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General Discussion / Jesus' Stone Wall of Fame + Challenge
« on: April 18, 2013, 08:53:03 am »
God came to me in a dream in the form of a flying stone, before I could decipher its meaning, I was struck in the head.

I will attempt to kill every crpg player with stones AT LEAST once. Once I carry out a hit on my target you will be added to the list. I have just started tonight (4/17/2013) and will attempt to kill 300 unique crpg characters in 1 months time. I will be updating my list periodically as well.

In addition, to further advocate players picking up the holy stones, I will be offering a 500,000 crpg gold reward to the person who can do either of these things:

- Reach 300 unique stone kills before me
- Kill me 10 times (screenshots must be provided) with stones

EU players are welcome to join in, but the kills must take place on a battle server to avoid fraud.
In order to register an authentic stone kill, you must take a screenshot upon completion (this might lag some users, be warned!) similar to the ones below

Without further adieu, here is the current wall:

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Mercenary Recruitment / [H]old!
« on: April 14, 2013, 05:48:56 am »
Remnant attacks the rightful owner of Tismirr, claimed by Holy Mandate and in turn conquest. Even though cowardly large factions conspire, the few honorable soldiers that remain by my side stroke their neckbeards in anticipation, for they will not take tismirr without blood:!?page=battledetail&id=3303

After victories in the North, Jesus and Friends disappeared for a while. The peasant overlords began to relax, trade resumed as normal, and their evil misdeeds continued. All progress seemed gone, forgotten.

"You are outnumbered, give up this fight!"
"The peasant horde is invincible, you have no chance!"
"One man cannot stand against many!"

Words that took a toll on the mind of this humble trader, now deemed outlaw in the eyes of many in the North. Do these people not understand he was trying to save them from the tyrannical order of the free peasants? Doubt set in, and he sought out words with the Lord. For 40 days and 40 nights he wandered the unforgiving tundra, and many perished on this journey. He saw himself in a strange land now; they did not speak his tongue, and they worshiped many false deities. He found shelter in the town of Shulus, where he met a man claiming to be a messenger of God.

"In 3 days time there will be a star in the East, follow it until you find the village of Nova Tismirr. There you will find your new home."

His numbers were depleted, and he knew not if his men could survive another long journey. Before he could ask of his Father's intentions, the messenger disappeared.

So he and his disciples prepared to set out once more, weary, but hopeful. For their belief bolstered their spirits and hardened their will. On the third day an army entered Shulus, demanding to see the Son of God. He appeared before them, and they all rejoiced. Their commander explained that they had been searching the lands for the one who was responsible for the defeat of Froyo's army in the ice fields of New Shulus. They believed his cause was most worthy and lent their arms, food, horses, and lives to the prophet.

So there they stood, 2000 men strong, ready to continue where they left off and establish a foothold in the North. Last time they merely cut the Federation on its nose. This time, they would plunge a dagger into the very heart of the Free Traders!!?page=battledetail&id=3254

Suggestions Corner / 1 slot War Horns
« on: April 06, 2013, 11:23:13 am »
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In strat battles and siege/battle, you often find yourself hard-pressed to coordinate attacks or warn your allies effectively with the current chat and voice chat system. Many people, myself included, often pay little attention to chat while engaged in battle, and not everyone uses teamspeak. My solution would be to add a relatively loud War Horn(and I mean heard clearly from across the map) with a 10-15 second cool down.

What uses could this have?


-Alerting of an enemy ambush while defending a fixed location such as the virgin in DTV gamemode, flags in strat battles, or flanks and breaches in the various defending locations of siege.

-A separate group assigned to a specific task such as defending a catapult or healing tent being overwhelmed and telling allies that reinforcements are needed

-A boost in morale and a signal to either fall back or push forward


-As a signal to charge, much more powerful than the current weak "chawwwge!" we have in voice commands

-A false warning, diverting your enemies forces only to find a lone horn blower while their main formation is broken

-Ambushing a specific target like flags or even a single player or faction you deem threats when you and your allies are waiting in separate locations.



Add this now and usher in a new age of blowing in this game!

