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Topics - Barbas

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Closed Requests / Banned on EU1 by Punisher?
« on: May 15, 2011, 02:43:47 pm »
Hi, just got banned on EU1 (I think that was the one) by Fallen_Punisher.. not quite sure why?

I was in peasant gear wielding a junk shield+Trident because I'm back to level 8 - had to delete and restart my character (unfortunately) so that I could make it my main, just in case the reason was my 'slumming it' with gear?

Decided to delete the character I had been playing, which was designated as my main - I guess anyway, I selected the thing to let me use it for Strategus.  I remember it saying you wouldn't be able to change this without deleting the character.  Hence my deleting it, so I can use the market with another character.

But.. don't see the option to designate a character as my main now.  Do I just need to wait a while, or is it bugged?

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