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Topics - Rico

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This is a backup of Tears' guide for new players. It has not been updated since December 27, 2011, and since Tears is inactive since March, I will update and continue his guide in his stead (inb4 police violence, abooze!). The backup is posted here so both Tears when he comes back and me can access it, and everybody can reconstruct the changes if I delete something important or I'm generally a terrible co-author.

Flood this thread with dickbutts or something, but I'll have to reserve the next 3 posts.

General Off Topic / Steam launcher not launching
« on: February 02, 2015, 07:27:28 am »
Anyone else having issues logging into your Steam account? For me, it works via web browser, but not via launcher.

Scene Editing / Feedback on various current DTV maps
« on: January 08, 2015, 03:37:58 am »
The cRPG team should really put a little more love into DTV to bring back old players, help current noobies and attract new players to cRPG.

DTV Helms Deep Rohan

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Please excuse the 1990s graphics, my PC sucks.
  • The ladders and stairs are a problem. They make bots extra slow, which increases the round time significantly. Fun is action divided by time. If players have to wait a long time before the action happens, the fun decreases. The ladders make horses get stuck, which again get infantry bots stuck between them. Chasing down a single stuck bot for several minutes is boredom in its purest form. Blame it on the map, not on the players, because you can influence the map directly, while you can't influence players that easily.
  • The river is a problem. Fighting in the river is a hassle for characters with short weapons, because once they are close enough to deal damage to the bots, they can't escape from the blob which is surrounding them the next second. Dodging projectiles while underwater is almost impossible. The river also decreases the field of vision drastically, which makes it hard to see incoming attacks and the block direction of the bots. The river does not represent additional challenge; instead, fighting in there defeats the purpose of Warband combat itself. Waiting behind the river only prolongs the round without providing additional action, which reduces fun. Charging through the river at the beginning of the round is bad because only players with high athletics will arrive outside in time. They are killed and need to wait till they respawn.
  • The wall is a problem. Fighting on the wall either leaves you cornered on the right or the left, or you're surrounded by bots from all sides. It may be possible to have good fights on top of the wall if almost the whole team goes there at the beginning of the round. However, players don't do that, ever. Again, you can't change the way people play, but you can make the game a more enjoyable experience by making the map flexible to various play-styles, instead of enforcing a strategy nobody wants to follow.
Want to keep up LOTR atmosphere of the map?

Simply change the map to the point after this popular scene:

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Make some adjustments for gameplay reasons:
  • The breach has to be larger than the movie suggests, so players can't easily form a single shieldwall to cover everything.
  • Cover the complete river in debris. Every aspect of it is annoying, so please make it inaccessible.
  • Decrease the wideness of the enemy spawn area to the right side, so HA bots won't run away from players forever.
Please remove the map from the rotation until these or similar changes are implemented, because this map tends to kill the server population.

DTV Ballista Madness

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Please remove the dead tree circled red on the screenshot. Bots get stuck there every time, and since it's far away from the Viscount, no melee player will make it back alive after killing the bot. It's not in ballista reach either, so simply shooting the bot won't work unless you are a highlevel archer. Currently, luring the bot closer to V before killing it is the only way, and that's fun for one player and boring wait for the residual 20.

DTV Battlemasters

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Please remove the crossed out area to the left. Bots get stuck due to the small wall in the middle of the two gates all the time. Removing the entire crossed out area is a better option than just removing the wall, because the map is too large anyways. I know this is supposed to be a tournament field over there, but a tad bit more immersion isn't worth the huge gameplay deterioration.

Please also reduce the distance between the players' spawn and the bots' spawns by moving the spawns to the green numbers.

Please remove the map from the rotation until these or similar changes are implemented, because this map tends to kill the server population.

DTV Lichen's Island

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Please move the beach spawn on the top left closer to the players' spawn. Also put an obstacle to the right side of the mountain to prevent bots from running all the way from the right of the map to the beach on the left before attacking.

DTV Celtic Ruins

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There is often a single bot stuck where the red mark is. It is strange because there is no hindrance blocking the path, but it is happening a lot. Please move the spawn around until bots no longer get stuck.

DTV Grey Havens

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Bots are getting stuck at X1 and X2. Both spots are hard to reach because of how labyrinthine the map is. Both spots are close to enemy spawns, which makes it very risky to hunt down stuck bots as a melee player. Additionally, killing stuck bots in these places as a melee player increases the likelihood of causing bots of the next wave to get stuck in the same spot.

The barrels at X1 are beautiful but nasty because of the stuck bots. Please move or remove them.

Please take care of X2 by moving the spawn on the left to the "3". This way, bots from the left won't get stuck any longer, and the action on that side will happen sooner. It won't be a problem balance-wise, because players still have enough time to hold the bridge or even the stairs.

