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Topics - Lt_Anders

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General Discussion / Could we add in a hat like this?
« on: November 01, 2012, 04:33:00 am »
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It's similar to the eastern soldiers hat, but the western version. This is taken from WFaS, so I wouldn't see any reason why using it could be wrong, but I just wanna know what people think. It's still "in time period" since it's late 1500's and we got landsknet(spellchecker: stuff.

We need more cool hats to choose from!

Currently, all NA players seem to get Teleported to EU side of map. There should be some way for  NA players to only get TPed within the NA map instead of the EU side of map.

I'm only basing this off of my continual reading of people who got warped there after losses.

Diplomacy / Dharan Mercenary Contract.
« on: October 23, 2012, 02:23:42 pm »
The Contract: From the Dharan Diplomacy Thread.
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In accordance with the above stated contract, the Dharan Armies, under the command of DL Anders, have been contracted by the faction known as Free Companies of Calradia. This contract, in no way conflicts with the interests of the Dharan faction or any of its traders. This army is, until contract completed, effectively another arm of FCC to do so as they wish.

Strategus Issues / Taxes Increasing without putting points in?
« on: October 18, 2012, 06:42:40 pm »

I didn't put ANY points into taxes, but I HAVE been buying gear.(a lot of it) and now the tax has gone up to 14%(from the 10 it's supposed to be). I don't MIND getting the free money, but can anyone ELSE reproduce this or just figure out WHY it did that.

Also, seems S/D got a color change. I'm wondering if we had a sneak patch applied.

Sneak update applied before i realized it.

Strategus General Discussion / Scaling battle timer
« on: October 18, 2012, 06:06:40 am »
What if you scaled the battle timer to the smallest army between two attackers?

IE 1000 vs 100, the timer scales for a 100 v 100 fight.

Would it work?

I would hope it would encourge like size armies to fight, or similar size armies.(300 v 400, not 300 v 5k)
(This may already be in place, but i'm not sure)

I will do my best to answer as many questions as possible in this topic.  Please do not spam it.

4) What is supply and demand (S&D)?
- This is the number of goods transactions that can be made in a given fief. 
- A transaction is either the sale or purchase of goods and the number of goods per transaction depends on the fief's goods price
- 5 gold price = 200% goods per transaction
- 15 gold price = 100% goods per transaction
- 25 gold price = 50% good per transaction
- where Base goods per transaction = 1

5)  What is prosperity?

- Prosperity is the number of transaction a fief gains per day
- This can be increased by production points

Went and tested this out. As prosperity is transactions per day, and S/D is the number of transactions you gain(IE 1:2 for 25g) I found that it's a linear listing. Meaning that at 21 goods price, rather than getting half of the prosperity you get a little more than half(.7 vs .5) per day.

Use a linear interpolation on using the S/d numbers to get the transactions per day and then multiply that by the Fief's prosperity and you get the PER DAY gain of S/D.(divide by 24 for per hour)

So assuming a goods price of 20, you would need 800 Prosperity to accommodate Heavy trade(600 goods or less in one day). Only a city can achieve this level of prosperity quickly. I would advise all owners of cities to respec their fiefs to have: High Prosp, Tax and Good Cost. Villages should have LOW cost  on goods and SOME gear. Castles should be primarily about gear.

For the break down, 800 prosperity would require 600 point increase. This is 60 ticks of Prosperity increase at 5 PP, or in other words 300 PP just for the prosperity alone. It would take a city 43 days to acheive this, 60 for a castle, and 300 for a village.

This is only an example of the MOST PROBABLE use of strat resources for a faction looking to be able to constantly trade(even amonst allies) and decrease wait times.  As low price goods get transactions quicker, 300 prosperity is all you need for 600 goods a day trading.

Strategus Issues / Prosperity Broken?
« on: October 15, 2012, 05:28:19 pm »
Isn't prosperity the amount of S&D you gain per day? If so, at 400 prosperity you should regain nearly 20 per hour, but you only get between 10-14 per hour.

Excel spreadsheet and i found that according to the S/D numbers from the FAQ, the TRANSACTIONS are a LINEAR interpolation and S/D generates properly off that.

It works properly, but it's counter intuitive.

Diplomacy / The Battle at Mazigh
« on: October 12, 2012, 05:44:13 am »!?page=battleroster&id=646

Two Grand armies aligned near one another, the men of the Great Steppes versus those  who rule the Great Sand Seas. As the world revolved around this singular point, the men of these great nations sat there, calm as sweat ran down their backs. The Sand Knights lined up, unleashing a furious battle roar to the great flying pig as they charged the Men of the Steppes. Many were felled by the great steppe hunters, but the Sand knights had their own Dervishes to counter these fearsome hunters of men. As the melee was joined, the greatest weapon of the Sand Knights had yet to be unleashed. The dread Sand Scorpions rode forth from the right of the Steppe lines. "Here! Here! Turn you louts! Cavalry hath encircled us!" Cried the Lords of Occitania as the dread Scorpions bore down on the Steppe warriors heavy infantry. Concurrently, the lords of the Great Steppe shouted "Charge, Drive the Sand Devils into their caves!" and thus battle was joined. The lines fell and rose as the great steppe warriors fought with their utmost against the ragged berserker Sandlings. No match for the awe inspiring courage, the Steppe warriors slowly fell back, taking 2 for every 1 of their own. The Lords of Occitania, fared no better. Occitanians, weathered from years of cavalry warfare, felt first hand, the true ferocity of  the Sand Scorpions and were pushed into the  main body of the steppe horde.

