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Topics - Chagan_Arslan

Pages: 1 [2] 3
General Discussion / A question
« on: January 19, 2012, 01:29:54 pm »
Hey i have a question,

What kind of nerf did the infantry get over the last year ? outside of the ones like heirloom nerfs etc. something that hit only this very class ? Reason i ask is i dont really play infantry never did, so when it was there i probably didnt noticed it.


Events & Tournaments / Khans Extravaganza I - January 22
« on: January 11, 2012, 07:14:32 pm »
Welcome to first Khans extravaganza

Date: EU 22-01-2012 / NA 01-22-2012
Hour: 18gmt+0
Server: EU_Crpg_8_Khans_Extravaganza
Password : cav

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Winner : Team USA

map were the event will take place
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In this very first edition, we will begin with a the cavalry tournament. Its place the cavalry arena!
The second edition depends on the outcome of this one. If frequency will be high there might be a vid from the event.

Cavalry tournament
Teams of 3 cavalry players fight against each other in a double elimination bracket system.
Teams are made by any players that wish to play with each other, no clan restrictions.
If you are a "lone wolf" and dont know any cav players to play with, sign up and a randomer team will be created just for you!

Rules (in arena):
- Teams of 3 cavalry players
- Teams begin from starting positions on either blue or red side of the arena
- Best of three (if after two fights team B have no chance to surpass team A point wise its over)
- After each round, join spectator and spawn again

- Each kill gives 1 point (only enemy team)
- Each horse kill gives -2 points (friend or enemy)
- Killing rider and horse with one hit counts as 1 point
- Any horse, any armor, any weapon
- No shields allowed
- No jumping allowed

- Dismounting during fight will result in disqualification of your team
- When dehorsed by enemy, join spectator, do not fight else the penalty for the enemy will removed

Rules (global):
- Dont act like a tard
- Dont kill fellow spectators or participants
- Everybody starts as spectators (without horse and weapon), unless told otherwise
- Ground level in the map is reserved for the participants, and people handling the tournament
- If any spectator go to ground level kick/ban without warning will occur
- When team will be called to get ready, they need to go to waiting tent (either red or blue, told by admin) in time up to 3 minutes

sign up format example:

Team name:
- Player name
- Player name
- Player name


- Player name

Sign up your team or yourself now! (teams can be edited up to 2 hours before tournament starts)
Pm me or post here

- Team Templars: Casimir, Tommyyy, Riddaren
- Team GK : Chagan, Elmer, Shishkebab
- Team Red Coats : Darkoveride, Overdrive, Lorenzo
- Team FMC : Oberyn "the good", Olwen "the bad", Gnjus "the ugly"
- Team Byzantium : Intolerant, Ujin, Sanjuro
- Team USA : Badplayer, Smoothrich, Huey Newton

- Kafein


Suggestions Corner / yet another "how to save strategus" thread
« on: December 05, 2011, 04:47:46 pm »
was about to suggest almost exactly same idea as plazek one in this thread,21567.0.html but he beat me to it anyways im gonna post this here, i think its the only way for strategus being fun experience for everyone involved in it

- change the design from one guy big army to the many small standalone armies
- number of troops capped (like 25 basic), faction leader (+1 troop per one member of faction) and owners of village, castle, town got a little more than your average player
- player need to hire troops and equip them by themselvs (no transfer avaible for those)
- in battle those tickets and equipment are only available to the guy that made them (no one will waste his tickets and equip)
- implement some sort of grouping/following feature where all those small armies are automaticly summed up when being attacked by similiar force

- remove stopping moving army when attacked, it continues its travel and the battle will take place normally, if its lost it dissapears from strategus map for 3-4 days after that it teleports close to faction leader
- player have to be near location of the battle to be able to join it (not exactly the same place but if there was a circle around a place of battle, something like the distance between two villages)
- AI bots defending the AI villages/castles/towns, so its the same effort to get them for everyone and people wont be able to get 3 defenders by talking people into not signing up for defense
- lower the prices of equip so that people can use their classes, make hiring troops harder
- implement some official tables telling which faction is at war with who, who's allied with who etc.
- implement something like bandit lair (,11407.0.html), a camp that would have small % of hiring troops but would enable clanless, factionless people to create danger for already established factions, or role play as bandits

i know devs got their vision of strategus and are making all of it for their own pleasure of creation, but i think the strategus thing isnt going in the right direction, so devs if any one you is reading this threat it like a friendly suggestion if anything ;p and i know its probably shit loads of work but maybe its not.. one might wish

Suggestions Corner / [Player] Mute Leshma
« on: October 02, 2011, 11:21:03 pm »
As the title says, and i think i dont have to explain

Poll ends in 7 days

Suggestions Corner / "End of bunny hopping" even more
« on: September 16, 2011, 01:15:17 pm »
Guess the devs can do a lot of stuff now with WSE, so lets make it fair for all classes

when you jump you cannot attack or block, and it interrupts already prepared attack or blocks

so jumping will be like it should be only a way to get over some objects on map like fence etc.

