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Topics - Crazyi

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Suggestions Corner / Video Guides
« on: March 11, 2012, 05:49:40 pm »
First I want to say thank you for the very large posts on game mechanics, strategus, and all of the other helpful threads. I would like to make a suggestion for some Video Guides, especially for strategus. I'm trying to read through it, and it just doesnt make any sense to me. Moving to 1/4 pixel per minute? Begging? Paying rent? trading? I think visually it would make a lot more sense, and a voice guide on top would be much more enlightening. There is lots of free software to do this with, and overall it would make it more appealing to noobs like me. Also trying to read a wall of text that doesn't make sense(im sure it does if you have played/seen it, but as a noob it doesnt) kind of turns me away from strat. Keep numerical data/statistics on the forums, but have some comprehensive guides.

Other guides that would be nice: How to use the spin/speed mechanic.

General Discussion / Development Question
« on: March 10, 2012, 06:50:46 pm »
I was just curious how much longer this mod is planning on being updated and refined? I say that because I know War of the Roses is comming and I'm not sure if plans are being made to convert or whatever may happen. I hear a lot of buzz in-game about it as well. I really like this mod and would like to become a little more active in helping, but I was going to make sure I dont start now to find out support is going to be pulled in 6 months or whatever the case may be. If it is planning on being updated, will it just be tweaked or are new systems for things like strategus etc going to be implemented? Possibly a new website UI? Once again just curious so I can limit the ambition of my suggestions based on the level up support forecasted. I certainly plan to make some good geographically sound and balanced maps.

Also just an idea, but have you guys considered some level of marketing? There are plenty of free ways to do it and I think expanding the population could only benefit everyone, and potential donations for the hard work you guys have done. I personally have trouble getting people to buy M&B but once they do most have liked it, especially PvPers. That being said you pretty much have a target audience. Anyways if you just want to PM me or respond here, I'd appreciate it.

General Discussion / Another Rule Check
« on: March 09, 2012, 10:25:40 pm »
I was banned for TKing some one that trampled me and talked shit, so I am being cautious from now on.

•No drawing/delaying the round on purpose (i.e. running away or camping unreachable places when you're one of the last people alive)

Would this include a single Horse Xbow left on a team running around shooting vs 2-4 on the other team until the round draws? I've seen this several times now, and I consider being unreachable counts as delaying on purpose. However I dont enforce the rules so I would like a little clarity on it.

General Discussion / Rule Check
« on: March 07, 2012, 08:29:52 am »
Ok so I read through the rules again. I see its ok to glitch. Just want to make sure it is ok to abuse the spin attack through walls? You know, you can stab through an opening like a door with a long weapon, turn quickly, and hit some one on the other side of the wall. Saw some one doing it and asked the admins online at the time and they said it was acceptable. Just double checking before I get in trouble(it think its lame, but if its allowed /shrug). 

Oh also I was just curious why rules are under Annoucements and not general or new player section? I actually had a hard time finding them....

Closed Requests / NA Community 1 - Admin Abuse
« on: March 03, 2012, 05:15:46 pm »
I was banned from NA_Community 1 permanently and I'd like to report the admin for abuse and attempt to get rcon removed. LLJK_BADPLAYER_SEMENstorm was on my team, tramples me, shoots me with a crossbow, and then starts to talk trash saying he isn't sorry at all. I'm ok with being team hit/killed, but if you run your mouth afterwards that is absurd. So I TK him having 1/5 team hits for the map. I finish the map 7/6, he finished the map 2/6. After the next map loads peepdaKD_SMOOTHRICH_bigplayz PERMA bans me(~9:45 CST 3/3/12). "We can TK and talk trash all we want, but if you retalliate you get perma banned".  So 1 TK is perma bannable? I didnt keep attacking, I didn't keep TKing. The only thing even said was by BADPLAYER, and he said "Gonna get banned bro". Is this really how things are administrated? I REALLY enjoy this mod, but it is a shame you have people like that to ruin the community.

Beginner's Help and Guides / Strategus Application?
« on: July 22, 2011, 06:37:09 pm »
I was wondering if there is some sort of requirement or application needed to go to Strategus? I've been playing for about a month solid now, retired 1nce. Have 2 good buddies that play too, trying to get some more to come. If anyone could let me know or point me in the right direction I would appreciate it.

cRPG Technical problems / Invalid Login
« on: July 13, 2011, 04:03:07 am »
Can't login. Says invalid login.
Ive cleared my cookies 2x over.
I've logged into my characters in game, they have their things still.
I've created a new character on the offical EU using the PW recovery tab of the website, reset my password, and it still says invalid login. ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
 Ive logged into the character(in game), I've retyped the name 30+ times on the website, I've retyped the original password 30+ times. Ive entered my new password 30+ times that the PW reset gave me. they all fucking say invalid login and I want to scream. HELP

**Got on a server. For those that read this, you need to make a NEW CHARACTER IN GAME, login to an offical EU server with the new character, and it will tell you a 4 digit number. Take the new characters name, and the 4 digit number, and use that to login to the website.

cRPG Technical problems / Name change not working
« on: June 24, 2011, 05:15:05 pm »
It will not let me change the name of my main and I've payed 6x for it now. I've done it over night 3x and the others I walked away from my PC. I thought my archer was going to be my main, and he was named Crazyi. Didnt really care much for it so I rerolled an alt to check it out named Appled. Now I renamed my archer to Crazyeye, and I wish to change the name of Appled to Crazyi. It takes my money, says pending, and then nothing happens. It changes the name of my archer just fine. I have even tried to add our clantag to the name change and it still does nothing except take my gold. Help?

Faction Halls / ScydiS - Gaming Community(removed)
« on: June 24, 2011, 04:58:20 pm »

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