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Topics - Johammeth

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Suggestions Corner / Autobalance sorting and class balance.
« on: November 21, 2013, 12:45:17 am »
Is it possible to change the way that autobalance works?

Right now, it seems that autobalance works by sorting players according to their score.

Rather than doing one big sort for all players, is it possible to run an ordered series of sort commands on particular subsets of the player pool?

-Game identifies all players with Bow WPF and sorts them appropriately (tries to keep banners together, balances for points within this subset of players etc).
-then, game identifies all remaining players with XBow WPF and sorts them appropriately.
-then, game identifies all remaining players with RidingSkill and sorts them appropriately.
-then, game identifies all remaining players with ShieldSkill and sorts them appropriately.
-then, game identifies all remaining players and sorts them appropriately.

Obviously you would have to figure out the ideal hierarchy of sort commands, but the end result would be a crude class balance system. It isn't perfect, but it's an idea to prevent the dreaded "ugh, enemy team has all the _____ this map, this is miserable."

I'm not at all familiar with MnB/cRPG code, though, so I don't know if this is possible.

General Discussion / Gone but not forgotten.
« on: November 18, 2013, 11:34:51 pm »
RIP, big boy.

You will be missed.

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Beginner's Help and Guides / Let's talk about the basics of teamwork.
« on: November 10, 2013, 04:48:19 am »
The point of this thread is to examine teamwork in group fighting, and to help new players learn the basics of cRPG strategy.

What are some of the things that you do in a group fight to make your side win?

Got Tips? Tricks? Strategies? Comments? Post 'em here so we can open up a discussion on how to work with a team.


I'll start.

Teamwork 101:

There are two general principles to working with teammates:


It's pretty straightforward. If you're paying attention to things that are happening around you, you will have the information to make good decisions. Good decisions, properly executed, get enemies killed. Duh.

It's something of an artificial distinction to make (PAYING ATTENTION and GETTING PEOPLE KILLED are so intertwined that it's almost silly to separate them) but it serves as a good framework for a discussion of team play. I'll give a few examples of each, and hopefully other players will chime in with their own wisdom.

Situational awareness is critically important. This should be self evident. Whenever you can, scan the battlefield to identify new threats. Keep your head "on a swivel" in fights. When you're running from point A to point B, use the vanity camera (default: tilde ~) to scan for incoming cavalry, juicy targets, or allies in need of help. Nobody is perfect in this regard (unless we have any resident Zen masters in the house?) but it's a good habit to get into.

The more aware you are of your surroundings, the better you will play.


Map Positioning.
It's easy to lose track of where your allies are, and find yourself isolated in a dangerous situation. The most obvious example is a super speedy agility character who runs up to skirmish with the enemy, only to realize that he has outrun all of his allies. This usually leads to a horrible 10v1 death. You should almost always be in such a position that you can either help, or be helped by, your team. 

If you find yourself saying these words, you probably aren't paying enough attention to your surroundings (or you're busy fending off an onslaught of 2h spam and are justifiably focused on blocking). The surest way to reduce clip-clop deaths is by watching your surroundings.

Assist allies in need.
If you see an ally in danger, and you can get there in time, go help him. (Do NOT run halfway across the map to help an Ally who is fighting 6v1. It is an absolute certainty that he will die as soon as you arrive, and then you will share his fate). Save archers, disrupt awlpikers who are about to shank your tincan, etc. Living allies are a lot better than dead allies.

If you aren't paying attention, you won't be able to help your allies.

Protect your goddamn pikemen.
Yes, I'm basically repeating the last point, but it's a point that deserves special emphasis (and I'm biased since I like to play long range pokey weapons). Pikemen really need your help to deal with enemies who dive them. If you give your allied pikemen enough room to work, they will repay your efforts tenfold. (And they will probably make a point of watching out for you, which is glorious indeed).

Protect your pikemen, and help them work that mighty shaft.

It's nice to rack up a bunch of kills, but it doesn't really matter; Dead is dead, and you'll get valor points due to proximity anyways.

Don't go into a fight thinking "how can I kill this guy?" Go into a fight thinking "how can I get this guy killed?" Sure, sometimes the best way to get an enemy killed is to stab him the face yourself. But sometimes it is not.

Just get him in the dirt and move on.


The most simple and obvious example and teamwork, something which most people do automatically. Flank whenever it is safe. The enemy will have a very hard time blocking if you attack him from two different sides. Duh.

Split-Direction Attacks.
Similar to flanking, the enemy will have a hard time if he has to block two different attack directions at the same time. When you attack an enemy, make a note of your allies weapon. Is it a thrusting preferred weapon? Is it an overhand preferred weapon? Is it a side-spam weapon? Attack the enemy in such a direction that he will leave your ally's preferred direction open for a free hit.

The clearest example of this is a 2h mauler and a pikeman attacking the same target. If the enemy blocks the mauler (up), he will be hit by the pikeman (down). If he blocks the pikeman (down), he will be hit by the mauler (up).

The Threat of an attack can be just as good as an attack.
Just menacing someone with your weapon can be enough to get them killed, or save an ally.
-If somebody sees you pointing a thrust at them, they will probably downblock (opening up split attacks for your allies).
-If a horseman sees that you have him lined up, he will probably break off his charge (saving both you and allies).
-If you stand around looking scary, people will be less likely to go shank your nearby allies. (Of course if they go for it anyway, just shank them yourself.)

