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Topics - betard_lulz

Pages: 1 [2]
General Discussion / the New tyranny of NA :evil:
« on: March 27, 2013, 05:34:17 am »
So whats up with the new iron fist of NA Admins being butthurt kids over things typed from a keyboard and abusing there powers left and right. Constant Pinktext constant banning. Party Girl of bird especially needs to go.

General Off Topic / EU player on NA servers
« on: March 24, 2013, 09:31:32 pm »
Well there was a lot of discussion on the NA servers while the EU servers were down and we on the NA side of things came to the conclusion that America is better than Europe at a lot of things. My question is do you agree that America is a better country than Europe?

General Discussion / Just updated today and........
« on: October 28, 2012, 08:39:49 pm »
Where the hell is NA_1 ??? when I start up CRPG and go to the server page i cannot find na1 despite several refreshes...ALSO I can't join community because it's outdated? wtf is going on here? please help :/

cRPG Technical problems / ow to start a server?
« on: October 18, 2012, 11:32:19 pm »

I'd like to start a server but I don't know how to do it with CRPG.

Strategus General Discussion / TKOV WINS THE HARDEST SIEGE EVER
« on: September 26, 2012, 01:51:39 am »
Ok, so in our siege we had about all of our members show up and the other side had one merc who signed up but did not show O.o anyways TKOV organized a congo line and played Hide and Seek to win the day.

Strategus General Discussion / TKOV wins again
« on: August 28, 2012, 07:19:55 am »
What do you guys think? I think TKoV has some of the best castle DEFENSE.

General Discussion / ALLLLLLL THE COLORS
« on: July 17, 2012, 05:30:38 pm »
So here is a question :?: What do the various colors mean in the squares under people forum titles.
Example: chadz has orange-red-ish Squares uinder his title.

-I've seen purple under a NDA serf

tl;dr-What does it all mean...
Is this real life or is this fantasy, caught in a escape from reality.Open your eyes. Look up to the skies and SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE :!:

Strategus General Discussion / Halp much appreciated here
« on: July 11, 2012, 07:41:49 pm »
How do I enter a town/city/village? lol nvm I was being a scrub, figured it out.

Strategus General Discussion / complete newb here
« on: July 09, 2012, 07:55:43 pm »
Would you guys recommend starting up a separate strat character? Also if I were to start strat now with my current "main"(although he isnt declared as such) would all his stuff transfer over?
Edit: This will be my first time ever doing strategus and I am looking to start relatively soon.

Closed Requests / Banned from NA_crpg_1
« on: July 08, 2012, 10:45:00 pm »
Hello people. I was banned from NA-CRPG-1. The reason (long story short) is trolling and saying inappropriate things. (Now for the short story long) SO it began with me calling a delayer a gay nigga. i was then muted. two maps pass and i was unmuted. I then told people what i was muted for. I said "I was banned for calling a delayer a "gay nigga." well then I was muted again for either a few rounds or another map(can't remember.) SO in the meanwhile i got some kills which was cool As i only have 5 to my name so far. Then i was unmuted again. All of a sudden some sort of convo about how ganner wont ban you for making fun of whites and jews but only blacks breaks out. Then that convo moves onto racism in general and how whites are only racist(for teh lulz). Ganner chimes in that if there is any more convo about racism he will banhammer people. The convo moves onto boobs. I say boobs are racist. Then there is a dispute between Miley and Garner_Kutt and the entire damn time im just trolololing and eventually the Kutt fellow says he'll have admin ban miley. I and a few other associates start calling for "JUSTICE!!!!" and spam ensues. Lols were had yet again. So as my final act of trolling I say over (general?) the grey text "Hey Ganner I has a question for jew" Ganner mutes me. Somebody else says "worth it" I then type into admin chat ("i" button) "IT WAS ANSWERED LOLOLOLOL" I then was kicked/banned from the server. So tl;dr you can only troll so hard before motherfuckers find you. But nah in all seriousness... I apologize for trolling/borderline griefing ganner. I did it because I dislike his admin ways. However I have learned and will continue to respect admin authority even if i disagree with them. I am sorry to have caused the shenanigance I did. If allowed to replay on that server I wont hassle the admins again.
-Thank you

Beginner's Help and Guides / Brand new cav here
« on: July 06, 2012, 04:04:19 pm »
Hey everyone I just started playing cav for the first time ever.  :mrgreen: I also just bought my first horse.  (My horse is sumpter btw) and currently I have 8agi and 6 str. Question: I seem to be getting killed by either arrows OR other cav quite frequently. How can I change this? invest in gear? Also my horse is quite slow. Riding skill will improve this but what about agi?

-Thanks for your time.

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