It was a blood bath. Blood flowed, thick as water, the dead, littered the field as if Death himself had sown the fields. As the battle reached it's climax, The great Lord of the Steppe, Peppovitch was slain! Though grim, the men of the Steppe never feared and to a man they fought to the last. Lord Cedrick, the last of the great Occitanian lords, held what little remained of the army. With one last great Dervish raining fire as if from the Great Donkey himself, the Dervish struck down the remains of the Steppe men. But alas, as the last Lord of Occitania charged with his last ounce of strength, the Great Pig left the Dervish then. Out of arrows, Lord Cedrick struck down the last Sandling, winning the great battle, but at what cost?

May the Hero of Mazigh be remembered, always.
-Lord Chronicler of the Dharan Legion.
Anno 1280 in the year of the Donkey.

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Suggestions Corner / [website] Add stat for keeping track of your score
« on: October 11, 2012, 10:42:03 pm »
Much like how the website tracks K/D, gold, etc, make it so that your average score gets reported. Perhaps you should also record the amount of VALOR ticks people get so you can see who are REALLY good.

Strategus General Discussion / (Re)Implement Fees for staying in fief
« on: October 05, 2012, 08:44:34 pm »
Title says the basic. Perhaps make it more nuanced in that you use PP to change the limit and cap it out at a max of maybe 10-15g per hour. This way  when people stay in your fief you make a very minor profit for their use of your safe haven.

General Discussion / Common Decency on these forums
« on: October 04, 2012, 05:33:16 pm »

I'm sure i can find more. What is with the community continually suppressing the fact that people take time out of their playing session, to make a thread for someone RUINING their experience and are then treated with contempt by the player base, and in some instances, the admins. It's Sickening. There should be no reason to insult or demean someone who makes a ban thread as an unaffiliated party. Can we clean up the community and have some common decency?

This isn't limited to ban threads either. You can see it in other sections as well, such as the Strat section.

Strategus Issues / Inability to see Fired ammo
« on: October 04, 2012, 05:28:40 am »
I've had this problem where half the time, i don't/can't see my xbow bolts that are shot. Other times I can see it. Can anyone explain the problem?

Diplomacy / Dharan Legion: Free Trade Zone & Mercenary Armies
« on: October 03, 2012, 05:35:14 am »
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DL Does not believe in closed borders and we willingly wish to let people come into our borders. Bring your goods to sell, buy gear, or even just chill. As we believe in trade, and the inevitable wars, we open our castle to all, and wish to allow those who get wiped, a chance and place to stay until they wish to move.

Do note, Those who feel that they want to bandit in this area will be attacked as Free Trade is essential to the greater economic good.
Now for traders, this info matters for you:
Price: 21
Prosperity: 400
Tax: 10%
Gear:(Best Value: +2 Destriers, 25% off) We sell gear to properly equip any army up to Heavily armed status. This Includes heavy and medium armor as well as decent mid tier gear.Decent Discounts, and a few Loomed items(nothing +3 atm). We also sell other items, but you have to stop buy and see!

Trading Caravans(our Armies you see)
Dharan Traders sell everywhere they are allowed and do their best to avoid smuggling. We Fight for any side of our choice and will do so for pay, or for favors( :twisted:).

Mercenary Army(s)
I personally will sell MY army for contracted terms. If You wish to buy it, the price is 100g per troop for an attack, 50g per troop for patrols, etc and non hostile action. Other actions that aren't set on the listed base price can be negotiated. Talk to me to discuss what you want and whether or not it  can be done.

Army Size(BASE): 750, Armed.
The Contract: It is done in single use attacks or a term limit. Term Limit will be standard of 5 days, but can be negotiated for longer if need be. 

Termination of Contract: Contract is terminated upon standing defeat of said army, or objective is accomplished. If a general time contract is done, contract ends at end of term.

Publication: Mercenary Contracts WILL be made public. Only the Buyer will be shown, no other info is posted.

Contact: If you wish to Hire my army, contact me. I will show the inventory of my army upon a serious request to use the army.

Notes: Mercenary Armies do not affect any deals or trades that DL performs unless those deals are in active opposition to Contract. As contracts will be made public, that will be sufficient for warning. This contract does NOT have to be a military contract as I can adequately carry any large amount of goods that a faction may find uneasy or unwilling to carry. Good only for NA, sorry EU.

Addendum: If You wish to JUST contract the men and supply the gear yourself, the cost is significantly lower. Price per troop will be arranged based upon size of army wished.

(I hope I covered everything, if you have further questions, send me a PM or pop into astralis TS for personal chats.)

Strategus General Discussion / Papal Guard glitch abusing?
« on: October 03, 2012, 02:02:30 am »
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There's NO WAY they got 3k in population into a castle. THAT IS FUKING BULLSHIT.

Strategus Issues / .
« on: October 03, 2012, 02:01:35 am »
wrong section

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