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Topics - Fluffy_Muffin

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 9
Sell/Trade / MW Danish greatsword
« on: May 09, 2012, 05:47:51 pm »
Get it while its hot, Auction ends in an hour  :wink:

... and all the other things floating around out there / Mafia 2
« on: May 07, 2012, 07:37:04 pm »
Just played trough it, i refuse to believe Joe is dead  :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

Liveee Joee liveeeeeeee  :cry: :cry:

Also, does anyone know if the DLCs are any good?

General Off Topic /
« on: May 03, 2012, 08:29:34 pm »
This page is in the language: literature Norwegian would you like to translate?


General Off Topic / Need a game (again)
« on: May 02, 2012, 04:49:59 pm »
A story driven, party based rpg. No futuristic stuff i want swords, axes, bows, magic - the usual suspects please. Not hack&slash, idealy something not turn based, but not exaclty fluid if you know what i mean (kinda like d&d rolls with pauses, tactics etc.). Excelent story is the most important factor.

Cant find any games that seem interesting, either i have played them already or i just dont like the things i see. 

Need help with choosing

Buy / A horse! A horse! A kingdom for a horse! (or my hat
« on: April 22, 2012, 01:22:10 pm »

Lordly Tagancha Helm with Veil
Head armor, requires 13 strength
Head armor: 52
Weight: 2.6 kg

For a horse ( destrier or higher )

Buy / My little pony
« on: April 20, 2012, 08:28:02 pm »
I want to buy a pony, it has to be either a:

brown, strong and fast pony
cute chainmail pony
sad desert lamelar pony

I haz:

Lordly Tagancha Helm with Veil
Head armor, requires 13 strength
Head armor: 52 Weight: 2.6 kg


Masterwork Danish Greatsword
Two handed weapon, requires 15 strength
Speed: 93 Length: 124 Thrust: 26 pierce Swing: 43 cut Secondary mode Weight: 2.5 kg Slots: 2

to trade

Sell/Trade / Sale
« on: April 13, 2012, 09:49:56 pm »
Masterwork Bodkin Arrows   1,400,000 gold
Masterwork Horn Bow   1,100,000 gold
Reinforced Sarranid Leather Armor   1,500,000 gold

On the market

Sell/Trade / Selling all my shit, everything has to go
« on: April 10, 2012, 11:10:22 pm »
Lordly Studded Leather over Mail   --- 1.5 mil (avrg body armor price 1.7 mil)
Body armor, requires 11 strength
Body armor: 48Leg armor: 15Weight: 13.5 kg

Lordly Nikolskoe Helm --- 1.6 mil (avrg head armor price 1.75 mil)
Head armor, requires 13 strength
Head armor: 53Weight: 2.7 kg

Masterwork Knightly Arming Sword --- 1.3 (avrg 1h price 1.45 mil)
One handed weapon, requires 13 strength
Speed: 98Length: 102Thrust: 26 pierceSwing: 34 cutWeight: 1.2 kgSlots: 1

Alternatively, im would also be interested in trade if you have mw arrows/mw warhammer/mw very light archer armor

Buy / WTB MW Flamberge
« on: April 10, 2012, 10:26:13 pm »
As above, i have a:

MW knightly arming sword
Masterpiece Huscarl shield

to trade

General Off Topic / Need a game
« on: April 09, 2012, 10:10:36 pm »
More specific: I want to play a good tactical turn based shooter. I know its a dieing genre and all but i really enjoy those games. Hard to find good ones so why not ask here.
The ones i played and liked are Silent storm and UFO.

Also, is fallout tactics worth downloading?

Spam / Steven Seagal has nightmares about chadz
« on: April 06, 2012, 06:47:22 pm »

cRPG Technical problems / Need help with an issue
« on: April 02, 2012, 08:55:01 am »
Well, i really have no idea how to solve this and it is making the game unplayable. I will just explain the situation as detailed as possible, maybe someone else had a similar issue. Note: this only happens when i play cRPG/warband.

Started happening a few days ago, i press the lmb and nothing happens, i press it again and my char chambers the weapon for 3 seconds and then releases it. Fps issues i thought. (i never had them on this laptop) I start up fraps and the fps oscilates from a steady 120 to 90 or 80 at the lowest. Then i close all programs that might be causing lag (altho my ping at the time was 45-50 which is the regular ping i have) I try again to swing or block: sometimes my char holds the swing too long, i literaly press lmb and he just holds it - i release the mouse and he is still holding it, the same happens with blocks, sometimes it just doesent react to what i press at all.

Tried putting the mouse in the other usb port, to no avail (the mouse and everything else is working perfectly on every other game/program).

The best clue/lead i have is: When i click the lmb or rmb there is a beeping sound ocasionaly comming from my laptop, it may be the one from pressing too many keys at the same time ??? Or a memory leak/hard drive failure as i read, but i have no idea why it would happen only in cprg

I cannot fight and thus cannot play, please help me  :cry:

Sell/Trade / [TRADE/SELL] Masterwork Throwing Hammer
« on: March 25, 2012, 08:42:34 pm »
Masterwork Throwing Hammer
Throwing weapon, requires 3 throwing
Speed: 93
Thrust: 34 blunt
Missile speed: 16
Accuracy: 118
Ammo: 3
Secondary mode
Weight: 6 kg
Slots: 1

Offers via pm

Sell/Trade / [TRADE/SELL] Masterpiece Huscarl's Round Shield
« on: March 25, 2012, 01:36:06 pm »
Masterpiece Huscarl's Round Shield
Shield, requires 5 shield
Speed: 83Width: 42Body armor: 24Hit points: 453Weight: 9 kg

Offers via pm

General Off Topic / This Notched and Rusted Blade
« on: March 20, 2012, 10:37:02 pm »
Have you seen this m&b machinima? Sorry if its a repost, quite an awesome story and execution. Worth the watch

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