Events & Tournaments / Cavalry Tournament - Jousting 10-9-2011
« on: September 06, 2011, 04:42:00 pm »
Individual Jousting Tournament

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Date : Saturday 10 - 9 - 2011
Time : 6pm gmt+0
Server : EU_KOJ_Training (100 slot)
Format : Double elimination bracket (No limit for participants)
Map : Tournament Arena map - click
Prize : Fun fun fun fun even if its on saturday... (maybe next one will have gold added to the pot)

Rules for participants:
1. Fights take place using jousting lance
2. All armors and horses allowed
3. Jumping on horse or blocking with shields not allowed
4. Not showing up after around 2 minutes after being called results in loosing your match
5. Player that will remain in saddle advances to the next round
6. If players will couch each other at the same time, they will try again
7. If players will couch each other at the same for the third time, the player that had his couch-kill recorded first advances to the next round

Rules for spectators:
1. Do not kill other spectators or you will get banned
2. Do not disturb participants in any way or you will get banned
3. Do not enter participants area if not asked (ground level on the map) or you will get banned
4. Use common sense and dont be a douche!

How to join ?
Make a post here, you will be added to the list of participants as soon as possible, if you wont see your name added but list updated without you pm me
The sing up ends one hour before the tournament, half an hour before tournament the double elimination bracket will be shown

1. Chagan Arslan
2. Ujin
3. Gearhardt
4. Miralay
5. Surhay
6. Eng_Opus_on_a_Pony
7. Panos_the_Unlucky
9. Lord_Killmoar_of_York
10. Garrus
11. Byzantium_Chasey
12. Kapikulu_TopcuBasi_Bumin
13. Ozan_Pasa
14. Herkkutatti_1h
15. Kradus_II
16. Darkula
17. Sir_Spudacus
18. Masasa
19. Maddane
20. BaranAga

Suggestions Corner / The ultimate anti-cav
« on: September 06, 2011, 09:25:58 am »
what this game needs is war wagons used by Hussites with great success against mounted armies

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so a construction site couple of construction material and lets roll, place in the wagon for around 3 people (not sure about having cannon on it, maybe will be possible with WSE)

so what do you think ?

Suggestions Corner / Different timezones solution (strategus)
« on: July 25, 2011, 06:37:33 pm »
i suggest changing the "save server preference" feature that connects server type with individual player to a server preference by territory area on the map

lets say half of the map be played in NA perfect time and on NA servers, while the rest of the map being played in EU perfect times and on EU servers

this will keep community on one map, just making them to change their "claims", and NA/EU clans would obviously want to sit on the border of those two different timezones areas, where EU would be dealing with stuff on one side and NA on the other

EU conquering NA or vice versa would still be possible, but you couldnt really complain about hour the battle takes place as its your choice to move into that territory

Suggestions Corner / Bandit Lair (strategus)
« on: July 23, 2011, 01:08:22 pm »
i dont know if something like this was suggested before but giving an option to the clans without fiefs to recruit troops from a remote faction less place

how i think it should work :

- bandit lairs can only be created by faction without any fief
- one bandit lair per 20 members of such faction
- once the faction takes a fief all their bandit lairs dissapear
- bandit lair has recruiting troop rate of villages (maybe a bit less)
- on map its only visible only from the range of current transfer (so pretty much you need to be very close)

what it would change :

i think it would add a lot of dynamic to politics, as if one side looses a battle it doesnt mean they will need to recruit in villages occupied by other clans but can stay low for some time and than try to take some land

it would be awesome for clans that arent interested in keeping fiefs but rather burning them ;]

Scene Editing / siege ladder no collision detection
« on: July 07, 2011, 02:33:21 pm »

got problem with making working movable ladder, i placed siege ladder (one with _move) in the final position, than added entry point for this ladder (100), and it all seems like it worked very well and all but, after rehosting the map ladder looses collision detector and you cant climb on it, i can raise and drop it but cant use it (in some cases got also error in script message)

any ideas what to do to make it work ?


Suggestions Corner / Suggestion for throwing
« on: July 03, 2011, 01:57:48 pm »
just a wild thought, make a throwing only available when character is running forward, meaning he cannot get his weapon ready to throw when he is standing strafing or backpedalling for heavier throwing stuff, things like throwing daggers might be used while standing etc

like in this video

and with than implemented revert throwing weapons to what they used to be before nerf

Suggestions Corner / Fixed flag spawn
« on: June 15, 2011, 05:03:20 pm »
Instead of dynamic flag spawn system that we have right now, i think having a fixed flag spawn around 1:00 or 1:30 would be better

Sometimes teams want to wait for the flag but due to some people going alone or map being big and foggy round ends up in draw. Would be more fun with fixed flag spawn imho

Sell/Trade / [Trade] MW Lance
« on: June 15, 2011, 12:22:54 am »
MW lance

MW heavy lance
MW strong bow

General Off Topic / Blood donor day today
« on: June 14, 2011, 01:02:07 pm »
Today is the worldwide blood donor day

(click to show/hide)

now if your getting what you should get right now, i think your blood level is good so go out and donate ;p

Sell/Trade / [TRADE] MW lance/Champ Courser for MW heavy lance
« on: June 08, 2011, 10:50:17 am »

MW lance for MW heavy lance


Champion Courser for MW heavy lance

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