First off let me say, if you're looking for the most bang for your buck, the crossbow is the hands down winner. Not only does it have a rapid rate of fire compared to the heavy crossbows, but its damage(when loomed) is almost identical when it comes to 2-3 shotting people. More arc means easier headshots and I also believe there is a shorter delay from being at your side to ready to fire than the arbalest and heavy. I'm surprised people are selling it for so cheap right now, but I don't expect it to last long. That said, one of the main percs for choosing a heavy xbow or arbalest over the crossbow is the range and accuracy. But lately I feel like taking long range shots has not been effective as it once was. I would like to know if there is some kind of formula for the reduction of damage based on travel distance of a bolt, and if it would be possible to reduce the damage penalty for distanceandRemoveRain If high-tier crossbows aren't effective at great distances, then they are essentially useless.

Diplomacy / The miracle in the North
« on: March 27, 2013, 10:11:29 pm »
Froyo: There will be no glory in your sacrifice. I will erase even the memory of Jesus and Company from the strat 4 histories. Every piece of holy parchment shall be burned and every bible historian and every scribe shall have their eyes put out and their tongues cut from their mouths. Why, uttering the very name of Jesus or Mcdeath will be punishable by death. The world will never know you existed at all!

Jesus: The world will know that free men stood against a tyrant, that few stood against many and, before this battle is over, that even a wizard can bleed.!?page=battledetail&id=3025


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After getting permission to trade, and just finishing his trade run on his way home, a peaceful trader was set upon by the menace Froyoyo. There have been rumors he is harvesting the souls of the innocent to engage in black magic rituals. Children have been disappearing en masse, traders who were given permission have been getting slaughtered by rogue bandits, and the wildlife around the tundra has all but withered away to reveal a barren wasteland littered with the corpses of the righteous.!?page=battledetail&id=3025

Fight for justice! Fight for honor! Down with the tyrannical order of the free peasants!

Suggestions Corner / Make the knobbed mace and spiked club 0 slot
« on: March 26, 2013, 03:22:51 am »
The 0 slot weapons are nice for those who like extra length  :wink:, but the most effective 0 slot 1hs remain the hammer and the pickaxe because of lack of glancing and damage to armored opponents. Weapon stun is still devastating and all this "buff" did was give archers a new way to kill each other and other lightly armored opponents (too few).

Buy / Need +3 Horses/+3 Light Xbow
« on: February 12, 2013, 05:58:47 am »
I have +3 Crossbow, +3 Steel bolts, 2 loompoints, and around 100k in gold to barter with.

Suggestions Corner / Targets for archers on duel servers
« on: February 11, 2013, 05:07:16 am »
Pretty simple suggestion: Add some sort of "target range" for archers with the targets at varying distances on the duel servers.

Strategus Issues / Auto-Forfeit?
« on: February 11, 2013, 02:26:22 am »
Saw a guy in strat that looked like he would give me a pretty decent battle, but the minute I attacked him I lost all my troops and goods. I was aware that there was some kind of 1:3 rule in place that says you must have at least a third of your opponents troops to attack, so whats the issue here:

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Over the past few gens, I have noticed a considerable decline in accuracy in the xbow (+3 heavy) after 125 wpf. Although the reticule gets smaller, the trajectory is almost the same, leading to a decrease in accuracy and much frustration when, at 170 wpf you see your bolt veer to the left or right. I was just wondering if there was some kind of incremental chart or formula the devs have showing xbow accuracy  that could verify this or if I should just accept that I'm going crazy.

Sidenot, did the horse hitbox get larger and the rider hitbox get smaller? It seems next to impossible to hit a charging cav without a bolt seemingly going through his upper body, or sticking in to the head of his horse.

Mercenary Recruitment / The betrayal of antioch!
« on: March 30, 2012, 09:18:21 am »
I was told by goretooth I would be able to travel in his lands unmolested, and I put my faith in him. It turns out that was a foolish move. Now I call upon thee to put your faith into me! I need good men, archers, cav, peasants, I call upon you all to believe that miracles can happen, or to go down guns blazing!

I cannot be there for the fight as it unfortunately takes place at 7 PM on a friday, so someone else must take the reigns. But know that I am there in spirit!

1:7 odds

Closed Requests / Ban Request - Jakethegreat
« on: March 28, 2012, 01:17:04 am »
Was taking shots at me from behind since I joined, shrugged it off, the next round he decided to go all out and kill me intentionally.

Strategus / Buying strat goods for 50-100k in crpg gold
« on: March 15, 2012, 08:13:59 am »
Basically I'm looking for some equipment/[/b]troops[/b]/gold. Post or PM me your offers and how much you want. I'm really interested in "package" offers, not just one type of item. Thanks! I am currently staying in Udinad.

Buying any number of crpg troops for strat or crpg gold, post or PM me your offers (at least 25 troops per order is preferred)

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