DTV Thermopylae

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The platform on this map needs to be surrounded by something that prevents bots and players from going under it. Right now, you can use a side-swing animation to dive under the platform. Most of the time, not more than one bot is under it, so you can kill this bot and then the other around the platform, which have no option of fighting back, because while it is possible for bots to go under the platform, it is very unlikely they actually manage once they are fighting against the shieldwall. In summary, the area under the platform leaves room for exploits.

Apart from that, since usually one bot gets under the platform during their initial charge, it is quite possible that players standing on top of the platform using ranged weapons or ballistas are being killed by this single bot from under the platform through the wood. This is unrealistic and stupid, and it happens a lot, especially when somehow a cavalry bot gets stuck under the platform.

Thanks to all scenario creators and editors for your awesome work! Apart from the mentioned issues, your maps are exciting to play and well-designed.

Game Admin Feedback / [EU] Rico
« on: October 28, 2014, 04:04:09 pm »
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My game nicks: Rico, December_2010, WhiteTigerHoneypot
My steam: (Copy this link into your steam browser, or you will not find me! Message me if an evil exploiter or leecher is bullying you.)
My approach: WARN -> (MUTE) -> KICK -> BAN HE ©AdalWulf, except for severe cases and serial offenders
Trying to be on EU7 as often as possible, otherwise EU1 and EU2

Give me feedback

or flood my thread with anime trailers, 4chan screenshots hi Uther and creepy pics

Suggestions Corner / Option to leave a group conversation on the website
« on: October 08, 2014, 05:48:28 pm »

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I know you can ask people to remove you from a conversation by making them click "reply to all" and cross your name out. But since group chats via website became so trendy, it sucks to ask in every single one over and over again. It would be cooler if there was a stealthy way of no longer receiving these messages, like when you sneak out of a shareholder meeting through the bathroom window when all the snacks have been eaten.

EU (Official) / [ban] God_Damn_Mongorian for intentional tk
« on: September 16, 2014, 06:39:18 pm »
1. Succubus_the_Bailiff_stalker
2. God_Damn_Mongorian
3. 18:31 MET EU7
4. He shot me twice with no bots around. The first one was a body shot, I told him to stop via voice command. The second one was a head shot. No way these were accidental.
5. I have been discussing with other players in the chat about what various things such as silly nicknames (like mine :D ) and rule-breaking behavior. Maybe the teamkill was his way to express disagreement.
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7. Greys_Queen_Lamerina, South_the_Grey, Heibai, Dracul_Khako, Hybris

Beginner's Help and Guides / Armor set advice
« on: September 16, 2014, 04:28:40 pm »
I got Light Strange Gloves and Light Strange Greaves +3 and body armors for two light armor sets with them. Now I am looking for medium and heavy armor sets. These were my first thoughts:

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I am looking for helmets which fit to 1) and 2), if possible lighter and cheaper than the Gjermundbu Helmet. And if you have more suggestions for body armors, please let me know. Ty ;)

It has a white turban, a nose protection and a brighter mail texture in game, but it is displayed as an open helmet with dark mail texture and a blue turban in the shop. Please update the picture!

EU (Official) / [ban] amazeballs for leeching
« on: September 09, 2014, 03:33:42 am »
1. Mila (written with I instead of l)
2. amazeballs
3. 2:49 MET EU2
4. "amazeballs" has been online the whole day on EU2, but played maybe 30% of his online time and leeched the rest. Since he was still (or again?) doing it when I joined back to the server at night, I decided to report him. On the screenshots below, you can see him idling for over 6 minutes (compare his unchanging scores, KDs and the round time). You can see that he wasn't even around his PC to select a spawn to respawn in Conquest (the pic with 29:46 shows it). The poll on one of the screenshots was a successful kick (bans were disabled). Sorry for the sorting, imgur uploaded them in a random order.
5. He wanted x2 without contributing and the danger of getting banned was low - since kicks were disabled and no admins online, someone has to report him (and most people are too lazy for that).
7. Kalmarunionen_AllramII, Kalmarunionen_Bungalow_Bill, Little_of_China

Edit: fixed typo

Buy / Stuff I am looking for
« on: September 06, 2014, 05:38:59 am »
Esapda Eslavona +3
Spathovaklion +3
Bolts +3
Eastern Lamellar with Jacket +3
Nasal Helmet +3
Military Sickle +3
Steel Pick +3
Hourglass Gloves +3
Ragged Outfit +3
Splited Leather Greaves over Mail +3
Lamellar Gloves +3
Black and White Plate Gloves +3
Mail Gloves +3
Bamboo Spear +3
Dark Cavalry Robe +3

Steel Bolts +2

If you want get rid of any of these, PM me please. Can offer other looms, points and gold.

Our team has many good texturers. However, because some items need a 3D model rework before we can make a higher quality texture, our progress is bottlenecking due to the lack of skilled 3D modelers.

If you got the skill and want to join us, please PM me. If you haven't got the skill but still want to help us, PM me nonetheless and practice with this guide: It will teach you the basics about 3D modeling in Blender (please focus on the Blender section, obviously).

