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Topics - Aderyn

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cRPG Technical problems / Archery firing duds
« on: November 05, 2012, 02:25:15 am »
When i shoot with a rusbow (7PD) i shoot duds 80% of the time. What happens is that i shoot like normal but there is no projectile and i don't loose an arrow. Basicly it's like drawing the string and releasing without an arrow.

I also noticed i can't pick up rus bows from the ground.

I could use a hornbow tho.

Seems like fiddling too much with game mechanics fucks up the scripts :///

Any ideas how to fix?

Best regards.

Update: This is how it looks like. Notice the arrows on the bottom right?

Update2: Seems to work like that even with a normal "bow"!?page=itemdetail&id=16

maybe it's buildrelated?

Game Balance Discussion / Archery
« on: October 31, 2012, 12:46:10 pm »
Whoever came up with this nerf idea about archery needs to get fired from the dev team.

That is all, thank you for your time.

General Discussion / Funny glitches with the new patches
« on: October 30, 2012, 10:12:27 am »
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post those pics people!

Closed Requests / BAN request Saruwatari
« on: October 29, 2012, 04:47:24 pm »
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Dexxta was there but did nothing so i suppose i'll post on forums.

I guess it's revengeTK for running infront of me from my dead angle when i was shooting in an archway. Either way he's an offender.

Closed Requests / Ban request LotusSlayer
« on: October 17, 2012, 11:32:21 am »
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Diplomacy / YO TKoV!
« on: August 21, 2012, 10:22:09 pm »
Right back at you.

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Closed Requests / BAN request Yakazi (pollabuse)
« on: August 21, 2012, 04:24:17 pm »
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Strategus General Discussion / Feedback - new strat action menu layout
« on: August 08, 2012, 07:47:19 am »
--- Map

*Hard to see who's who on the map. Would be nice to see my enemies easy. =)

--- Info

*Trading menu is 1000x times better than it used to be, good job on that one. (Been like that a few weeks now)
*Would be neat if pressing "select" when choosing what to craft would just drop a rolldownlist instead of dragging you back up to the top.
*Good that it shows how much gold everyone has now! Finally dont have to ctrl+F to find their names ;)

--- Weapons

*Finally i know what i'm buying! Alot easier to navigate through formated items :P

--- Inventory

*The masterwork icons could be replaced by just the normal items i guess so they at least work, but i'm sure you're aware of that glitch(or lack of pictures).
*while it does look prettier, it's actually harder to organize the stuff... may i suggest a compressed view where it says what you have and how many. And an advanced view where it says all the stats for each weapon looking kinda like it does now?

--- Faction

*I find it hard to navigate through, so many clicks just to find out what 3 people have on them. Somehow i kinda found the last system easier to look at to find out what people had quickly. The current layout is alot more timeconsuming if you want to find out what people has.

--- Battles

*Alot easier to look at upcoming battles. Think my scrollwheel is just as happy as me.
*The separated messages is SOOOO helpful. Less drama!

--- Global

*While there was alot of good things added the overall view for the leaders was somewhat gimped in my opinion. It's probably gonna take me at least twice as long managing strat than it used to :| maybe more.

I'll give it 3/5.
falls down a bit because of the increased amount of time it takes to do stuff. :]

Alright, we attacked a castle today and where unable to spawn with arrows/bolts/throwing/siege equip.

This is why i'm making this thread.

If YOU are unable to spawn with that stuff then start wasting stuff from the longest line depending on what's longest (i.e 1handers) by dying with 4 of them. The goal here is to lower the amount of slots of the longest type.

I think what's causing this problem is that there's too many items in the category so the lowest line loses it's "hitboxes".

Hope it helped if this happens to some of you. =)
(hopefully this thread will prevent it to happen to at least 1 person)

Strategus Issues / Server-crash
« on: August 01, 2012, 07:09:00 am »
The server crashed today when chaos was down to 100 tickets and restarted so we had to redo the entire battle...

Can someone look into the logs what happened so we know what we can do to prevent this from happening again?

cRPG Technical problems / Can't find EU_1 2 & 3
« on: July 20, 2012, 04:06:29 am »
I can't find EU_1 to 3 for some reason. I used to be able to but stopped being able to a few weeks ago.

*I've tried reinstalling the game

*deleting profiles.dat (and getting someone elses with those servers fav marked)

*refreshing for half an hour (and well... it havn't showned up the last few weeks, i always look in internet tab anyways)

ideas? :S

General Discussion / fraps of aderyn
« on: July 13, 2012, 09:22:25 am »
sossarian gave me an idea. I should fraps too =D

my computer only run at 40fps (instead of 120) when i run fraps tho, so not really playing that well. Do you guys want more or would frapsing more be a waste of time?

General Discussion / NA admins
« on: July 12, 2012, 05:49:39 pm »
Barely have any on, and some of those that ARE on (*cough* smoothrich) are close to useless.

Recruit more or replace the inactives/useless ones.

Thank you.

Spam / Re: FCC_Aldogalus_MB
« on: July 11, 2012, 09:23:19 pm »
Aldo, you are not within rights to poll abuse simply because someone is frustrating to watch. Aderyn was still fighting (if you can really call it that).

//quote dexxta in the other thread.

I'd also like to know how you reason when you think "honor-duels" is fine but kiting and actually fighting isn't fine.

Why people just run after me instead of spreading out and trapping me is beyond me.

Closed Requests / FCC_Aldogalus_MB
« on: July 11, 2012, 06:32:20 pm »
Since he obviously wasn't banned in the last thread after dexxta read it. Here we go again. (even tho dexxta said he had read it and closed the thread, confirming it was against the rules)

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I think his ban should be at least 24h for repeated use.

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