmm a patch seems to be made to fix it. the reselcting, but still can't we just remove the check box?

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