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Topics - Warcat

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cRPG Technical problems / Catapults still bugged.
« on: August 30, 2011, 11:02:32 am »
Despite recent fixes to catapults it seems that they still have some problems. I spent almost the entire Yruma castle tearing that place to pieces, but after the 2nd catapult went down It became quite a bit harder to accurately fire on the castle. For whatever reason the 3rd catapult, which was on slightly more of a slope than the  first two was firing as if the block was far back and also going a bit to the right and somewhat random with the distance. This continued with the catapult and seemed to be getting worse until I suggested using it as a Trojan catapult while another one was built, that one also had problems. I moved over to one that the other guys had just been using normally, and it seemed to be having this problem as well. I then tried an abandoned catapult that was below on flat ground, when I hit release the stone went about 50ft straight up, and came back down destroying the catapult. I then went back to use the last catapult as best I could for the rest of the battle.

So when looking at the things I could heirloom for my next retirement, I noticed that I could add 7 armor by fully looming my gauntlets, but only 4 with my robes. I think that when an item becomes hardened it should get a greater increase in its armor than just two more. This could possibly slightly add more weight, to it, but at least make the hardened items act light armor as opposed to just clothes.

Spam / [POLL] Which color socks should Oberyn wear?
« on: August 22, 2011, 06:41:46 am »
The whole admin abuse forum was a mistake in the first place anyways. I wouldn't let people in this community vote on which colour socks I'd wear
Post additional color suggestions in the thread.

Spam / Off Topic Thread
« on: August 19, 2011, 08:24:21 pm »
Perhaps you too have come across threads so incredibly dumb that they deserve nothing less than being thrown completely off topic. Well thats frowned upon, but you can do it here.
Here's a young kitler
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Strategus General Discussion / Strategus City Improvement Project
« on: August 16, 2011, 10:54:30 pm »
The main page for this topic is in the scene editing forum. But since this also applies heavily to Strategus I figured I'd call some attention to this here. As they currently are, strategus city maps are nothing but meat grinders, where if you send enough people up a permanent ladder, eventually you defeat the enemy. If you or anyone you know, knows how to make scenes, have them take a look at this thread
If you enjoy strat, here's a way average people can help. Or to use a direct quote.
I've been desperately trying to find someone to take care of the town maps for a year, but alas, no one is willing to take up the (admittedly painful) task of polishing them.
If you don't rush yourself, and enjoy being creative, it isn't even all that painful.

Current Town Situation, 22 total:
Town 1 Sargoth: (Peasant_Woman) Done*
Town 4 Suno: (Jacko) Done*
Town 5 Jelkala: (Warcat) Done*
Town 6 Praven: (Warcat) Done*
Town 7 Uxkhal: (Peasant_Woman) Done*
Town 9 Khudan: (Jacko) In Progress
Town 10 Tulga: (Jacko) Done*
Town 11 Curaw: (Warcat) In progress
Town 13 Rivacheg: (Warcat) On hold
Town 14 Halmar: (Peasant_Woman)
Town 17 Ichamur: (Warcat) Done*
Town 22 Bariyye: (Warcat) Done*

*May need testing

Sell/Trade / Large Bag of Bodkin Arrows
« on: August 15, 2011, 07:06:31 pm »
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Large Bag of Bodkin Arrows
weapon length: 91
weight: 3
weapon length: 91
max ammo: 17
thrust damage: 6 pierce
slots: 1

Willing to trade for a Large Bag of Arrows, or possibly other offers.

Suggestions Corner / A very good, balanced, game changing suggestion!
« on: July 28, 2011, 12:45:10 am »
Make MW stones diamond studded, and give them 22 damage instead of 15.

Suggestions Corner / Give Scene Viewer a Horse
« on: July 19, 2011, 04:31:57 pm »
Preferably a courser, would make viewing maps from normal perspectives quicker.

Strategus General Discussion / Journal of a Village_Elder
« on: July 18, 2011, 11:35:40 am »
Here is the journal of my councilor and servant friend Village_Elder, in it are the stories of his journey in Calradia during the second age of Strategus.

