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Topics - dontgothere

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Suggestions Corner / My suggestion: Fire the balance team, get a new one.
« on: January 22, 2013, 03:23:26 am »
I've been playing CRPG since nearly the beginning, back when its webpage was black and white with a row of the names of those who had donated. I've seen all the changes and there was a point where the mod peaked and then a crucial turning point started the decline: instead of focusing on fixing glitches, adding content and tweaking game modes, the developers decided to embark on this wild series of erratic nerfs, a lot of which they had to quickly revise or drop entirely.

It's just silly. The player population is getting smaller while the gameplay is becoming increasingly restrictive. There are still all kinds of weird little bugs and inconsistencies that have gotten absolutely no attention despite numerous threads. The developers' priorities are inscrutable but apparently wrong. Programming a big mod isn't easy of course, it's hard and there are going to be problems and all the players are thankful the mod exists in the first place, but that doesn't change the facts. It would all be so much better if their focus was on the mod's real problems instead of these bizarre alterations that nobody outside of a small clique want to see implemented.

I just get the feeling that this whole mod was at some point derailed by a crew of people (I don't know who exactly) who are bent on enforcing limitations that degrade, slow-down, de-skill and remove diversity. All that was most fun about CRPG is disappearing, and what replaces it is a LARPing simulator, heavily biased for Strategus play, with only a few truly viable builds possible.

The balance crew is unaccountable, doesn't dialogue on the forum by responding to feedback, and doesn't even any longer post the changes they make. It's like a takeover to make CRPG just as boring as the other, non-Warband melee games out now.

tl;dr :  lots of nerfs in the last two years, no buffs, newest nerf looks like it could be removal of jump-throw. i suggest giving pure/main throwers (but not shield hybrids) less running speed/accuracy penalties so that we can remain decent skirmishers.

On EU 1, now if you try to throw while jumping, your character does this weird little warp that screws everything up. It looks like jump-throwing is being effectively disabled. A lot of changes that start in EU servers eventually work their way out into the other servers, which is unfortunate for NA players since our tastes differ markedly.

I could understand if this only applied to hybrid throwers who have their shields out too, but why do this to pure/main throwers who have no protection except their manoeuvres? The hit detection for throwing weapons is already really buggy (another nerf) especially for polearms like spears and jarids and lances, and we just recently got the nudge-interrupt nerf too.

Taken together, all these nerfs mean main-throwers have to pull increasingly farther back from the fighting and remain stationary for better damage. Bows and crossbows beat us in range, rate of fire, accuracy and overall damage, so basically - without any buffs to give throwing weapons more of an edge - what happens is throwing gets reduced to being a way for meleers to do a little extra damage before engaging. It's nothing but a weak accessory. That's exactly what hybrids want it to be, and for how they play I agree that makes sense. But for those who invest more heavily in throwing skills, the game already presents so many difficulties that this extra nerf, if it becomes the rule for all CRPG, would bring those kinds of throwing builds one giant leap closer to breaking.

Why do main/pure throwers have to suffer the same penalties as hybrid throwers? Shouldn't the extra stats we devote to the build alleviate those sorts of things?

I don't think that throwing should be an ammo-based form of unblockable melee. But taking away jump-throwing is just nonsensical. Here are some buffs that would help even things out.

Throwers are skirmishers.
Have you ever watched them throwing javelins at the Olympic games, or footage of African warriors? They take off running and right before releasing, they hop. A big part of throwing is speed, and jumping:rolleyes:
So, decrease the speed penalties to running when a throwing weapon is being wielded, and also when it's primed to release. Obviously the latter will still be somewhat slower than the former.
Secondly, decrease the aiming reticule penalty for running and for jumping, bringing both closer to the size of it when standing.
Neither buff need apply to hybrid throwers who have their shields out, since speed and distance are less of an issue.

Go ahead and leave it so that it takes three throwing lances and 10 PT to kill one plate crutcher with ironflesh.  :| But please let us have the speed and accuracy to at least make the little ammo we have count for something in the course of a match.

General Discussion / NA Siege is Dying
« on: November 03, 2012, 01:41:49 am »
Every time I ask around to see why it is that the battle server's populations are almost always full and the siege servers are almost always empty, I get the reply to something of the effect that siege is a broken gamemode with bad maps.

For the better part of a year, NA players have been begging the devs to change the maps on NA siege, or to open servers with alternative gamemodes like conquest, or to allow new servers, hosted by players, to receive gold and XP ticks.
Rageball is just lulzshit and even it gets more love from the devs than siege or other gamemodes.

