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Topics - Digglez

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Closed Requests / Banrequest: offensive names
« on: August 20, 2012, 11:39:12 am »


If you arent aware of who Polepot is, hes basically Asia's version of einstein, responsible for about 1.5-2 million genocide deaths

Closed Requests / Ban request: Paul_in_Ho_Pow
« on: August 19, 2012, 08:45:51 am »
Namo draws map about an extra 2 minutes, then finally attacks us as we're raising MotF flag.  He jumps in pool to suicide rather than fight, then I jump in to finish him.  While I'm in midair jumping Paul_in_Ho_Pow leecher accuses me.  I press M but since I'm at equip screen it doesnt work and get kicked as new round starts.

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cRPG Technical problems / No valor on NA1
« on: August 13, 2012, 05:44:31 am »
Been thru like 3 maps in battle and not seen Valor given once.

Is this intentional?
Was something changed?
Is it no longer announced and visible to others?

Closed Requests / Server setup & maps
« on: August 08, 2012, 08:24:46 am »
Can whoever runs community plz pm me at some point?

Would like to get maps and server config files (for rotation) and stuff!

Events & Tournaments / NA 10v10 Weekend Pickup Game 8/11
« on: August 05, 2012, 10:25:43 am »
PLACE:  Norse Horde 24 slot server, Dallas
DATE: SAT 8/11

FORMAT: 10v10, 2 referees, 1 camera man, 1 announcer

So I miss the old school days of multiplayer shooters were community would organize and put together pick up games, so we're going to have a throw back here if there is enough interest.

If you would like to attend please reply to this post, "I'M GAME". 

Even if you arent attending you may nominate anyone who plans to attend as a CAPTAIN of one of the two teams.  When the pickup game starts, captains will pick from available signed up players to their team.

We could use 3 people (with good reputations) that would like to volunteer to be admins for this event and possibly for the server in the future.

Would love for someone to record video for the event and even someone with that camera guy to act as an announcer.  Might be easier if it was the same person!

Would be good if another clan could also host voice comms so the teams can be on separate servers.  Initially we'll be together until teams are picked.

I'd like input as to what you think good rules for a 10v10 would be.  For instance...

Win conditions? Best of 7 rounds? Best of 3 for 2 maps?
What maps?
What sort of rules regarding class balance?  Max 2 spears, archer/xbow, cav, plate armor?
Gear restrictions?

DISCLAIMER:  Server is NOT connected to database so there will be NO gold or xp.  So you are free to use whatever equipment you want.  Also, server does not have pole stagger/rotation NERF since devs will not allow it on independent servers.

cRPG Technical problems / NA 1 download map loop
« on: August 05, 2012, 09:03:23 am »
Please address this, map keeps repeatedly downloading. Server is empty because of it.

Map was 'River Village' when I tried to join and keep downloading it in a loop.

Strategus Issues / Wrong banners on Strat battles
« on: August 01, 2012, 06:26:53 am »
Why are peoples banners showing up incorrectly in STRAT?  Only 2 of my clan were in a battle yet about 4 Hospitallers showed up with my banner.  It only happens in Strat.

In normal servers when banners mess up they just appear as some random native banner, not MY OWN.

Closed Requests / Ban request: Lithix
« on: July 29, 2012, 08:07:45 am »
Intentional TK, shit talk and quitting server to avoid any possible punishment.

I was on archer alt on siege, opening backdoor to shoot 1 shot then closing it, to slow down enemy team's progress while chopping.  A different Teammate near door lets 1 guy in at a time, I backup to get melee out and get slashed in the back by this very impatient guy, Lithix.  We kill the enemy and proceed to do the open door and fire arrow, close door plan.  Same thing, we let 1 enemy in and melee him, this guy hits me in back a second time because he's an idiot.

So I report him after the 2nd hit and he rages and decides to TK me for reporting him.  Says 'bitch' at me and quits server.

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Suggestions Corner / Make cRPG buttons bindable
« on: July 26, 2012, 09:27:29 pm »
A simple cRPG_config.ini that we could edit and change cRPG functions keys would be much appreciated

So we can remap functions like [Q]voice menu, [M]report tw'er/respond to leecher accusation, {B]show names/hp admin function, etc etc

Closed Requests / Ban request: MM_MrSocks
« on: July 25, 2012, 08:11:44 am »
SS is pretty self explanatory.  Massive intentional suiciding, leeching, not contributing to team at all.

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Closed Requests / Ban request: I_am_not_crutching_Astralis
« on: July 19, 2012, 03:52:46 pm »
Wednesday Morning.
I_am_not_crutching gets accidentally TK'ed by Peppovich's xbow, who was firing into melee trying to help team kill the beast (Sossarian Knight).  I'm already dead and see I_am_not say something to the effect of 'fucking hosp retard' in deadchat.  I forget if Peppo apologized, but remember seeing him do it for other various teamhits earlier in the night against me. 

Start of next round I_am instantly tk's Peppovich, types 'fuck hosp goodnight' and leaves the server.

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Suggestions Corner / Rank to manage armory
« on: July 16, 2012, 10:02:01 am »
please lower the rank requirement to be able to manage armory.  Its very inconvenient that only officers are able to lend/recall gear in the armory instead of just 'veteran' or 'member' ranks.  Consider dropping the rank needed to manage armory to 5-7 please.

Since you are unable to steal, sell or destroy items in the armory/loaned out, it makes sense that a lower rank is able to manage this.

cRPG Technical problems / Horse whistle not working on NA 1
« on: July 15, 2012, 10:58:30 am »
just figured I would let some devs know, that horse whistling is not working on NA 1  (and would assume the rest of NA servers).
Used the whistle command about 10-15 times at various times thru several maps and horses never responded.  Asked other cav players if they had same problem and they did as well.

cRPG Technical problems / Clan supporters
« on: July 11, 2012, 02:53:06 pm »
Are members under the rank of 3 supposed to be able to add supporters?  Without approval or at all?

Suggestions Corner / Buff alternate mode damage
« on: July 06, 2012, 11:15:53 pm »
So whats the point of having the alternate damage modes if they do less....far less...far far less damage than normal mode?  I have yet to see a situation (using damage calculator) where the alternate mode would actually be useful.

Could we actually BUFF the pierce damage on them so they might do more damage vs 55+ armor?

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