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Topics - aertis_gutenberg

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Closed Requests / ban request for helrunar_s_blood_axis
« on: April 26, 2013, 03:46:59 pm »
he kill me cause i report him for a teamwounding.

Closed Requests / ban for panoramIX_the_grey
« on: April 14, 2013, 02:17:47 pm »

Closed Requests / ban 1hour Trick_Doesa
« on: April 11, 2013, 03:41:41 pm »
ban 1 hour for insulting

Unban Essays / Apologize and unban essay Hemmor
« on: April 07, 2013, 08:34:49 pm »
Apology to C-rpg players and community – Hemmor_le_roublard

I realise what I have done is to my own mistakes and bad judgments in situations where I have taken irrational actions towards people whom have not deserved to be afflicted by my choices, choices that I regret doing as consequences have been bans and negative reputation towards myself and sometimes clan members who I am affiliated with. This ban has recently made me understand and realise that the disrespectful ways in which I treat people has to change as attitudes to being, (well let’s say a douche) will not be tolerated or go unnoticed by the C-rpg community – in game and any other situations in which I may have offended other people/players.

Now based on the circumstances, I realize that making another offence will lead to heavier punishment towards myself and do not wish to be another subject of the matter in the forums ban request thread as it is excruciatingly embarrassing to my name, I feel disappointed with myself and hope the people I have insulted do not take it too personally as it was just an impulse of anger, rage and to be disrespectful towards the people who I had no right in which to insult.
I also realize that taking it out on people in game is ridiculous and pathetic and I should keep my thoughts and anger to myself, the outcome of the whole situation is very high priority to me as I value the playability of this mod as I have spent a long time partaking in the mod and building a profile in which I suit and I would be very upset in not being able to play anymore, I really do hope so that you see it in yourselves to forgive me, I am taking matters into my own hands to control myself as stupid errors where I take the time to hurt another person’s feelings is sad and it is very low to see myself stoop down to such a low level and to be judged as a person I don’t like to consider myself as.
The main point of the apology is to show you that I really do understand offending people can hurt as “Toon” calls me a stupid calls me a stupid tool (in Ts) a lot and it really hurts me. The apology is also to show you that I know now fully that my actions do have serious consequences and I promise I will not do it again as I have already offended to many and I wish I could take every harsh and rash comment I have said and regret all this stupid Team kills and attacks I have delivered as other people care about playing the game and care about ratio and their own profile in game. 

I plan to make changed in ways in which I deal with anger, these changes will affect people in game positively as nothing negative will be said to other players anymore, I will keep the anger to myself in Ts where nobody will have any hurtful treatment by me, I know not all people may accept my apology but I hope if you and the community could accept the apology (as much people who can accept the apology) I would feel a large proportion better about myself and I would be extremely grateful. I’m deeply sorry if my outburst and I wish to never be in a ban thread again as it can also have an effect of my own wellbeing in the current clan I am in “Risen” and I do not wish to lose the chance to stay in this clan.

In the future I really hope to be seen as an accepted member of the C-rpg community as which I said it is important to my own status. Realizing the past mistakes I have made I will take it to my own personal initiative to apologise to the people who I know I have made an error in good sportsmanship and made the mistake to disrespect and slander them for minor issues in which I was unable to control myself, to be yet again on the forum for a disgraceful issues has severely damaged my own dignity. I really aspire to fix this by treating all others fairly and with respect, I also know if you manage to find a slight bit of remorse towards my actions that I will not offend anybody again and instead of whining when I lose to somebody in fair combat or even unfair combat I will compliment a fight where in cases I would insult them.
I can understand the anger that may be because of me as I should of learn from earlier punishment and tolerance that the C-rpg community has to out forwarding people like me. Out of the punishment you have given me it has made me realize I need to change my ways in which I act towards others who have no other personal issues against me, who I make my enemy unintentionally because of the lack of discipline I allowed myself to live by. I know it is best to keep everyone friendly towards myself as it could have long term effects towards my clan, friends and me.
Such things as not being able to participate in strategus battles for people that I have slandered and been unkind towards, it may also have effects on the way in which my clan treat me as past people in the clan have been kicked out because of the way they have treated others or there clan makes by taking actions that have not been consented b the clan and unauthorised. I am truly sorry for my actions to everybody that I personally offended  and I hope that this apology will give you the opportunity to realise that I have realized my mistakes and will be eternally grateful if you give me the chance to prove to you that I have changed, I am sorry. I am also grateful being given the chance to be able to prove myself.

Closed Requests / ban snow_the_mad_wolf
« on: January 22, 2013, 11:14:15 pm »
this guy hit me in the round for no reason. it isn't the first time. so i want to permaban him.

Closed Requests / ban 24h. still not unbanned
« on: November 14, 2012, 04:47:41 pm »
Hey guys.

i was ban for 24 Hours. and i still not unbanned.

what's the problem?

to hours I'll be unbanned?

