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Topics - Micah

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Global / [INFO] Not Multi-accouting
« on: April 28, 2013, 06:39:16 pm »
This is just an precautional post, i haven't been ban or so, but ...
There is a friend of mine playing crpg from my network very, very rarely , because he isnt really into the game at all - but he has an m&b:wb steam key and installed the game on some PC here. He just enjoys to hop bye once in a while and play games with us (in my living community). Afterall, im not into strat much .. and he isnt at all, so i think it shouldnt be a big problem.
We have been playing at same time few days ago .. and i just thought i should take some precautions before i get suddenly banned or so  :lol:

thanks for taking the time to read this and i hope there are no problems with this  :)

Suggestions Corner / Decrease reload speed for HX on high speed
« on: April 15, 2013, 12:56:40 pm »
What you think ? This might ballance things a bit and also is reasonable, since puting a bolt into a xbow and then span the xbow on a fast horse is obv quite hard work on a fast racing horse.
.... also might interrupt xbow reload  on horse jump ?

very unexpected event for me , some minutes ago on eu1 ...
apparently targeted on a certain group of characters (_the_little_Mermaids) sub group of SoA .. or at SoA characters .. i dont know
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more than words can say ...

i request ban for this player for an appropriate amount of time


Strategus Issues / [BUG]Tishbin attacker spawn flags
« on: September 24, 2012, 04:28:02 pm »
some spawn flags for the attackers on village Tishbin are unreachable because behind an invisible wall .
That renders Defenders unable to get all spawn flags from the attacker, leaving Defenders in a unfair disadvantage, since attackers are still able to achieve a win by getting down spawn flags.

Diplomacy / SoA Saunarists of Atlantis
« on: September 21, 2012, 03:41:57 pm »
Hello all you native Tribes <3

We come to bring peace, love and prosper to you
Our goal is to trade glass pearls and bubblegums and share  our superior knowledge to you .
But incase we getting attacked , we will not hesitate pulling our light guns and make use of our skyangles fleet.

Mission Progress
Phase I - Lords Of Love: (Done]
We installed our LRL (love researching labs) in the very northern region at Chalbek Castle.

Phase II - Love Shower (:  ( .... in progress  / )
After successfully finishing our major and final researches about rubber toys, we are moving out into the world and share our wealth with you all. Yes you too Zlisch  :D
Our chapels will be strategically perfect installed at  Aldelen, Tishbin, Tazjunat and Uzgha and ready to receive the millions of worshippers every day.

Current satisfied costumers
We managed to successfully establish intimate relation to a selection of tribes, which live now in harmony in the east area of the world you know of.
Morcs,Failen,Kapikuchi,Templols; the Whelpes,Holy_Romulan_Empire,Peecores
We have a friendly relation to a small but beautifull tribe, calling theyrselfs the Nerds_ who is living next to us. They  are mad at trading hugs and cookies .

We always welcome everyone who is looking for wellness and cure and protection from the thread of the Uglyones_ and Fogborn_.

Suggestions Corner / Surrender
« on: August 14, 2012, 12:26:37 am »
Should it be possible to surrender in certain cases ?
Surrender for a player, that sees the inevitable loss and dont want to fight. (obviously loosing all multiplyer even if his team wins against all odds)
Vote surrender for a team maybe ?

Suggestions Corner / Flag Grouping support due Chat Color
« on: July 31, 2012, 05:54:59 pm »
How about to
Give players assigned to the same Flag their special chat color in Team Chat and Voice Chat , i would suggest something like a light blue
Its meant to be so that the special chat color only appears for players in the same battalion
all others see the normal chat colors and vice versa

another version would be a seperate group channel, but i fear , such "highend" game features are far in the future for this game

Further improvement
- would be to give the group leader (which would be the flag carrier in this case ) yet another seperate chat color visible only for his battalion (players assigned to the Flag).
this is a fusion with my other idea of Commander Election without the need of a election  :D Players that feel like it can simply join a bat. and if they are annoyed by the group, they can leave just like that.
- also adding visual indicator to group members , like the green circle around banners of group members , would be beneficial

Advantage would be that Ad-Hoc groups could distinguish chat of their Battalion (Group) from usually team chatter

If you think this wouldnt have a noticable impact on tactical gameplay please think twice  .