Prologue: It was about 43 years ago by the cRPG level calendar that I was born, I don't remember it, all I know is that I've been old my whole life, as all my fathers before me have been. I suppose my story really begins with them. My Great Great Grandfather was the first of my family to take the name of Village_Elder. He grew up in the humble village of Zagush, by birth his name was Townsman, but that was all to change when they came. Founded by their captain, Beauchamp, a fearsome warrior, the Fallen Brigade was sweeping across the steppe under it's fiery orange scorpion banner. When they came, they  slaughtered many including Templar soldiers who had come to aid the defense, and the current leader of the village . As the oldest survivor, Townsman was left to organize the people in repairing their village and in dealing with the new Fallen lords. It was then that he was given the name of Village_Elder, the original Legend of Zagush. However for a time Zagush stagnated, the Fallens were taking hold of their land and Zagush was left with trying to pay exorbitant taxes that drove away all hopes of bringing in foreign traders. However as things begin to settle down in the steppe, new Fallens were eager to prove their worth and so were given lands of their own. Zagush was then assigned to a eager young Fallen veteran by the name of Warcat. Together they started to remake Zagush stronger than ever as they learned much from each other. His new lord passed on what he had learned as a Fallen warrior, of the necessity of, and glory that comes in war. But also of many other things, of the need for publicity and they ways the lands around can be shaped to ones own desire. Leaning his lessons, Village_Elder knew how he and his lord would bring glory to his homeland. He put on his best robe and grabbed bags of stones from the cliff-side and went forth to gather what fame and prosperity he could in the land of the battle servers. Wherever he traveled he spread word of Zagush and all that it had to offer. Zagush grew and prospered, and was able to continue fueling the Fallen war machine as it spread it's influence. Four generations later, I travel with the the next in the line of Warcat across the steppe as the second age of Strategus begins. Only time can tell what will happen for sure, but it would seem to me that the Fallen Brigade is in a position to bring back it's empire greater than ever before. It's troops rain death down from the sky in great numbers and have researched new technologies and tactics to bring them victory.  Whatever my fate may be, I am willing to follow my lord to the gates of hell, for even in hell they shall fear the scorpion banner!

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Game Balance Discussion / Capturable spawn point.
« on: July 17, 2011, 03:47:41 pm »
Maybe its just me, but I find it odd that with the current system, a well armed group of 100 soldiers could easily defeat an unorganized garrison of 500,000 people. A unconquerable spawn point with a increased respawn time might work well. If nothing else I think the amount of spawn points needs to be increased and put at decent distances apart.

Scene Editing / Strategus City Improvement Project
« on: July 13, 2011, 07:10:04 pm »
In order to make cities playable for Strategus we expanded all of the cities in Calradia. Minor touchups and fixes may still be needed, but every city was worked on.
Current Town Situation:
Town 1 Sargoth: (Peasant_Woman) Done*
Town 2 Tihr: (Ozin) Done*
Town 3 Veluca:(Mustikki) Done*
Town 4 Suno: (Jacko) Done*
Town 5 Jelkala: (Warcat) Done*
Town 6 Praven: (Warcat) Done*
Town 7 Uxkhal: (Peasant_Woman) Done
Town 8 Reyvadin: (Jacko) Done
Town 9 Khudan: (Jacko) Done*
Town 10 Tulga: (Jacko) Done*
Town 11 Curaw: (Warcat)Done
Town 12 Wercheg: (Aelfwine) Done*
Town 13 Rivacheg: (Mustikki) Done*
Town 14 Halmar: (Peasant_Woman) Done*
Town 15 Yalen: (Mustikki)Done
Town 16 Dhirim: (Mustikki) Done*
Town 17 Ichamur: (Warcat) Done*
Town 18 Narra: (Jacko) Done
Town 19 Shariz: (Ozin) Done
Town 20 Durquba (Aelfwine) Done*
Town 21 Ahmerrad (Mustikki) Done*
Town 22 Bariyye: (Warcat) Done*

Proper Spawn Point Placing:[0-9 Attackers, equips spawns 1 meter behind point 0][10-63 Defenders][65 Defense Equipment]
*May need testing

Go to the bottom of this list to find a city you might want to work on.

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Game Balance Discussion / Heirloom reset with big changes.
« on: July 11, 2011, 09:32:22 am »
I've had my archer main character since Stategus was first being opened up in limited numbers and until recently I hadn't ever retired. However recently I wanted to adjust the build some and since I was at 31 I decided to retire. So I finally got my only heirloom, a large bag of bodkin arrows, however a couple days later I discover that with the patch bodkins cost 400 in repairs making them pointless to use compared to other arrows. I think anytime major item and build changes are made, we should get heirloom points to respend for every heirloom that we posses. Otherwise it screws over people who one day find that their loomed items that they've worked ages for have been nerfed and replaced with some other similar item. Just a suggestion I think would really help people.

Game Balance Discussion / 1 slot for items that are only held
« on: June 27, 2011, 09:24:18 am »
I think it makes sense that items you can only hold should only take 1 slot. If they're not something you put on your back/waist, then its not taking up any space, why have it take 2 slots?

Suggestions Corner / Naval Combat
« on: June 19, 2011, 06:54:34 am »
Mainly for strategus, but even in cRPG, I think naval battles would be a nice addition. Perhaps even some islands or something if some groups wanted naval based factions. I think a system similar to what PW mod has works well for battles at sea, perhaps with more hit points for the boats. It would be even better if over time fire arrows and bigger weapons (ballista? Catapult ship?) were added along with damage to specific parts of the ship. But overall, PWmod has a very good system of controls that would work well in cRPG battles. Obviously the drowning system would also want to be added in were this to happen.

Suggestions Corner / Remove Throwing Lances
« on: May 01, 2011, 04:02:58 am »
With this newest patch they're useless anyway, I don't see why they're still taking up space in the item list.

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