Why does this mod have to get streamtarded down to basic deathmatch bullshit?

Sorry to QQ but now that my favorite server is dying yeah I'm umad about it.

Suggestions Corner / Still no fix for close-range 1H thrust bounces?
« on: October 31, 2012, 12:57:38 am »
So they add a new 37 length 1Her but there's still the long-standing issue of any close-range 1H thrust bouncing off the enemy.
Kind of seems like putting the cart before the horse?
It's been a problem for a long time now and I just wonder if it's never going to see a fix.

I've been grinding ARTIEthestrongestmanINTHEWORLD like crazy for months, wanting to be the first person post-throwing nerf to work his way back up to a useable 11 powerthrow. I had used the CRPG calculator at to make sure that when I hit level 33 I would have enough WPF to be able to use that 11 Powerthrow. According to it when I hit level 33 I was going to have 144 WPF in throwing, and of course the requirement (13 x 11) is 143. I thought even if it was one off I'd be covered.

But I finally hit level 33 tonight and I levelled up and the calculator was off by two. I only have 142 WPF. I have one less wpf than is required to use the 11 powerthrow. There's absolutely nothing I can do about it until I hit level 34, which is effectively never since I'm only gen 4.

I'm not respeccing. I don't know what my effective powerthrow is being nerfed down to as a result of my "throwing proficiency is not high enough" but no matter what, that whole grueling grind from 32-33, which I've been doing for months, has been worthless; the only things I put points into simply don't take effect.

I deserve to be laughed at because it's funny, but it fucks up my best character, and I can't help thinking what I often think about CRPG: I wish they hadn't nerfed everything quite so much.

Closed Requests / Ban BlackJesus
« on: September 23, 2012, 09:05:39 am »
serial team-wounding, multiple 5/5 kicks, screenies incoming

General Discussion / Will CRPG devs allow new NA servers to tick Gold/XP?
« on: September 01, 2012, 08:52:54 pm »
NA 2 Siege is always having trouble with crashes and updates, and meanwhile there are tons of neat gamemods available in CRPG/warband that aren't being used by any of the community servers. If a group of players put up the money to host a new server with one of these new gamemodes, would it tick for gold and xp? If not, why not?

Hey! I can see there's a thread already for the game but I figure that one's good for 'general discussion' -

If you're like me and bought the beta and are tired of pick-up-groups and want to team with CRPG players and get all tactical on some bitches, post in here, let's get on eachother's friends lists (click on the little speech-bubble icon in the bottom right of the launcher) and fight alongside one-another in our giant laserboats.


Beta players can't talk about the specifics of the beta so don't ask; just buy it and post and let's play!


I play on NA, my ping is low, no spikes for me or most of the people I'm playing with.
Devs please double-check all this hit-detect stuff because in the last few patches, as compared against previous versions, a ridiculous number of bolts/throwing weapons have been going through enemies' models instead of registering hits. Maybe it's intentional, maybe it's accidental, but either way it's a fact.

Can I get an a-fuckin-men from the archers, shootists and throwbros? let it rain pierce damage


Pretty straightforward, so for example sacrificing an a gen 4 alt to a gen 4 main would result in a gen 7 main, since obviously the first gen of the alt doesn't count.
Can't be exploited as far as I can, especially since, when a player splits up their gens like that, they're actually getting less of an XP bonus per tick than if they had just gone one character from the start - so, relative to the XP they'd have if they'd only been focusing on one character, they're already far behind.

I'd like to cut down on my number of alts but at this point I care a lot more about getting my Generation number higher than I do about loom points.

Game Balance Discussion / Poll: Ranged Nerf in Last Patch
« on: January 18, 2012, 05:30:05 am »
Hi!  We've got another thread going on this subject, and it makes sense to confine discussion/debate/suggestions to that one. Chime in at,23853.0.html   You'll find my own arguments and my suggestions for alternative nerfs on page 2.

For those who don't know, basically the change means that headshots do more damage, but body shots do significantly less. For example, a masterwork Arbalest or balanced jarids with maxed powerthrow can now no longer one-shot armorless peasants with low HP.  Additionally, high-level, plated enemies are now basically useless to engage, even with high-tier ranged weapons like the arbalest, longbow and jarids.

