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Topics - HarunYahya

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Sell/Trade / Got +3 elite scimitar to trade with body armor or 2h.
« on: April 14, 2014, 04:26:41 am »
Looking for 2handers or armor. (Not greatswords,nor light armors. Blunt/pierce or arabian weirdo weapons are welcomed. As for armor,looking for 19+ weight. Eastern/western doesn't mind as soon as it doesn't look like utter shit to me.)

PM me your offer please.

Türkçe Forum / Reklamcılık ve Pazarlama Teknikleri Üzerine...
« on: April 09, 2014, 07:41:00 am »
Muazzam çalışmalar...
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Realism Discussion / About "Cleaver"
« on: April 07, 2014, 03:12:23 pm »
So with this patch, you added "Bonus against shields" to cleaver.
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Now let's test it please. All of you have these at home right ?
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Hit as many as you want,if you can break the chopping block with your cleaver,i'll be convinced that you can actually break steel shield with it in cRPG.

Seriously looking for a logical explanation on this from the dev who added it.
This mod is dying without Fasader :(

Suggestions Corner / Mute Panos again
« on: April 07, 2014, 05:25:17 am »
He's necrobumping all his crappy suggestions !

Türkçe Forum / 06.04.2014 GS-FB Maçı
« on: April 06, 2014, 07:50:19 pm »
Hayatımdan çalınan 90 dakika...
Ayrıca emenikenin gusülsüz çıktığı maçtır.

Sell/Trade / Trading Elite Scimitar for certain 2h weaponary
« on: April 04, 2014, 04:43:07 am »
Trade   10/04/2014 17:32   Masterwork Elite Scimitar   Mighty Morningstar
Trade   10/04/2014 17:32   Masterwork Elite Scimitar   Mighty Great Maul
Trade   11/04/2014 05:37   Masterwork Elite Scimitar   Mighty Persian Battle Axe and 10,000 gold
Trade   11/04/2014 05:39   Masterwork Elite Scimitar   Mighty Long Iron Mace
Trade   11/04/2014 05:40   Masterwork Elite Scimitar   Masterwork Dadao and 50,000 gold

Muchos gracias amigos.

General Discussion / No eu DTV ?
« on: April 02, 2014, 04:38:09 pm »

General Discussion / Old cRPG Battle vs New cRPG Battle Poll !
« on: April 02, 2014, 02:40:49 pm »
Old cRPG:
-Every class had it's role in battlefield . (Just like in real medieval battlefields.)
-New player friendly. Even if you fail to play the game you could contribute by being part of the formation. (Just like real medieval battlefields.)
-It was unbalanced,realistic and fun. (Just like real medieval battlefields.)
-Usage of terrain and formation was the main point. (Just like real medieval battlefields.)
-Tactical game.
-Even if your team has lesser skilled fighters,you could win by using right tactics as a team. (Just like real medieval battlefields. P.S: Agincourt)
-Multipliars had it's meaning,team with x5 could milk it by holding a defensive ground and forceing enemy team with x1 to initiate the battle
-Epic times where you hold a high ground with multi and taunt the enemy at chat,accusing them of cowardice
-Clans were effective because of their organized formations and inspiring others in the team to be a part of that formation
-Epic group charges that make you feel like you are actually there (Just like in medieval movies )
-Random and big open field maps where tacticians shine

New cRPG:
-Forcing people to have high KDR rather than anything else.
-New players treated like moving targets,totally useless and forcing them to quit playing or just leech.
-Still unbalanced just not realistic and fun anymore
-No time to use terrain or formations, rush to the flag and fight there
-Hack'n Slash based game no tactics or anything,go kill and profit.
-Rounds end too quickly no matter what you do.
-Clans are only good if they have good KDR.
-No organized group activity at all. Just some good individual duels to enjoy
-Close quarters CoD inspired maps with secret passages and shit

Summary: You removed realism and turned this game into Call of Duty : Medieval Warfare. Let's see if the community is happy about it.

