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Topics - Matey

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Diplomacy / FCC Alliance with Hospitallers
« on: April 01, 2013, 07:59:40 am »
It is my pleasure to announce a successful conclusion to the secret diplomacy meetings between myself and a representative of Hospitallers. Our negotiations were successful and FCC and Hospitallers will now cease all hostilities and merge into a single new faction. It was a pleasure waging war with you fine gents and I look forward to this new stage of our relationship and a long and successful friendship. Death to those who would oppose our new union! GOD WILLS IT!

Strategus Issues / Covered Flags
« on: March 22, 2013, 06:18:12 pm »
 4) Covering flags
                    4.1) covering flags with any equipment is not allowed. This includes ladders, siege shields, construction sites and anything you can produce with a construction site.

Enemy roster (Bold/italic/underlined the dev/admin on their side)
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The other team had a c-site up at their spawn for awhile, they finished the construction when we started capping their flags; we managed to get the flags down anyways so I guess it isn't a huge deal I guess...

Suggestions Corner / Please add this Ancient One Hander
« on: March 10, 2013, 01:28:14 am »
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There you have it. It is a weapon from a long time ago. Sure it is from a foreign area, but we have eastern stuff and strange stuff, im sure we can make it work.

Proposed stats.
weapon length: 103
weight: 1
difficulty: 12
speed rating: 141
weapon length: 103
thrust damage: 99 pierce
swing damage: 99 pierce
slots: 0

Suggestions Corner / Deployable Wooden stakes/anticav items.
« on: March 08, 2013, 01:08:48 am »
Since ladders get out of control in strat... how about something like these..

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or something even easier... the best possible thing would be something deployable to prevent cav from being able to get somewhere without stopping infantry too much. currently in strat battles if you dont protect your forward spawn/weapon rack/healing tent with hordes of ladders then it is pretty much a guarantee that cav will fuck it up.

Spam / Rage Post!
« on: March 07, 2013, 08:24:05 am »
I hate celery, spinach and cilantro. Fuck that shit.

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I don't have 15 strength! Don't hate me game! OWWWWW RIGHT IN THE SELF-ESTEEM!

Game Balance Discussion / Short Arming Sword VS Nordic Short War Sword
« on: March 05, 2013, 03:10:44 am »
This legit? or website is lies?

Short Arming Sword
weapon length: 81
weight: 1
difficulty: 7
speed rating: 103
weapon length: 81
thrust damage: 29 pierce
swing damage: 29 cut
slots: 0

Nordic Short War Sword
weapon length: 81
weight: 1
difficulty: 7
speed rating: 103
weapon length: 81
thrust damage: 23 pierce
swing damage: 29 cut
slots: 0

identical... except one has 6 more pierce O_o

Global / Unban Kesh_ATS
« on: February 27, 2013, 08:19:42 pm »
He is still banned for posting logs that he was under no obligation to keep private (he hasn't signed any non-disclosure agreements or anything)

The ban is kind of like arresting a reporter for submitting a story including information from a undisclosed source. I realize cRPG isn't a free country with all sorts of rights and freedoms... but I was under the impression we did have a degree of freedom on the forums; in all honesty, if Kesh's post was so offensive he should have been banned from the forums but not the game. Banning someone from cRPG and strategus for a post on the forums seems... odd. I don't recall devs/admins reacting to criticism in such a heavy handed way in the past. Besides; he has been ban for over a week, I think he served his time for posting chat logs; it also seems that his posting of those logs have led to necessary questions being asked amongst the NA admin team and ultimately seems to be affecting positive change. Also, Kesh was found innocent of the other charges levied against him.

Strategus Issues / Possible fix for Excessive item quantities in sieges
« on: February 24, 2013, 11:12:13 pm »
As everyone who participates in strat sieges is aware, the defending side frequently ends up with so many different items that they cannot select them at will. The solution I propose is to allow fief owners to sell gear whether they are in the fief or not, HOWEVER; they cannot buy gear and they cannot transfer gear and they cannot transfer money, any money gained from selling gear will be stored in the fief itself and so can be taken by a successful attacker. This way defenders can clean up their item list a bit without removing any possible spoils of war.

I of course have no idea if this can be coded easily or at all, but I figured I would at least offer up a potential solution that in my eyes would be fair to both attackers and defenders.

Strategus Issues / Locking down your own fief to prevent an attack
« on: February 20, 2013, 10:27:19 pm »
Remember when Fallen locked down its own fief with a "transfer" just before getting attacked?

Well what does this look like to you?

