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Topics - Blueberry Muffin

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Game Balance Discussion / My struggle with ironflesh.
« on: February 07, 2013, 11:21:17 am »
I literally never used ironflesh since the start of crpg, I was always pushing for one more athletics or weaponmaster.... I figured if I got hit, it was my own fault. Using the 12 27 build as I did in the old days,  taught me to block like a robot because 1 hit would be all it would take.... I loved it though, I loved the rush of adrenaline that came with walking along a knife edge in every fight.

Nowadays though, with the amount of ranged and the number of people who seem to aim quite specifically at me, (read: fuck you grumpy nic and a few others) I have had to put ironflesh into my builds if I want to get to the fight alive; even as a shielder this holds true. This has slowed me down due to the limiting factor on my build and also I have begun to rely on ironflesh. I think a few of you have seen me on my alt, Merc_Slaphead. My playstyle has warped and degenerated into a hiltslashing spammer, who just shrugs off the hits that people try to land on me.

Every build I had before was special in some way, but now due to the complete ranged fest I feel limited, slow and pretty skillless. The playstyle that I have stooped to using requires no special talent or skill and I have become the ironflesh stacking bastard that I previously despised.

Ranged is not an OP class, you should be able to top the scoreboard as ranged just like any other class, but the sheer volume of these players is simply overwhelming. That, coupled with the lovely autobalance that gets 90% of ranged on one team leaves me at something of an impasse. Die to ranged or stack ironflesh like every other person in this game.

I dont really know where Im going with this, dont nerf ranged, I'd just appreciate it if there were less of them. I am a decent archer when I put my mind to it, but I have made a point of not becoming an archer, in an attempt to avoid exacerbating the issue. Some of you should do the same.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Pikeman build. Any suggestions?
« on: February 07, 2013, 10:52:23 am »
I played pikeman for a long time and now I feel like going back to it.

I was using a lvl 31, 24 18 build, but this time around Im not sure. Im thinking of 15 24 or something similar; and I will be using a 1h weapon as back up instead of a quarterstaff.

My only concern is the damage output, as the pike is not an overpowered weapon by nature. Can anyone give me some insight? (prolly someone from NA or gurnisson. I think we are the only ones who use the pike on eu, besides that guy red_pike.)

So is agi build worth it? Or should I stick with my original build?

EDIT: No I am not a guy that gets to high levels, grinding is something that kills me. I retired from 31 about a month ago and have only got to lvl 28. (no respeccs)

Buy / Want blue tunic over mail +3
« on: January 18, 2013, 01:05:34 am »
Got plenty of stuff to trade for it. Pm me if you have one.

Sell/Trade / .
« on: December 21, 2012, 02:58:20 pm »

Strategus General Discussion / Suggestion: Repairing Items
« on: December 16, 2012, 09:59:24 pm »
Pretty simple really, I get a load of gear back from the front lines all broken and fucked up, which arent worth putting in any new armies. Perhaps X% of the item cost per loom level restored, providing you are in the fief that can craft that item. I am tired of working in 21 +1 plate covered round shields because Im OCD about wasting shit.


Strategus Issues / Night Time
« on: October 24, 2012, 02:52:32 pm »
Its awful, if you miss the night time you end up attacking at 7AM and it makes me rage so hard. You would have to wait up all night for the attack to be a good time. Can we just create a set night time for everyone on eu using CET? Nearly all people in my clan work or are in education, and it is the same for all clans. Could we set the night time from something like 2 AM till 14PM for everybody on CET, just to avoid these shitty battles?

Strategus General Discussion / You lucky bastards.
« on: October 18, 2012, 08:59:45 pm »
That is all.

(click to show/hide)

Diplomacy / Diplomacy
« on: October 15, 2012, 05:54:51 pm »
Just a quick note, because Ive encountered some problems with this, and in hindsight I should have posted it a long time ago.

If you wish to talk about anything regarding the northern fiefs of Mercenaries, you must contact, Merc_BlueberryMuffin, Merc_Tyr or Merc_Noctivagant. Trading is prohibited in these lands due to our current state of war with Nordmen. If you wish to trade in these lands, you must contact Merc_Haboe, and he might establish a trade route with you, if you have a large enough economy to trade with.

The southern fiefs in the Dhirim area, are open to randomers who wish to trade unmolested, and is run by a section of Mercs who prefer a freer state of strategus. If you wish to discuss anything about these fiefs you must contact Merc_Gingerpussy or Merc_DaveUKR.

To make it clear, these are two seperate entities. Ofcourse we will support each other if attacked, but all decisions made in the respective areas, are made by their own managers. So please for the love of god, dont come asking to buy a village off me in the south or something, because I have absolutely no power, or say in regards to these fiefs.

Hope this clears a few things up for those smaller factions. For those bigger factions coming to wipe us and steal our children, well then I love you too.

Sell/Trade / .
« on: June 09, 2012, 04:21:39 pm »

Sell/Trade / Le Shop.( NCS for 1h blunt weapons)
« on: May 22, 2012, 11:28:49 pm »
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Masterwork Nordic Champion Sword

Requirement:13 strength
Upkeep:649 gold
Thrust:23 pierce
Swing:35 cut

As title says. Gief offers.

Sell/Trade / SOLD
« on: April 09, 2012, 08:46:24 pm »

Sell/Trade / Javelins +3
« on: March 30, 2012, 08:08:32 pm »
MW javs for +3 steel bolts +300k
MW javs for +3 arbalest +450k

Both up on market. Pm me with alternative offers.


Or up for 1.8 mill.

If no interesting offer by tomorow night I go thrower.

Suggestions Corner / Secondary mode for bows
« on: March 14, 2012, 02:29:26 pm »
Before you say anything, no I do not mean being able to hit people with them.

To my knowledge you cannot use 2 seperate stacks of arrows properly. If we were to add a secondary mode function to be able to switch between quivers though.. For example, you are cruising around with one stack of 20 barbed arrows shooting peasants, but then you see a plate armoured guy. Oh well no problem. Press 'x' and switch to your stack of 15 bodkins. I think it would greatly add variety to archery and allow for more tactical gameplay from an archers point of view.

Discuss, troll, whine, etc

Sell/Trade / Want mw longbow, offering champion arabian warhorse
« on: March 12, 2012, 09:39:45 pm »
Offering champion arabian warhorse for mw longbow +200k. Offer up on market.

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