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Strategus General Discussion / Stratnniversary
« on: September 16, 2013, 01:44:08 pm »
It's been one year since this iteration of Strategus began.

Well done, everybody. Let's hope the future will be bright.

The following rules will apply to posts made in this section:

  • Make sure you understand the Official Server Rules to properly file a request.
  • Do not post unless you have something case related to say. No spam allowed.
  • No lobbying. Take discussions and arguments about the server rules to the general discussion board. Take complaints about admins to the admin feedback board.
  • If you are banned, you may make a request to be unbanned. Follow this unban request guide.  If you do not know why you were banned, ask in your unban thread.
  • If your ban or unban request was denied, do not create another thread with the same request.
  • This section is for Official NA ban and unban requests only. Do not post here unless you are making a request for NA_cRPG_1, NA_cRPG_2, NA_cRPG_3, NA_cRPG_6 or NA_cRPG_7.
  • If you wish to make a ban request, you must fill out the required form (shown below).

Failure to follow the above rules may result in a forum mute.

Remember to title your thread appropriately, whether it is a ban or unban request, such as [BAN]charactername or UNBAN mycharactername.

To make it easier for you and us to deal with ban requests, and give out fair bans in a timely fashion, every ban request must contain the following points in order.
Failure to fill out the form will most likely lead to a rejected ban request.


(You can copy paste the text below and fill out the form)
1. Name of your character involved
2. Name of offending character(s)
3. Time and server, as accurately as possible
4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
5. Why you think the offender did what he did.
6. Multiple Screenshots
7. Names of players that can witness what happened.

General Discussion / MOVED: Switch to 2h
« on: July 13, 2013, 06:10:04 pm »

General Discussion / NA servers - Game Admins Wanted
« on: June 25, 2013, 05:52:10 pm »
New thread due to bloat and lack of guidelines in old thread. If you've applied in the old thread, please post again here. We could definitely use a few more levelheaded folks!

Post here with your bid to become an admin on the NA servers. Tell us why you think you should be an admin.
  • Obvious troll posts will be ignored, if you want to be taken seriously you'll have to do your best to be serious in your post here.
  • Review the Official Server Rules and the Strategus Rules for good measure. It will be your responsibility to uphold them.
  • You must be willing to put your position and the rules in front of your feelings towards people. Letting your friends get away with murder is no way to administrate.
  • You must be able to take criticism well. You will sometimes be put down and disliked for your actions, but you have to be able to deal with it with decorum.
  • As of right now, we don't have admins with permissions on just one server. If you're made admin you will be one for all of the official NA servers (1, 2, 3, 6, 7)
  • Being easy to contact helps a lot. Watching for PMs, paying attention to the ban section will be practically required. Familiarize yourself with IRC if you haven't already, and hang out in #mount&blade-crpg on QuakeNet, or just use the IRC webchat feature on the forums.
  • It would help to know when you are typically playing the game, and how often you'll have access to the website/forums.
  • Keep your post simple. Posting about your experience and qualifications is great, but there's no need to go into too much detail about your past. If you're being considered, you will be contacted.

Please note that not everyone who posts in this thread will be given admin powers. There is currently no limitation on the amount of people wanted, nor a limitation on time for new additions.

Strategus Issues / Collection of Strategus Issues - the thread
« on: June 25, 2013, 05:19:14 pm »
We should have been using a thread like this for a long time. I'll try to watch replies and keep up with a list in the main post about issues we still face in-game and on the strat map that should be addressed by a dev.

If you reply with an issue or a suggestion, please try to keep it to something that is a problem to be fixed, not new content to be added. If you can post a link to an existing thread for an issue, that will also be helpful.