This is what we are doing:!/msg1061204/#msg1061204

Update: We need more texturers now, too

EU (Official) / [ban] Mosman
« on: September 05, 2014, 05:33:07 am »
1. Rico_di_Firenze, Mila (written as "MiIa" because "Mila" was taken)

2. Mosman

3. EU1 5:05 am

4. Mosman kicked me at spawn the map before; it is common sense not to do that against allies in low armor. I did not report him. Around 5:05 am, he did it again while I was reloading my crossbow. I reported him, he started raging, I replied, he teamkilled me with three hits in total, announcing it with "report this too".

5. He is the type of person who is flooding the chat with provocations and butthurt. Trying to be as annoying as possible, he does everything it takes to piss people off. This is nothing personal between him and me and no perceptional bias. He picks up fights with pretty much everyone. Earlier today during noon time, I saw him intentionally kicking off allies from walls on EU2. After that, he asked me when I was playing with my alt Mila whether I am a chocolate chip cookie. I had the pagan thundercross banner (Perkunas Guard, the PTX clan) and somehow, this guy must have mistaken the Thundercross for a cute puppy, the green background for a white circle on red ground, and paganism for fascism. You really need a shitload of imagination; in any case, he didn't stop accusing me so replied with the most vigorous retort I could think of. He stopped for the moment, but later on EU1 when I saw him again, he again asked me if I was a chocolate chip cookie (even though I switched banner to GO to play with Jacu and Varadin). And he asked me: "why did you switch banner, whore". Rico and Mila look different, use different banners and it is highly unlikely that Mosman knew both chars are mine. He could have been a dick against any other random person just as likely.

People who need to annoy others to have fun are parasites. Doing so is not against the rules though, unless it is griefing or teamhitting. I saw him doing both today, and the last time I was the direct victim. I think he deserves a short break.

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I am sorry I do not remember the times and the screenshots from the previous events. I did not expect to be victim of this guy again on the same day, so I thought I let him be for now when he was griefing on EU2.

7. 5:05 am - Foxxy_Longbottom, Reborn_Wulfgar, Abdelkarim, Vanguard_Maera, Vanguard_Jash_Eater_of_Pussy
For the earlier event at EU2 noon time (pagan flag discussion, kicking allies from wall), ask Norr_the_Northerner if you need a witness
For the later event at EU1 (picking up the fight from noon time again), ask Vanguard_Friedhorse if you need a witness

Suggestions Corner / Item workshop - Give us feedback and join us!
« on: August 29, 2014, 12:49:00 am »
You are reading Teaser #1
:arrow: Teaser #2
:arrow: Teaser #3 (February Patch)
:arrow: Teaser #4 (March 2016)

As discussed with Tydeus on IRC, this thread is a collection of finished meshes of new and updated old items, ready to be polled upon in the subforum of the item balancers. I am helping out with the artistic design, coordination, presentation and final proposal of the projects, but most of the technical work of editing or creating the meshes and textures is done by the following people: _Tak_, Daruvian, matt2507, Blackbow, Viriathus, Jona, Zisa and Halk.

This post only presents finished results. For the work-in-progress reports, browse for items from Tak's thread. For the items of the other contributors, check out the comments in this discussion.

Finished projects (in chronological order based on the finishing date):

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Byzantine Palace Guard Armor by Zimke Zlovoljni (permission for cRPG only)
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The download link for this one is internal use only and will be posted in the Item Management forum

+ lots of surprises in the next patch


9th of September 2014: Senni_Ti, who made the European Cavalry Sword, has the technical skill to add new items and agreed to exert a managerial role to add adequate meshes to the game. Tydeus: "Still have a few things to work out with him, but it would seem like the ball is consistently moving forward, although nothing is set in stone yet. Well, even though I say nothing is set in stone, the ball essentially has picked up too much momentum to stop."

16th of September 2014: Cmp introduced an internal Item Management forum section for proposals.

22nd of September 2014: 25+ items proposed in the Item Management section.

3rd of October 2014: Lots of items accepted. Will be included in the next patch.

5th of October 2014: Patch due.

19th of October 2014: Actual patch date wwwwwwww)

If anybody with knowledge in texturing and 3D-modeling is interested in joining us, please contact me via Forum PM and whenever I am online via IRC query. We are looking forward to hear from you!

If you have inspirations or requests, please abstain from double-posting them or spamming PMs! Otherwise they are welcome.

General Discussion / Will new items ever be added?
« on: August 28, 2014, 04:02:55 am »
Since zagibu left, nothing has been added. This is like half a year ago now. Do we have a new item manager? If not, can we get one soon? I know you devs are busy with M:BG and I am sure you will make a good job, but please do not abandon cRPG :)

This is an issue because we have stuff like
- Panos' suggestions for OSPs
- Alex's thread with lots of retextures and some new items
- European Cav Sword

which waits to be added.

Sell/Trade / Elder's Wooden Stick
« on: July 26, 2014, 11:17:27 pm »
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Selling Elder's Wooden Stick!

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