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Topics - kooktar

Pages: 1 [2]
Closed Requests / Unban Request - Kooktar
« on: July 25, 2011, 04:58:47 pm »
As of approximately 10AM EST I am banned from all servers pre-fixed NA_cRPG.

On NA_cRPG battle, I was playing among others in a small game, 5v5ish. Neux team damaged me at the start of a round to 10%, a battle ensued, and after about 10 landed blows and me parrying all of his attacks, the nub lay dead. Shit talking immediately occurred of who was the greater warrior. So another duel was proposed, which I won flawlessly again. Upon completion of the duel, I was banned from all NA_cRPG prefix servers, without warning from an admin before the ban, or after I fought and defended my in-game RPG life the first time. I am curious as to why this occured, and what I did so wrong that a perma ban across all servers without warning was the answer to.

Thank you for your time,

Closed Requests / Unban Request - Kooktar
« on: July 25, 2011, 04:31:35 pm »
Been banned from siege for like 4 months now. I was QMLing people loafing around after multiple rounds, probably either eating, smoking, or being fat. Legitimate QML in game, but would immediately come back to bitch to admins about it. On the other hand I also did QML to grief people. Atleast 60% of my QMLs were legitimate. Anyways, they nerfed the function, and its been months of bannage. I think I've done my time for the crime.

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