Website - Current count: 12 known issues
  • Ticket count going negative on the map, ceases movement. link
  • Fief owner nighttime is not shown for the fief, but still applies to it.
  • Spawn settings for NA-side of the map still apparently not working. (teleport after losing a defense) link
  • An exploit which allows the defending party to access the roster of a No Faction attacker.
  • Typing in a huge number or a letter for max troop cap reverts it to 0 and all troops are killed off.
  • Roster access remains after a battle has started if the page was already open.
  • Similarly, it is possible to retract from a battle you've taken part in after it has begun but before it ends.
  • Holding over 10,000 crates displays as 0 crates
  • 1/3rd rule for attacking fiefs inhibits attacks from going on. The maximum time limit means there is a threshold for defender tickets which guarantees attackers losing troops to retreat.
  • After quickmarching, when exhaustion runs out, receiving any troops for some time will reinstate exhaustion.
  • Applying to a faction puts you in their color and treats you as a member, even before you're accepted.
  • Certain newer items displaying oversized image thumbnails in shop and inventory

Siege equipment - Current count: 12 known issues
  • Small siege tower ramp does not deploy when used.
  • Siege equipment cap - the limit on the amount of certain siege items for the server is universal, making it impossible for a team to use them if they other side has placed a certain amount. Made worse because defenders can prepare and use siege equipment before attackers can even spawn. Example: only 5 weapon racks can exist at any one time.
  • Ladder yo-yo - graphical issue that sometimes occurs with one or sometimes more ladders (and can recur even if it gets broken if another of the same type is replaced) that shows your character repeatedly falling through the ladder and all terrain underneath you, only to pop back up repeatedly, bobbing up and down. Ladder functions normally for gameplay but it is highly disorienting.
  • Breaking a piece of siege equipment such as a catapult or siege tower can cause lagspikes server-wide.
  • Broken siege equipment having phantom parts that hinder movement, or block access to new construction in the same spot.
  • A weapon rack (and possibly a construction site) will have a phantom part directly below it that hinders movement if built on a higher floor.
  • Weapon racks and healing tents which have been shot can sometimes become inaccessible to some players.
  • Ladders sometimes catching early and stopping without touching anything when thrown underneath another ladder.
  • Ladders still able to be placed while standing on top of another ladder.
  • Equipment sometimes disappears (or rather, appears on the ground) inside some scene objects when an attempt is made to place them on top, such as on a rooftop. Possibly intended for things like catapults, but detrimental to things like weapon racks.
  • Spawning construction materials from the woodpile doesn't correctly display the lost material in the equipment select screen.
  • Spawning with siege equipment messes with the slot system after using it; Using a 3-slot ladder will leave you one slot to pick up new items in (though you can pick up 2 and 3-slot items, just not multiple items).

General in-battle - Current count: 7 known issues
  • Gear bug 1, unequipped gear - Occasionally spawning without items you selected from the list, even when having the requirements to use them. *can typically be fixed by rejoining the server
  • Gear bug 2, inaccessible gear - If there are too many item slots in use for an army's equipment, things in the bottom left of the weapon equip screen become unable to be selected. Heavily exacerbated by attacks restricting transfers, not being able to remove gear in any way in the field, and the system that causes gear to be broken and reclaimed.
  • Gear bug 3, disappearing gear - Certain slots apparently disappear entirely from an army's inventory before some battles. Notably helmets have been missing from a few armies that had them before the battle started.
  • Disconnect death display - Upon leaving the server and rejoining, your kill counter is wiped but you return with the amount of deaths you previously had. However, sometimes the amount of deaths is bugged and additional deaths are added to the number, which increases the timer for respawning.
  • More of a suggested feature change: Random cavalry spawns can be a detriment to functional gameplay. link1 link2 link3 link4
  • Shot ammunition on the ground will block access to usable items behind it. (weapons, siege equipment)
  • Picking up gear on the ground is bound to the same key as dropping an enemy flag or setting your own spawn flag, limiting precise gameplay.

Diplomacy / MOVED: A brief history
« on: June 13, 2013, 02:09:34 am »

Diplomacy / MOVED: Bad strategus.
« on: May 25, 2013, 04:37:42 am »

General Discussion / MOVED: Lance Cav (Thrusts)
« on: May 22, 2013, 06:40:10 pm »

December 19th!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=6177
9:46pm (expect delays)

In defense of New Dhirim!

December 20th!?page=strategusinfobattledetail&id=6184

Nighttime'd to 3am, pushed back because of a million fights. Oh well, try to have a lark in the morning.

(click to show/hide)

All times are Central (US).

*All battles are NA unless otherwise specified*

Buy / No longer Looking for Battle Fork
« on: April 16, 2013, 06:07:23 am »
Offering gold, or gold plus an heirloom point.

Please negotiate for a price you'd like to be paid.

Finally found one, thanks for your attention.

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