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Guys,this is a suggestion that will never happen probably.
I want the old cRPG back ! (Keep reading,im not QQing for nonsense.)
With flag implementation, this game is basically Counter Strike now. Everyone rushing to enemy,killing or dying and gg round ends in 2mins.

What we had back then was more medieval.
Both teams were trying to capture the higher ground,forming shield walls,archers position behind shield walls and cavalry hides until the main infantry attack begins. Either the side who milk their multi thinks it's enough,or the other side decides thats enough milking for the enemy initiates the battle.Fight begins with infantry charge,cavalry follows up with flank surprisebuttsex . Rounds were at least 5 mins long and people were using tactics to win rather than hoping some individuals to have good KDR to win.

This mod is bleeding. Losing fun and therefore losing members.

Few years ago, everyone had a role on the battlefield.
Archers were softening the enemy ranks
Shielders were forming shieldwalls and leading the infantry charge at first rank
Twohanders were the main damage output
Polearms were covering the group from cav and poking the enemy
Cavalry were charging as a group and fucking up the enemy completely.

It had it's unique medieval feeling, you could feel that you were really fighting in a medieval battlefield.

Now what we have ?
Every class have only one role, to kill.
Infantry charging blindly,scattered because there will be flag soon and holding somewhere might be far away to flag so everyone spreads out
Cav charging enemy directly because everyone scattered around and easy to takeout
Archers roleplay survivors on walking dead,lots of "walkers" coming at them one by one without a protection.

No camping = No time to strategy .
We are just running around , killing guys and then keep running to flag and then everyone cries how ranged and cav are OP.

They are not OP, they seem like that because we have no time to form formations and use terrain advantage . We are sitting ducks in the battlefield trying to run to flag pointlessly.

cRPG is probably the only big mod without ducking ability. We even have nudges but no one can duck... Seriously what the fuck ?
chadz and other devs,you started a great mod,made it epic,now turning it to some shit action game like Chivalry .
We had a tactical medieval battle roleplaying game, now it's turning into a medieval hack'n slash game .

Old battles at EU 1 had tactics,brain,sections from art of war and that heroic nerdly medieval feeling that we don't have in even current "organized" strategus battles.

I am begging you to revert that retarded flag thingy. If you want this, add king of the hill mode instead, why are you forcing everyone to play that instead of good old medieval battles we had ?

I just realized i am not having fun in this mod anymore. I mean we came back as a wholeclan, we can't even do a tactic rather than "Ok guys let's attack here"

I shall remind you this is an indie game,people bought it because it is unique in its own way. Most of the guys who play this are nerds who wish to roleplay someone in medieval era. By turning this game into nonstrategic CoD style action game you are making this fanbase mad .
You guys are great developers,accomplished epic things in this project but you lost your way and ruining your own masterpiece.

I hope you'll hear me out and quit damaging this precious mod.

Forgot its a suggestion thread.
In order to have what we had
1)Remove flag appearance
2)Remove close quarter maps and add big open fields map back

Sell/Trade / Trading Mongolian Lamellar Robe !
« on: April 01, 2014, 08:04:34 pm »
Looking for body armors or helmets.PM with your offer please !

Türkçe Forum / Youtube'un yasaklanması.
« on: March 27, 2014, 05:06:17 pm »
İleri demokrasiye bir adım daha yaklaştık.

General Off Topic / Youtube has been banned in Turkey
« on: March 27, 2014, 04:59:01 pm »


This fucktard president would be an awesome leader for BashiBazouks...

Fucking nightmare country lol,time to finish college,get a job then migrate to fucking Uruguay and smoke weed legally to repair what this fucking country done to my brain...

If you have any of these , pm me.
My current offers to obtain those items are:

1) 2 LP + Gold
2) Gold
3) +3 Mongolian Lamellar Robe + gold
4) +3 elite scimitar + gold

I can't think of anything else now,if you have either one of them,tell me what you are looking for and i'll try to see it done.

Türkçe Forum / Seljuks
« on: March 26, 2014, 05:13:11 pm »

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