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Topics - arowaine

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Mercenary Recruitment / Les chevalier occitans
« on: April 15, 2013, 07:44:41 am »
Hello dear Eu people Ve dont mind giving you xp so well we welcome you aswell open arms for our great battle sing up and come for the glory of smaller faction!!?page=battledetail&id=3297

all welcome

Mercenary Recruitment / Les chevaliers occitans Against Ve empire
« on: March 29, 2013, 12:12:29 am »
Looking for merc against The Ve empire!?page=battledetail&id=3043

we will pay people who do decent at least 1-1 k/d thanks you

Pour les intéressés le clan est ouvert pour tous les québecois/francophone. Simple et facile pour nous joindre veiller nous contacter sur ce ou bien via discord . Nous somme un clan respectueux avec certains règlements également avec un gear restriction quand même très large. Sur ce au plaisir de vous rencontrer. 18 ans et + nécessaire.Thématique Occitanie

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Diplomacy / Occitan border policy
« on: December 12, 2012, 03:46:17 am »
Greetings! Until further notice Occitan is closing its borders to traders from factions who already own fiefs. Independant traders or faction members without fiefs may continue to trade.  Permission to trade will be given by the fief owner upon demand through TS or the forums. Any convoy entering the fief without permission risks being removed from it. If any S&D was used, the convoy will be attacked. Thank you & safe travels!

A disgruntled claimant of the Barony of Tilbault Castle has sought exile within our territory.  The duke of Aquitaine has accepted to push his claim and forcefully remove the incapable Barons from their throne.
This declaration hereby confirms that a state of war exists between the NA Coalition and the Duchy of Aquitaine. All able-bodied Occitan citizens are requested to present themselves to the nearest Baron for immediate arming.

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Let our armies be levied in hast and sent forth to glory! DIEU LE VEUT!

Diplomacy / statement of intent
« on: September 22, 2012, 02:45:57 am »
Declarationem intentionis, de ducatu Aquitana

By the present, and all things being rational, in the name of our Lord, we, the feudal council of Occitany, declare theses lands to be ours, by the might of our arms and the will of god. In that spirit, we solemnly declare that will be treated as a foe, villain, enemy & pirate any man who would by his own will, that of his lord or madness, desecrate the land we call home by entering it armed, and against our will.

Will be declared an enemy any who would, willingly and knowingly, arm, harbour, or help in any way, those who chose to call themselves our enemies.

Enlightened by our past and history, no one will be passively left to deny us as it happened in the past, our very right to existence. Let it be known, as it happened before, that those who would will be met by steel, fire and determination.

To all those who would call themselves "friends", we offer shelter, protection, assistance and the strength of our arms to avenge the injustice they would suffer, as they can rely as safely on us as they would on their own will, for we never betray those who put confidence and friendship in us, and as friends would never jeopardise our honour, there will always be a place for those who respect the rules of hospitality.

Decurtius copyright.

Diplomacy / Occitan strat 4
« on: September 11, 2012, 04:41:56 am »
Brand new strat mean everything new and back to normal err neutral*. Occitan wish best of luck to all clan or faction and hope to see resonable person with decent brain playing it. There is no grudge hold to anyone. Hope everyone enjoy the new strat and the new mechanic let hope it is going to be fun for everyone.

Occitan will try to be a bit more role play meaning we will try to start posting shit errr stuff* and try to find out a role playing way to do stuff without being random asshole.

Strategus Issues / Strat showing on map
« on: September 09, 2012, 07:42:27 pm »
On strat map it show someone without any create and he has around 150 men army just underis name it show unarmed and when we finaly get into the battle they had equipement they didnt get reinforced or either ressuply. anyone can help me out finding how they get equipement or why it isnt showing on the map they had it ? thanks in advance

Other / Ban request for forum
« on: August 16, 2012, 08:39:54 pm »
Ban request for all the people who down vote post in faction hall or nicely asking to get rid of the up vote or down vote  system in those thread making people unable to see post directly. thanks a lot example occitan post in faction hall

cRPG Technical problems / Banner of crpg website
« on: June 29, 2012, 10:51:00 pm »
I just notice a other faction have our banner we didnt rebuy the same slots tougth. we did buy a new one! For some reason we cant uppload anything like we did for the first.

Received:28/06/2012 07:16:01
Marketplace auction #992 won
You have won the auction #992 with the highest bid of 100101 gold. The exclusive banner was assigned to your clan. The remainder of your deposit was transferred to you.

This is the proof and well have no idea thanks in advance.

Closed Requests / Unban EU3
« on: June 21, 2012, 07:02:35 pm »
Unban Occitan-arowaine pls from eu3 been banned for if im rigth leeching on siege during guard battle was defender side. If im rigth also it was guard tristan who banned me dont know for how long tougth. I am nicely asking to be unbanned. I had to awnser the door at first when Str rat qml me i get kicked from the server when get back in from of my pc to play i rejoin like 4 mins afther i did get a phone call so i went upstair to awnser talked like 3 mins come back and well was out the server and couldnt join back. was ban i know i did leech for maybe a total of 5 mins but real life stuff sorry i tougth would have been a bit more quickly but took a bit more time. I know the rules and im nicely asking the admin to understand what happen. thanks you

Ps: my scores prove that i wasnt leeching during all the battle.

Other / Forum assistance faction hall
« on: May 28, 2012, 07:18:49 pm »
requesting forum admin to take care of ragin nerd who down vote post in faction hall at least remove down/up vote in faction or do something but kinda retarted .... thanks example,12822.0.html for example,12822.0.html . Ban/perma mute people who did that or something

Strategus Issues / Strategus owner fief
« on: May 26, 2012, 09:46:17 am »
IN strategus webpage as a owner of a town im no longer able to kick people out of my fief i use to be able 1 week ago now not anymore im the owner of tulga when i am trying to kick someone answer me Fail. I verify i still the owner of the fief as rank10 in faction i am able to switch it and i also have it when i log into public server so well any idea...using explorer brownser.

Closed Requests / Unban request
« on: April 17, 2012, 07:18:07 pm »
Im ban from crpg na 1 2 and 3 server (official server) from ganner_of_chaos, short story i did ask 5 times the admin to do something about ll adrian leeching and not doing anything and delaying aswell. They give him nothing.No warning nothing at all . At the 6 round the round of the map afther my 5 report on ll adrian. I did decide to team kill  LL adrian unforthunatly . Rigth afther my tk ganner decide to ban me without warning straigth ban for 1day as global ban. IM nicely asking to be unban from crp na2 and na3 and keep my ban on na1 cause i kinda deserve it somehow.My mistake was on crpg na 1 server at 12h50 am eastern time.

ps:I must agree i did deserve a ban but would be nice if admin start admining with fairness and be cool with everyone even if you speak a other language or you are in  a other faction.

Sell/Trade / Arowaine shops
« on: February 02, 2012, 07:04:58 am »

tempered two handed sword

Lordly milaness plate

leave offer or send me pm

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