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Lets think about this for a second.
It is the "hero party rebellion" so its not the same faction... right?
Ok, so how come only smoothrich is signed against them? how come there is literally no drama in the thread about the rebellion. smoothrich, the mightiest of forum spergs is completely silent about the affair... why? because he is going to give the fief to blackzilla who will then take all the money, gear and population and then fortify the shit out of the fief and either rejoin Hero Party or be "neutral" or some other bullshit. They won't fight, there will be no blood spilled and no hard feelings between blackzilla and smooth because it is all part of the plan to deprive FCC of all the gear and gold in the fief by having one of their own guys attack it.

Remember what the devs did to fallen when they tried something like this?

Strategus Issues / Admin corruption used as a weapon in strat?
« on: February 20, 2013, 10:22:13 pm »
Smoothrich and FCC got along for a long time. FCC backed up HP vs hosp earlier, but when Smoothrich pursued his grudge against phantomzero and phantomzero joined BIRD CLAN (BEST CLAN) smoothrich then attacked BIRD CLAN; FCC sided with BIRD CLAN.

since then smooth has hated FCC and has constantly spewed vile on the forums.

Recently, Smoothrich made a huge blunder and got teleported to EU just as FCC was launching an offensive against Hero Party.
Smoothrich then starts pressing for a ban against Kesh, the primary coordinator of the FCC.
Smoothrich's city is left without a leader and with over 300,000 gold inside.
Other members of Hero Party have left as they are no longer interested in strat or just dont want to play with smooth anymore.
Things are looking bad for hero party, so smoothrich who is already known as a troll decides to use his admin powers to ban Kesh.
Someone leaks info to Kesh about the awful chat discussion leading to the ban, Shik and Smoothrich (shik was also a leader of hero party until he quit strat) identify Vick as a suspect for leaking the info. Vick happens to have an army closing fast on smoothrich's city which is being worn down by continual assaults. Vick is PERMABAN from strat and crpg because two leaders of Hero Party said he MIGHT be the guy who leaked chat logs.
Now things don't look so bad for Hero Party!

Feel free to disagree, but how else do you explain permabanning one of the nicest people in the community just when they are getting ready to attack the faction that contains the admins who made the bans happen.

Diplomacy / FCC Mercenary Policy
« on: September 17, 2012, 06:19:49 am »
FCC players are all encouraged to sign up for whoever they want whenever they want for whatever reasons they want. Leadership is not going to pressure members into signing up for any faction but FCC and will not pressure members not to sign up against any faction other than FCC.

All factions and independents who find themselves in a battle are more than welcome to solicit any member of FCC to partake in their battle.

I realize that many factions are likely to take it personal if they see FCC players sign up against them but we just don't care. We are determined to have as much fun as we can in this strat and as such will not be imposing restrictions on our players and will instead let them fight in as many battles as they wish to.

Cap army sizes. maybe 500? maybe 1000? pick a number, balance the spawn timers and such around that number. rather than having hugely increasing upkeep costs on bigger armies, just straight up cap the army sizes. Also, rather than having 10 guys with 500 man armies combine at the last second into a 5000 to attack, you literally have to attack 500 at a time, but the defender only gets 500 as well (unless you want to allow garrisons to have a bit bigger force). The attackers would besiege a fief, have some guys on the prowl for people trying to sneak support in, and have more armies around to continue the siege if the first army cant get it done, so if you REALLY want to defend a fief and you know there are 4 guys with 500 man armies coming, then you best send some of your own 500 man armies to intercept them (thus more field battles). It would still be possible to overwhelm with numbers, but it would take longer as you would have to attack over and over (which is how people are playing now anyways).

Strategus General Discussion / Who won strat 3?!
« on: August 14, 2012, 07:47:40 am »
So, how does the community define winning? The alliance with the most land at the end? the alliance to have made the biggest improvement this round? a scrappy clan that managed to get shit done? a clan that was constantly at war? someone else?

Strategus Issues / Issue with Attacking
« on: August 12, 2012, 08:35:57 am »
Dunno if this is "Known" issue or not. but I attacked Ada Kulun the other day and while I was waiting for the battle to take place a Brave and Noble archer ran like hell from his fief with 0 troops and 500 crates; so, as soon as the battle was over (he had been on the run for 7~ hours when the battle ended) I hopped in Ada Kulun and recruited one troop, sold all my leftover gear except for 1 horse and armour/wep for 1 troop, then I quick marched and chased down the Noble Archer with more crates then he knew what to do with. I caught him a couple hours later but despite spending 3 hours (while playing cRPG) trying to attack him, I just kept reaching him and then stopping. I tried going past him then attack back to where he was, I tried everything I could. Shik told me that the fellow was "bugged and permanently immune to being attacked" but Shik is a dirty troll so I don't really trust that answer.

If anyone else has an answer lemme know... If it was just bugged out, then that really sucks cause i would have loved to have had a nice warm bonfire fuelled by 500 crates before getting swarmed by angry zealots in full plate.

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