Less is More
If an enemy is surrounded, charging up to him and spamming him might not be your best option. Look around first (you can always go spam him after you check your surroundings).
-Enemy horse incoming? Square up and rear him, or at least disrupt his charge. Your allies can secure the kill in peace.
-Enemy reinforcements coming? Skirmish with them. Delay them. Draw them away. Your allies can secure the kill in peace.
-Random enemy dicking around nearby? Engage him. Draw his attention. You don't have to kill him--though it would be nice--you just have to hold him in place a few seconds. Once your allies have disposed of their previous target, they will have another easy victim all lined up.
-If your presence will only crowd the fight and disrupt your allies (eg block their swings), take up a position on a likely escape route and shank him if he squirrels out of his encirclement.

shitty graphic: Position yourself in his escape route. You are boxing him in (you will hit/kick/nudge him if he comes in your direction) without crowding your allies.
x = ALLY        O = enemy         U = you

x o x


Get out of the way.
Don't block your allies from getting free kills. Stand clear of your allies' swing path, or you'll just cancel the attack and get them killed: Don't stand directly behind a mauler, don't go hip to hip with someone trying to spam side attacks.

If an enemy is on the ground and your buddies are about to finish him off, don't run in and try to steal the kill. You'll just get teamkilled and let him escape.


These aren't ironclad "rules." They just a few examples (of many!) to help new players on their way.

Mechanics/builds/gear aside, this is how you play cRPG: You pay attention, and help get people killed.


I'd like to get a good discussion going, which new players can use to get some insight into the non-mechanical aspects of cRPG.

Please post comments/criticisms/tips/whatevers about what YOU think makes for successful teamplay. I only know the game from the perspective of a supporty polearm/hoplite, and I'm eager to hear other classes chime in. I'm sure that we can build up a nice little collection of teamwork-oriented strategy and tactics.


Spam / Rename "Commander" to "Prom Queen"
« on: November 02, 2013, 05:11:05 am »
Commanders already speak in the trashy turquoise of an 80s prom dress, so why not go the whole nine yards and give them a tiara to match?

Thread closed due to lack of interest.

The Chamber of Tears / "Nudge," a play in one act.
« on: September 25, 2013, 12:03:25 am »



"Too soon to try another nudge!"



General Discussion / It's "5x" and not "x5"
« on: September 14, 2013, 08:46:14 pm »
Deal with it.
(click to show/hide)

Are you alt-tabbed out from battle?

Did you just get killed in a frustrating manner?

Do you have buttrage to vent?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then you're in luck!

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Hi, Billy Mays here for "Suggest Punitive Nerfs for the Thing That Just Killed You," the only forum thread guaranteed to eliminate e-rage and abolish butthurt!

Ordinary complaints in *DEAD*chat make you look like a nerdy whiner, but with "Suggest Punitive Nerfs for the Thing That Just Killed You," your infantile complaints appear clever and intelligent!

It works in 3 simple steps:
1. Get killed in cRPG.
2. Get really mad about the way you died.
3. Post an outlandish idea for a punitive nerf in this thread.

Don't look like an angry ragekid in a videogame -- Suggest Punitive Nerfs for the Thing That Just Killed You.

Don't waste time making inefficient, longwinded shitposts about how something needs to be changed -- Suggest Punitive Nerfs for the Thing That Just Killed You.

Don't threaten to quit and spend more of your hard earned money on a different game -- Suggest Punitive Nerfs for the Thing That Just Killed You.

Made from from 100% all natural "nerd rage," this revolutionary product is good for your wallet AND the environment!

It entertains you. It gets rid of caked-on buttrage. Most importantly, it saves you both time and money!


Post in the next 20 minutes and our staff of highly trained cRPG forum technicians will possibly upvote your thread and make you look cool on the internet, increasing the girth of your e-peen by up to 2 inches--a whopping 100% improvement!

Post now. Supplies are limited!


1. Knockdown weapons that fail to strike their opponent to the ground have a 50% chance of making their wielder fall over.

Buy / Buying +1/2/3 DARK Cavalry Robe.
« on: July 26, 2013, 07:33:43 am »
I'm interested in your DARK Cavalry Robe.

If you've got a +1/2/3 Dark Cavalry Robe that you're looking to get rid of, I'm the man to talk to.

Ketchup colored robes only, please. Not interested in lame mustard colored "normal" Cavalry Robes.

Offering looms + gold in proportion to +1/2/3

General Discussion / Performance enhancing drugs and cRPG?
« on: July 20, 2013, 07:09:10 pm »
Hi guys,

I have a serious problem.

I like to smoke crack, but I'm wondering about the ethics of using crack and playing cRPG. I've noticed that I have a near superhuman ability to downblock hoplites (I can seriously block like a dozen thrusts at a time, LOL!) after I fire up, and I'm wondering if it is ethical to use this PED before I play. It definitely gives me an unfair advantage over other players, and it doesn't seem very sporting to use chemicals to boost my already prodigious skills.

I'm looking for an official ruling here, devs. Will I get banthreaded for smoking crack and playing cRPG?

Buy / Buying +1/2/3 Steel Buckler
« on: June 29, 2013, 09:42:55 pm »

(click to show/hide)

Hand 2 hand combat a serious nerf.

(click to show/hide)

Buy / Buying +3 Bamboo Spear
« on: June 10, 2013, 07:29:46 pm »
(click to show/hide)


General Discussion / How to Catch a Fabulous Purple Spearman
« on: June 09, 2013, 01:44:12 am »
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and now, we wait...

If you completely miss 3 bow/xbow shots in a row, your next round should automatically home in on and hit your nearest target ally.

That's all, folks.

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