Notably, these nerfs were applied as a blanket tweak to all ranged weapons, regardless of the fact that xbows, bows and throwing weapons all involve different styles of play and tactics for success. As it is now, post-patch, Xbows are useless unless you headshot, due to their long reloading time. Only low-damage, low-difficulty, fast-firing bows are truly viable, due to their increased chance of headshots. Throwing weapons become unplayable due to their low ammunition amount and their relatively large reticule, and with the lowered damage it takes about half of a full loadout of jarids just to kill one reasonably armored enemy, lulzily making throwing stones a more effective weapon than throwing spears.

This new thread exists only to have a simple yes/no poll to get a clear picture of how many players are opposed to or in support of the nerf to ranged damage in the last patch. I think it makes more sense to keep the discussion to the thread that's already in progress, linked at the top of this post, so this is the last I'll speak up here unless, of course, everyone ignores that.  :P  If the other thread had a poll, I would not have started this one.

cRPG Technical problems / Throwing Animations - Glitched or Nerfed?
« on: December 28, 2011, 05:52:06 am »
Since the latest patch, when attempting to attack with a series of throwing weapons there are very frequent occurrences of attack failure, which cause the animation to stop halfway. This did happen occasionally pre-patch, but now it happens nearly every time one attempts to throw multiple weapons, and it can only be avoided by spacing-out one's throwing attacks further apart. This results in an overall reduction of throwing speed (compared to pre-patch) that becomes a factor in gameplay balance.

At this point just curious whether this is intentional or not.  Any ideas?  Thanks!

Game Balance Discussion / A Secondary Mode for Long Dagger
« on: October 14, 2011, 06:47:05 am »
Hi!  :)

There are several compounding issues with using the Long Dagger effectively, which could be alleviated with a secondary mode making thrust attacks easier to perform:

1)  It has a length of 47, and the range of swings is even shorter than thrusts.

2)  The hitbox of its hilt is large in comparison to the hitbox of the blade, so that hitting the sweet spot is especially difficult.

3)  It has to be used up-close, but because of the hitbox problems this means that a lot of swings will just cause the hilt to collide with the enemy, causing a bounce - which stalls your ability to block or swing, and so is often fatal to the dagger wielder.

4)  Even the thrust attack has this bouncing problem if it's used from too close of a range, which is silly because - hey, it's a dagger.

5) In these up-close melee battles, there's generally a lot of turning involved, which makes it a real bitch to trigger the long dagger's "real" attack - the stab attack - reliably, due to moving one's mouse or pressing the directional keys.

  We were having another thread about the drawbacks of the Long Dagger, where Zapper posted an idea that a secondary mode for the long dagger, with stab only, would be a good way to improve its usefulness by effectively turning off swings when they would be completely ineffectual - which, in my opinion, is anytime you're not chambering or fighting a cloth-wearer.  This would make it immeasurably easier to use in close, turning fights, which is really the only time a low-range weapon like the Long Dagger is going to shine.

  Since the dagger can't block, and won't be able to chamber side-swings in this secondary mode, making it easier to employ the dagger's more-damaging attack is a measure that effectively balances itself.  Basically this is just making it a lot less frustrating to use the dagger the way that makes the most sense.

  I know that it's a low-tier weapon and so many people would assume it should be gimp - but keep in mind that with a length of 47, it's still going to be outranged by virtually every weapon the wielder engages, which means that there will be higher requirements on agility to enable the kind of footwork necessary.  Any build with a lot of PS is going to have better options.  It will remain pretty gimp overall, but become just a little more useful.

I like the idea of having an overhead included in this secondary mode, just to be able to switch things up in close melees in order to prevent being instantly and repeatedly blocked.

So what they do is they all spawn with at least one form of barricade in their equip (ladders, construction sites, etc) and also place an equipment chest so that they can continually place more as the others are broken.  In this way they create impregnable chokepoints that can't be knocked down faster than they can be rebuilt, unless the siege server has a big number of players at that time - and by big I mean like 40 or more.  Under that, it's just impossible.

I don't think that the clan should be penalized or anything, because they're Japanese and we still owe them for Commodore Perry's shenanigans I guess - but could somebody do something?  Like maybe set a lower limit to the number of ladders and construction sites that can be placed at once by a single team?


I deleted my cookies for, and still can't login with either IE9 or Firefox.  It always tries to get me to convert to the new system, and it always tells me I can't convert because I already exist.

I even downloaded an entirely new browser - Chrome - and the same thing happens there.

i am not amused :(

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