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Topics - Gnjus

Pages: 1 ... 9 10 [11] 12
General Off Topic / Good work, Blizzard....
« on: September 13, 2011, 09:30:40 am »
....they made my Warband char a follower in Diablo 3, I'm their Scoundrel:

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Spam / A Million Dollar Question:
« on: August 10, 2011, 07:58:15 am » in the poll. Vote on it (some might name me as well but after you see the poll options you'll probably change your mind).

General Discussion / Shogunates are the new Fallen ?
« on: August 04, 2011, 08:05:23 pm »
I heard there were some troubles in the Shoggie Paradise and a good number of their members are not using the clan tag anymore......apparently some "differences in opinions" among their leaders.....i recon some things were too much even for their own members:

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Suggestions Corner / Strategos AI buying stuff for defenders
« on: August 02, 2011, 08:49:16 pm »
First of all sorry if this was already suggested but i think it would be cool if the AI bought the equipment based on the position/nation of the village/castle/town.

For instance: Bardaq castle is in Sarranid territory and there is more then enough sarranid gear of all kinds, maybe some realistic combinations like light/medium gear for village (cheaper one, since village is poor), light/medium/good for Castles and light/medium/good/best gear for Towns (they are the richest), for Nordic fiefs some nordic gear, for Vaegir fiefs rus equipment, for Rhodoks & Swadians knightly gear, for Khergits their own gear. Don't know if that's possible to add tho, but i think it would be an interesting addition. Maybe it would make AI's "choice" of equipment much easier and defender's looks more believable.  :wink:

Ofc, some equipment is universal (like crossbows) and for balance sake it should be made available for all towns & castles but most of the body/head/foot/hand armor and weapons are diverse enough to assign them all over the place and make battlefields look different from each other, based on the region of the map but still make some sense (unlike some combinations we've seen around lately).  :wink:

Diplomacy / Dhirim Area Info
« on: July 31, 2011, 06:14:25 pm »
Just to inform you folks: 24 hours from now Bandits will start "cleaning" the area around Dhirim of all armies that are passing through without any contact and explanation.  :wink:

Spam / Abusing is tolerated ?
« on: July 30, 2011, 04:28:27 pm »
So......looks like abooze is pretty much a normal behavior around here but i never thought I'd live the day to see it in such a raw form, coming from the great Donkey himself......,12074.0.html

Could we at least get some explanation for this ? Miss-click ? Bored ? Did it as a prank on purpose because he is a Bandit, even more a Prankster himself ?  :wink:

Also, nice cover-up in less then 5 minutes, if only Richard Nixon had such a competent administration with him......   :wink:

Suggestions Corner / I suggest.....
« on: July 28, 2011, 09:53:57 pm »
....fixing the Rus Helmet texture.....It makes my nose stick out of the helm, i almost fell of my horse/chair when i saw it....and i bought like 500 of them........

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Spam / Panos the Greek
« on: July 22, 2011, 01:08:43 pm »
Sorry for the upload lads but the video was removed from Youtube the same second i uploaded it, due to some violations, bla, bla, etc.....its shows how Panos does it:

Strategus General Discussion / Re-cap of Fishara battle
« on: July 19, 2011, 09:00:18 am »
First of all i congratulate the Turks on their victory, well played.

I wont waste time on useless comments, instead I'll just stick with what i said i will do. This here is a list of people who applied for my side but didn't show up. I know for a fact that Leed had a very good real life excuse and I'm sure most of you did but you must understand one thing: 20 people didn't show spectators i saw some who applied but i didn't take them cause the roster was full already. Please note that i have nothing personal against you lads, many of your clanmates helped us as much as they could but applying for a battle and then not showing up is a bad thing to do, its not decent to the battle commander and its not decent to those who come and fight without you and last but not the least: its not decent to all those who wished to fight and would actually show up if i accepted them instead of you guys. How do you expect me to recruit you next time when you apply for my battle ?

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As i said: nothing personal lads but business is business. Their spawn point was unreachable for us, preventing us from slaughtering them as we should, and they outnumbered us by 100 tickets but I'm sure that if everyone who applied actually showed up we would of won this battle instead of losing it by 60 tickets.

Last but not the least:

BlackzillaHRE, applying with comment:
"I wont disappoint."
, his score: -2 : 17

I'm not gonna make any wrong assumptions here, all I'll say on this matter is: very well played.....very well played indeed.
There were a few more similar guys but i failed to take any screens. At the end of the day it doesn't really matter that much, i failed to buy low-level shields and they had too many archers so i recon its partly my fault as well.

See you on the battlefield some other time, lads.

Strategus General Discussion / Fighting for the Bandits
« on: July 18, 2011, 12:25:33 pm »
I'll use this opportunity to point out one thing: lots of people apply for each & every battle and picking them is not an easy task so.....please if you apply make sure you'll be there, for the first battle I've decided to forgive to those who applied and didn't show up but from our next battle I will be taking screenshots to see who screwed me up....and I will be making the list of those names in public.

Some honest people who'd otherwise come end up tossed aside because others apply and don't show up, they make me look even more evil then i actually am, people feeling angry about me for not taking 'em, etc, etc.

I never apply for other people's battles but when that happens ill be there 100%, i don't see one possible reason to apply if you're not certain you'll be able to attend it. Please people, don't be greedy and selfish.

Strategus General Discussion / Timing
« on: July 17, 2011, 10:00:05 am »
Would anyone care to explain how & why suddenly over night the Bandits battle was transferred from 22.00 to 23.00 and Druzhina's battle made it into the 22.00 slot ?

Buy / Buying a loom point....
« on: July 16, 2011, 08:42:28 am »
....for a decent price.

Sell/Trade / X2 Brigandine Sold.
« on: July 09, 2011, 12:46:24 am »
Reinforced Brigandine (x2) for Reinforced Mamluk Mail (x2) or Thick Mamluk Mail (x1) + 400k gold. I might consider some possibilities involving loomed Mail Hauberk + gold. Or enough gold to buy 2 loom points.

Also, I'll take loom point + gold for it.

Buy / Want to get my hands on a......
« on: July 01, 2011, 09:37:31 am »
.....loomed Plated Charger (x2 or x3) and Lordly Mail Hauberk, if anyone has it and wants to get rid of it let me know and we'll see if we can do some business.  :wink:

General Discussion / JackieChan just broke the servers....
« on: June 29, 2011, 02:17:37 pm »
....with his 35-0 score. Poor servers couldn't handle it and everything collapsed.

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