And please:

Ayt , ayt, here goes your gif  :mrgreen:
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Resolved Issues / [Crashreport] crashed
« on: July 28, 2012, 03:11:25 am »
i dont remember name of this town map, trying to figure it out if needed =X
Crash happened while normal playing as archer, nothing special happened, was just fighting a cav with my magical archer hammer Oo
pls tell me what additional info you need
btw , my PC has some heating problems too , its really hot here atm , giving me serveral BSoD recently -.- if thats of any importance to you...

another crash:
again inmid od the round, short after starting, nothing special i did afaik 8(
this thime with 2h char

Resolved Issues / [Feature] Sticky Chatlog
« on: July 27, 2012, 03:56:42 pm »
When opening Chatlog ("L") its overflooded by old chat lines (lets call that: Chat History), thus rendering the real Chatlog unreadable. The Chat History does not reset when switching server. Thus its always there,

PS: sorry if the category name is chosen bad, couldnt come up with a better name  :oops:
Idea: If "L" would only display the "Chat History" ( not the opaque Chatlog Window ) it might even be a good replacement =D

Quite sure everyone has this , so i wont put screenshot.
In the server list when you "join game" the markers supposed to distinguish the servers are off. Serveral servers next to each other have same background color now.

Edit: appears to happen only when using Server Filters

Not sure if intended but on knockdown the viewangle of the cam is way off so i cant see the player model. Its closing in to the position of the model i think but the angle is wrong. so its mostly a certain death call.
Edit: actually i was experiancing this mainly on DTV server. i tried to reproduce in Duel server but it was different there. still seems to be a bit off...
       i will try to reproduce/screen and keep an eye out for that issue

Suggestions Corner / AI Animals
« on: July 21, 2012, 04:03:13 am »
Add unmountable animals with horse  AI, possibly causing knockdown, minor damage random spawning accordingly to map motive. monkeys,wolfes,elephants,boars,bears possibly birds in the sky whatever model is there to find. It would raise fun and environment immersion  :mrgreen:

Suggestions Corner / Commander nomination in Battle
« on: July 18, 2012, 12:46:00 pm »
How about giving a team the option to nominate a Commander ? - for example vote for a commander in scoreboard screen or in Q- Menu ?
Players could apply for commander in first 30 seconds .
Elected Commander would then have a distinct color in Team chat and in voice command display and possibly other options available .

Edit: OP was changed , Jump to current state of discussioin here :,36160.msg549691.html#msg549691

There is also a new idea now
Topic: Flag Grouping support due Chat Color :

Suggestions Corner / Tactics and Commanding in cRPG battles or Siege
« on: July 17, 2012, 01:53:30 am »
Suggesting : Commanding in cRPG battles (which could also be useful in Siege mode battles)
Intention  : refresh of discussion how to get tactics into battles
             - i dont nessessarily want my idea to be the onlyone discussed in this thread , always open for better ideas and modifications , if they are reasonable better
Goal       : Battles need tactical dimension
Referencing: thomeks battle improvement thread which which is a great read and a must read (,1590.0.html)
             and possible other thread with similar ideas...

How to find the point to start with? I want  to find a way to modify the game in a way which will be accepted by the community and also come out to be "better" , as in "more fun to play" and with a additional tactical component. I want the community to allow the game to grow into a more tactical version of itself. I want to plant a grain.
Commanding is already happening quite often in battles. Some players seem to have more saying in the teams than others _Bjorn_ or Phaz for example make people follow their plans. Now the only thing left to do is support that with some tweaks in the game.

What options are there to get tactics into a game? What are the key requirements of a game with a tactical component ? It needs tactical organisation and communication.

Commanding: One commander (who possibly assigns subcommanders). and a voice to command with. And possibly some nice toys to do some things better.

Squad system: But i actually think its not good .. e.g. squad system in bf3 has so many flaws , its so much forced , unflexible and causing anger ... how often i need to wait rounds or many minutes to get into a squad with my friend. An scalable squadsystem would result in very imlablanced squads ...
Other options ?

What can cause the players of a team to follow commands in a natural way. Bonus XP/gold are only a weak attempt to bribe players to obey orders. The motivation to fight is to win a round in a battle . The motivation to follow an order is trust . The resulting multiplyer is just the additional,sufficient payoff.
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Commanding would need the election of a Commander by the team:
i think it might be best to make poll at each round start which also might be skipped by players in order to make it not much annoying.
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Questions and answers:

how hard should it be to learn commanding ? hard imo.
whats if the commander plainly sux? dont vote him next round.
is CH cheatable? good question

Sell/Trade / +1 h. Kuyak
« on: May 10, 2012, 07:25:05 pm »
Hello fellow warriors

here i have sweet armors used and loved by best and most famous melee fighters around ...

Thick Heavy Kuyak

visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Type:Body armor
Requirement:11 strength
Weight:14.1 kg
Upkeep:562 gold
Body armor:45
Leg armor:11

currently in Auction House:
please make your bid there
Auction Ends : 16/05/2012 12:42   
(this is my first auction and i hope it will be worth the effort . i will cancel this auction if the highest bid is below 500k in the end )

thanks for your interrest and hf =)

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