Closed Requests / ban Barlas_khan_HazaR
« on: November 08, 2012, 03:09:13 pm »
this guy poll me just cause i was coming on the serv eu crpg 5.
what the hell? what's going on?

it's the twice that this guy want to ban me!

so ban him cause it's a really fucker (sry for this).

that's proof!

Closed Requests / ban deserter_Robbstark
« on: October 28, 2012, 02:32:00 pm »
this guy did a poll ban against me because i killed him before on the eu_crpg_3 server.

i want to ban him for no reason poll and poll abusing.


Other / Unban request in Nordmen serv
« on: September 08, 2012, 03:55:25 pm »
i'm banned on the Nordmen serv but i don't know why.

fix this wrong and unban me plz.

Thanks Hemmor

Other / Unban request in Pecores serv
« on: July 17, 2012, 07:55:22 pm »
i was banned by gueridoux just because he don't like me. he didn't give a reason for this ban.

gutenberg alias Hemmor le roublard (IG)

EU (Melee) / (Resolved Unban) Hemmor_le_roublard
« on: April 17, 2012, 02:51:37 am »
can i be unban??

i don't know for why i'm ban :s :s

Closed Requests / Unban request Hemmor_le_roublard
« on: April 15, 2012, 12:55:32 pm »
i'm banned cause i was on forum and i said i'm on forum.
it's admin abooze.

i want to be unban.


Closed Requests / Unban request OCF_Aertis_gutenberg
« on: January 27, 2012, 04:27:15 pm »
hello, i want to know when i'm unban plz. thanks

Unban Essays / [Unban Essay] Aertis Gutenberg
« on: January 25, 2012, 09:22:45 pm »
Ma dissertation pour c-rpg

Thèse :
Les crimes volontaires commis sont égaux aux crimes involontaire, tuer son alliée involontairement peut être considérer à même hauteur qu’un crime volontaire dans les jeux vidéo car c’est au joueur de faire attention à son allié et non l’inverse.
Il est toujours agaçant de se faire tuer par un allié et lorsque ça arrive il est normal de penser qu’un crime non intentionnel se doit d’être sanctionné à même hauteur qu’un crime intentionnel.
Lorsque l’on tue quelqu’un de façon intentionnel ou non, dans tous les cas le meurtre est fait et il est impossible de revenir en arrière, à partir de cette idée, la condamnation se doit d’être à hauteur de l’acte peu importe les pensées de l’individu.

Antithèse :
Les crimes volontaires ne sont en aucun cas égaux aux crimes involontaires.
Tuer son alliée de façon intentionnelle est nettement plus grave et plus condamnable qu’un crime non intentionnel. Avoir une arrière pensé est ce qu’on appelle un crime prémédité et donc avoir l’intention de faire du mal.
Il y a parfois des inattentions ou des erreurs qui sont réellement involontaire et il est difficile de ne jamais tuer son alliée. C’est arrivé à tout le monde.
Les crimes par erreurs sont pardonnables et un pardon souvent suffit.

Synthèse :
Si l’on devait répondre à cette phrase en rapport à la vie réel, il serait clair qu’un crime non intentionnel se révèle beaucoup moins condamnable qu’un crime intentionnel. Et beaucoup de personnes auraient fait pas mal de prison, un meurtrier qui tue une personne froidement aurait la même peine qu’une personne qui écrase en voiture un piéton.
Je me permets de vous citer un joli texte de Nelson Mandela sur l’amitié :
« L'amitié est un mot qui peut paraître très dur à expliquer,
Et en réalité peut-être si simple à dire quand même.
L'amitié paraît si facile à réaliser, mais la faire exister durablement
Et surtout ne pas s'en lasser comme beaucoup le font
Trop vite parfois et qui trahissent cette merveille
Qu’est simplement le plaisir de..
Pouvoir se dire tu es mon amie, tu es mon ami…
Que trop souvent, cela devient un genre de formalisme du langage...
Un tic quoi.
Non... l'amitié, la véritable amitié doit être…
Le respect de l'autre, le respect de ses convictions si différentes parfois.
L’amitié, c'est… de ne pas oublier,
Ni se lasser de dire de petits mots gentils et d'encouragements.»

Pour ma part, je pense qu’un crime non intentionnel est moins grave qu’un crime intentionnel.
Néanmoins, je m’excuse une énième fois pour les tk que j’ai pu faire, sachez que cela m’a servi de leçon, je vais à présent changer ma façon de jouer en tapant moins dans le tas et en faisant attention aux alliées autour de moi.
Merci de me laisser encore une chance de rattraper mes erreurs, même si cette dissertation est une épreuve pour moi, je vous en suis reconnaissant. J’aime ce jeu et je ne souhaite pas disparaitre de votre communauté.

Aertis Gutenberg

Closed Requests / Unban request
« on: January 16, 2012, 11:06:50 pm »
i'm banned cause i maked a tk by a lag.
have said sry and i'm banned for this.
it's aboozing admin.

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