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Topics - FleetFox

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4
Strategus / Might be selling a ton of silver
« on: July 11, 2014, 04:04:36 pm »
Hey guys, i'm just curious how much silver is worth in cRPG gold? My bro has a lot to sell.


OK I think its time to make my stand...

I've recently given the Mercenaries Mod a try, and my god do they have some things we can learn from. If you haven't played they have a respeccing system which only costs a little bit of gold relative to how many kills you've racked up.

Now I am making a serious plea to our Developers, please reform the horrifically punishing respeccing system we have. There are a number of reasons to help my case.

1. With free respeccing, new players will be more likely to stay in the game, because lets face it, at the beginning once you find out you messed your build up and finding the cost of respeccing puts off a lot of new comers. I know because my friends have told me.

2. A big argument from nay sayers is that free respec would make the game unbalanced. I'm afraid from my experience this is just not true (give me your arguments) a big example is the Merc mod.

3. Right now it costs around 2-3mil gold to get a full respec. This is shockingly brutal. It's been too long that we have accepted this, the price is just way too high for the average player and the frequency of training lessons means their price are completely inflated.

4. This is my humanist point, 1000's of hours have been played on your Mod devs. This mod is all about the RPG element of grinding a character you want to be, now this takes hundreds of hours, and so this is my plea for all those with busy lives with jobs, education and family. MAKE RESPEC FREE. Having respecced many times including twice at lvl 32 and never being higher (some guys are even worse than me) , the amount of time I have wasted makes me sick. And it should make you feel bad because it is a painful thing, and really puts me off the mod at times enough to stop playing for ages.

I seriously want to hear the real arguments as to why this reform shouldn't happen, and to hear directly from chadz, Harald and the rest. Also apologies for rush job I dont have much time. But this needs to be discussed properly as it effects us all and the health of our favourite game.

Kind regards

EDIT: in light of the discussion we have had, it seems trading 1 loom point for a full respec or to pay between 300-400k is the best solution.

EU (Official) / Ban FleetFox
« on: January 31, 2014, 04:52:08 pm »
I, Fenris_FleetFox_of_Urr request I be banned for 3 months as I can't afford to feed my cRPG addiction any more. So please can you ban me for 3 months as soon as possible. This is not a troll request, I am being serious. I don't care who bans me as long as its done soon!

kind regards

General Discussion / The CoolGamingBros M&B videos
« on: January 23, 2014, 11:59:50 pm »
Hey, just watched one of the more recent vids from these guys and its a pretty good laugh. They make the best M&b videos imo, and their one on cRPG: The Struggle of Peasants is pretty funny  :lol:

Sell/Trade / Wanting a +3 Katana
« on: July 27, 2013, 04:03:54 pm »
I can offer a +3 Nordic War Sword or a +3 Mighty War Axe, message me or post here if interested in trading with +3 katana.


As the title says, I have my +3 Mail gauntlets for trade :)

General Discussion / TIGERWOOD SPOKE!!!
« on: June 11, 2013, 07:59:10 pm »
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Hi there, I am retiring and want to change my gear so this is what I have on offer:

+3 Heraldric mail with Tunic
+3 Katana
+3 Nodachi

I only deal in straight trades, however if you want me to add gold there is a small chance I will comply.

What I want:

+3 Nordic champ sword
+3 Long Axe

Items I have which I don't want to trade:

+3 Mail Gauntlets
+3 Mail Shirt with Fur.

cRPG Technical problems / Missing Servers
« on: May 12, 2013, 07:49:25 pm »
For me and a few others all the Warband servers have gone :O anyone else not being able to find any servers? This is both for cRPG and native, only 5 or so servers can be found apparently ( I get 3 lol) THE MOUNT AND BLADE WARBAND SERVER DATBASE HAS BEEN HACKED!

god i hope not

General Discussion / PATCH
« on: April 24, 2013, 08:20:10 pm »
Some more patching going on eh? I wander what it could be this time  :mrgreen:

General Discussion / cRPG is being patched, please stand by
« on: April 18, 2013, 08:58:36 am »
Ok folks its time to get the speculation going and place your bets as to what you think is happening to our dear cRPG... In any case its always good to see something about an incoming patch ^^ Or is this thread just a waste of time and chadz is actually just moving the database as he said in announcements, hmmm a tough one.

What I have for sale/trade:

+3 Nodachi
+3 Katana

I am going a shielder/thrower so I would like:

+3 Javelins

Hi there, not sure if this is the right place for this but oh well. I would like to nominate the player Fallen_ChopChop to be a cRPG admin. He is extremely active(mostly in Eu 2 siege server), patient  and is very helpful. I know we have recently received some good admins such as Erzengal and Elmuri to the server, but I really think ChopChop would also be a very beneficial asset to the admin team. I hope the head admin/developers will consider him. Thank you for reading!

Kind regards

General Off Topic / IT'S MY BIRTHDAY TODAY!
« on: February 19, 2013, 12:32:42 pm »
Any free Loomz would be gratefully appreciated ;D have a good day!


Sell/Trade / Offering 2 Loom points and gold for a +3 Katana
« on: February 12, 2013, 11:47:22 am »
I have 2 Lp's which Id like to trade for a Katana. I could add gold if needs be.

I also have a +2 Light mail with plate, open to any offers

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